Hey guys I kinna stress here now ... I have been offered Pharmacy from NUS and MAritime from NTU ... which one is the better choice?
Depend on your interest. But I feel that Pharmacy from NUS is a better one.
Hmm interest is e deciding factor. However, in this case, u'll need to also look at the prospects that both jobs can bring & compare em carefully to choose e suitable course.. Consider e opportunity costs too.
Both job are fairly specialised, so interest is very important - guess that's the general well advises so far.
For maritime, a ship broker need not be a uni grad to make it big. Thus, the culture can be fairly diversed. This is not an elitist statement - pls dun get me wrong; what I am trying to say is, when everything else is constant, communication, business style, leadership, management, etc.. are very crucial to a great working environment.
I have many frens who are doing very well in maritime....but sometimes they do complain of 'cowboy' mgr or mgr who lacks decent managerial skills - purely focus on sales sales sales.
That said, I'm not saying Pharm is all glossy and 'sophisticated'. It has its own share of crap peeps - they are everywhere for that matter. Just that so far I have not met an 'old school', 'Open- U' mgr in Pharm. So much for my twarted hasty sample survey.
Like everything else, as long as you are in the top echelon, you will be well rewarded. So, close your eyes, listen to your heart and do your best.
Good luck!