Greetings teachers
looks like O levels is coming and right now i am looking out for a GOOD teacher to teach me (english speaking)
i am max,17 (male)
currently doing O level as a private candinate with N level cert(dun like to study in gov sec school)
before i go on does anyone know/have any good tution teacher? if yes can u link me up with him/her
i prefer 1 on 1 teaching as i am dyslexia(almost cured but still have abit of problems)
refer to if u dun know what dyslexia is
i need help in
E-maths(need alot of help)(able to explain all types of question and problems)
science phyisc and chemistry(need alot of help)(able to explain all types of question and problems)
accountings(need some help only)(manageable on my own but prefer someone to teach me)
history and soical studies(manageable on my own but prefer someone to teach me)
English (i dun think anyone can really teach english as its base on self to learn)
for personal safety i am not posting my hp number
instead PLEASE contact by
and/or drop me an e-mail at [email protected]
to discuss pay and what subjects u can teach etc etc etc...
i admire peeps like u.
where you stay?
Originally posted by Hello Kitty:i admire peeps like u.
LKY also dyslectic leh
if ts earns as much as lky, i dun tink i wil admire him.
SORRY i forgot to add my home area
barley road near seragoon mrt
my place is somewhat easy to come as it have access to all mrt lines
red line:toa payoh interchange (take bus 28)(about 12-15mins ride)
purple line:seragoon station(10-15mins walk)
green line:paya lebar(take bus 28 heading towards toa payoh interchange about 10-15 mins ride)
circle line:barley station (7mins walk) (NOT OPEN ATM)
for my address please chat with me on msn or e-mail me at [email protected]
before you managed to hire any tuition teacher, feel free to post your questions and make use of this forum to help you in your Os
Good luck!
o yah 1 last thing
if u dun know where barley road is please go to
do zoom in on seragoon station and look
Note:its inbetween braddle road and Upper paya lebar road
btw eagle thx for that advice but i have just way too many question and dun wish to flood the forums =)
dun think of flooding the forums
There are many other O level candidates out here too. It would be good sometimes to engage everyone to think a bit. This way, everyone can improve
As a start, perhaps you can purchase the redspot tys to do and redo, and read and re-read the solutions.
I strongly believe in a question based approach to scoring in exams.
Originally posted by TehJarVu:
LKY also dyslectic leh
Since when?
Greetings, Max.
I had attempted to reach you at your provided email address but have received a bounced reply.
Could you kindly send me a correspondance at [email protected]
Thank you
i admire your courage! :D
endorsed by owner of homework forum, hiphop~
thank you teachers for the reply
I can help you with Sci(Chem) and POA. Feel free to post your questions here.
hey darkness
do u teach poa?
I can guide you if you have any problems.
Originally posted by eagle:dun think of flooding the forums
There are many other O level candidates out here too. It would be good sometimes to engage everyone to think a bit. This way, everyone can improve
u phrased wrgly le.
u shud say "dun tink of it as floodin...".
thank you to everyone who read my post and reply it and from all the offers you people make
u guys really made me feel the love of sg fourms people
i have finally found all my tution teachers to guide me for my path to O levels
THANK YOU , cheers