Hi, I'm only 13 years old now, and I have a stead already. Things go quite ok in the beginning...
Well, she's my classmate. We used to phone each other but often, we've nothing to talk about at all. So we just kept quiet throuhout the call.
That's very time consuming, and I don't really like it. For some reasons, or another, I've been lying to her and not talking on phone with her. I usually say that I'm not free or just say I'll call back later, but eventually, I won't.
That's when we both stop talking to each other. Maybe she's angry that I'm avoiding her? How can I tell her about I don't like calling?
Since it's school holiday now, I've thought of going out with her. And that's when the money part comes in. And again, going out can be money consuming too.
I'm not as old as some of you out there. As you may know, I don't really have that much money.
Well, after you all seeing that, you may think I'm a "stingy" guy? Hmmmz... I've no choice... Sobz~
Can anyone of you out there help me solve this problem? How can I carrying on this relationship with her without the "money" and "time" problem?
I really want to carry on this relationship. Please help me ASAP.
** P.S.: My english's not that powderful

, if possible, please tell me where I went wrong in this post.
[This message has been edited by sMiLey- (edited 25 November 2001).]