next.... u think if i try auction the �物 on ebay will get any bids?
wont have
so why bother?
Oh nose! How?
Btw Field Agent reporting for briefing.
hanor hanor
then u so kan cheong for wat?
*me stealthily sneaks out of the toilet window*
Originally posted by fudgester:*me stealthily sneaks out of the toilet window*
*grabs you by your undies just in time...
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:
Oh nose! How?
Btw Field Agent reporting for briefing.
u should be sacked
A virus was found in system bendz 32 of the ::Noiseology:: operating system.
so it has nth to do wif me rite?
Originally posted by laurence82:u should be sacked
Why? i MC la dey. So its excusable.
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:
Why? i MC la dey. So its excusable.
take too many sick leave
s3xk s3xk s3xk
i was responsible for the security breach
ah lau may proceed to spank me if he wishes to
i infiltrated ah lau
afaik, the suspect has not appeared in this thread
Originally posted by thehappybunny:i infiltrated ah lau
oh bunny wunny
How come got breach again?? tsk?
Wad are the security guards doing.
it was done openly under my nose
but i will dig out the person who stole our files on our secret communication system
yawns...any updates on security breach??
err, sun nu er, tot u in charge of security one?