yeah, ready, go...
sliced it, mix it in a salad with lettuce, mango, roast duck, cheese and grapes. and lashing of salad dressing.
eat it. and say that the mango taste better
you're only pandering to his fetish
Originally posted by skid:
the nightmare of every vegan on earth
Originally posted by skid:
awww.. laurence looks so much prettier after his makeover
i am pandering to everyone's fetish
they wanna abuse meeeee
Originally posted by laurence82:actually
i am pandering to everyone's fetish
they wanna abuse meeeee
is this what they call a "win-win" situation?
Sounds sick
Originally posted by the Bear:
awww.. laurence looks so much prettier after his makeover
poor lau...imagine the 'before' pic
Once i dreamt that i threw him down 17 floors
Well done everyone! We
are doing fine! Keep the replies coming in!
banana shake anyone?
Originally posted by martin_lim85:banana shake anyone?
banana shake not good...
banana split la..
is that you all can muster?
Originally posted by club18:
banana shake not good...banana split la..
hmmm ya thats better