Alright, I will have to take a small break again because of my exam this coming I have another big project due around 2 hours before the this weekend is going to be super busy for me

So as usual, please do continue to post your requests here if you have any and I will send you the password so that you can retrieve those songs once I am back. I should be back around Tuesday morning (Tuesday night in Spore).
And a word to those who have been cross-posting here, just to let you know that you are annoying the hell out of me and please do stop littering this forum with post that has no connection watsoever with what we are doing. Pls do not waste your time posting them as your post will either get edited or deleted, based on its content. We welcome sincere contributors, not people who are only interested in being troublemakers. I have said enough, if you post more of those, we will just ignore them.
Just finished my exam around an hour ago, it was a tough one, yours truly really dunno how she will fare in this one

Hope it will be alright...but now I am suffering from extreme lack of sleep. So think I will take a few hours of nap before resuming my duty here

Btw, just noticed that the forum activity rating went up to nearly 5, thanks to everyone for the support! Keep hanging around and let me know songs you are looking for, I will try my best to help to find them!
