Got this link from one of my friends, it will agar-agar calculate when you will die and die of what cause. This is not a trick that when you answer question and you will scared with a horror pic. It is maybe just for your info and knowledge purposes, so answer truely to get a more accurate reading. For myself, my death age is 74.4 years old and died of cancer. Post your death age and cause here, let's see who is the oldest to die and youngest to pass away. and age highest to lowest
sh|t______________- 86 yrs old
skid______________- 83.7 yrs old
kohanson_________- 82 yrs old
HENG@___________- 81.2 yrs old
[ACE]____________- 81 yrs old
pipi & poot-poot___- 80.8 yrs old
kop21____________- 80.4 yrs old
care bear_________- 80.3 yrs old
Danisdead101times_- 78 yrs old
F.O.S____________- 78 years old
Cyrolind__________- 75.3 yrs old
sLeEpWaLkErInG___- 74.4 yrs old

Donald Trump_____- 68 yrs old

tort i was the worse
EvilDead_________- 65 yrs old
Most common death is cancer. What a painful death, provided you dun die in accidents.