(Ven. Zuri Rinpoche will conduct the teaching in Mandarin)
We are pleased to inform you that Venerable Zuri Rinpoche will be in Singapore on 25/12/2013 officiating the opening ceremony of Kilaya Centre setup in Singapore to propagate the precious teachings of the Karma Kagyu lineage and buddhism as a whole. And Venerable Zuri Rinpoche will give dharma teaching on the prayers to Shakyamuni Buddha and the Sixteen Arhats.
Date / Time: 25 Dec 2013 (Wednesday) | 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Venue: Kilaya Centre, 230A South Bridge Road, 2nd Storey (Alight at Chinatown MRT Station)
( Take exit A and walk straight till the main road. Turn left 1st shop house, 2nd floor. )
Organized by: Kilaya Centre
For enquiries, pls email to
All are welcome to come & receive this precious nectar of dharma from Venerable Zuri Rinpoche.
About Prayers to Shakyamuni Buddha and the Sixteen Arhats
Ven Zuri Rinpoche will be teaching on the prayers to Sakyamuni Buddha & 16 Arhats. Before Lord Buddha Sakyamuni entered in parinirvana, he has requested the 16 Arhats to continue to shower their compassion and protection upon sentient beings in samsara and ask them not to pass into Nirvana. We praise the Arhats and pray that they bless our glorious gurus with long lives and ask for their help so that the Buddhadharma may flourish everywhere.
The main significance for this practice will receive great blessing from our kind compassionate Guru Shakyamuni Buddha and the great Arhats. The benefits of making offerings and prayers to the Sixteen Arhats are:
1. All the ten directions and three times victorious ones (Buddhas) are pleased.
2. Request ever flourishing of the Buddhadharma.
3. Prevent dispute or obscuration on the path of practicing the Buddhadharma .
4. It increases one's scriptural understanding and realization.
5. Abide in the practice of pure morality.
6. One will not be overwhelmed by untimely death and will have a long life.
7. One will have perfect inner and outer conditions to practice Dharma.
8. Anyone who correctly practices it will have no obstacles.
(To view more about Ven. Zuri Rinpoche, pls visit)
The 1st Zuri Rinpoche was the root lama of Chöying Dorje, the 10th Karmapa. The 1st Zuri Rinpoche was originally based in Tsurphu Monastery of the Tibet . Located near Lhasa , it has been the main seat of the Karma Kagyu Lineage and residence of the successive incarnations of the Gyalwang Karmapas. The 1st Zuri Rinpoche later went to Qinghai in his lifetime. Following the Karmapa's wishes and due to karmic connections, he settled there and stayed in Thrangu Monastery until his seventh incarnation
In each of his past lives, Zuri Rinpoche was renowned for his practice of Vajrakilaya. The 7th Zuri Rinpoche, for example, had attained enlightenment by reciting the Vajrakilaya mantra 1,300 million times in his small retreat hut overhanging the cliff of the Princess WenCheng Temple in Qinghai . This is still recounted by his then disciples and the elderly monks there by this day. The 7th Zuri Rinpoche passed away in Bhutan , thus created the origination of his next incarnation in this Himalayan kingdom.
The present Venerable 8th Zuri Rinpoche was born in Bhutan and was recognized by H.H. 16th Karmapa at two months old as a reincarnation of Bakula Arhat - one of the Sixteen Arhats (direct disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha who had tremendous spiritual realizations). At two, H.E. presided over his enthronement ceremony in Bhutan in the presence of the Karmapa's four heart sons and many renowned Rinpoches. He was bestowed the Dharma name Karma Migyur Tenpel Gyalshen Jigme Gocha.
At a young age, Rinpoche entered Rumtek Monastery, the Karmapa's seat in Sikkim , India , to receive intensive traditional Buddhist education. He studied at the Karma Shri Nalanda Institute and performed brilliantly under the guidance of the Karmapa. He then proceeded to Nepal to further his studies in learning the three yanas, the five major treatises and the four tantras in the Namo Buddha Institute. Also, he studied extensively in India and Bhutan.
He had also received empowerments and teachings of various lineages such as from the Kagyu masters the Very Venerable 9th Thrangu Rinpoche, the 1st Kalu Rinpoche, and the Nyingma master Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and among others. Rinpoche started the spreading of dharma in 1993. He traveled to and from Bhutan , India , Nepal , mainland China , Hong Kong , Taiwan and Singapore , in setting up Buddhist centers, giving teachings, conducting pujas, holding retreats and animal protection activities.
The present 8th Zuri Rinpoche is a qualified lineage teacher and a great reincarnated master and is highly commended by H.H. the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje. The 8th Zuri Rinpoche has carried on the powerful tradition of Vajrakilaya practice and Tsog offerings unceasingly for the benefit of sentient beings.
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尊贵的殊利ä»�波切将在2013å¹´12月25æ—¥èŽ…ä¸´æ–°åŠ å�¡ä¸ºæ–°æˆ�ç«‹KILAYAä¸å¿ƒäº²ä¸´ä¸»æŒ�开幕仪å¼�. æ„¿å™¶çŽ›å™¶ä¸¾æ´¾çš„ä¼ æ‰¿æ•™å¯¼ä»Žç»�教的讲授和实修两方é�¢ï¼Œä»¤èƒœè€…çš„ç��贵法教得以弘扬,並且æº�è¿œæµ�ä¼ ä¸ºå®—æ—¨ã€‚ä»�波切也于当天教授礼赞释迦牟尼佛å�Šç¤¼æ•¬ä¾›è¯·å��å…阿罗汉护教仪轨。
日期 / 时间: 2013年12月25日 (星期三) | 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
地点: Kilaya Centre, 230A�桥路(二楼), (�于牛车水地�站)
(由出å�£â€�Aâ€� 出來å�Žä¸€ç›´æ¥è¡Œåˆ°è¡—头,å�‘左第一间店屋二楼)
主办��: Kilaya Centre
「佛行å��二谊赞ã€�æ˜¯ç”±é¾™æ ‘è�©è�¨æ’°å†™ä¾†æ†¶å¿µä½›é™€ç§�ç§�清净德行。æ¤éƒ¨ä»½ç”±ä¸¤ä¸ªèµžé¢‚所构æˆ�ï¼Œåˆ†åˆ¥ç”±é¾™æ ‘è�©è�¨ä¸Žé˜¿åº•å³½å°Šè€…所作。赞颂释迦牟尼佛æˆ�佛的å��äºŒä¸ªè¿‡ç¨‹ï¼Œä½¿äººæ·±ä¿¡ä½›é™€èƒ½å¤ å¸¦é¢†ä¼—ç”Ÿè„±ç¦»è½®è¿´ä¹‹è‹¦ã€�è¯�悟涅槃。感念佛陀的æ�©å¾·ï¼Œä¾›å…»ä½›é™€ï¼Œèƒ½å¼•å�‘我们的æ„�å¿—å�‘上。由仰慕佛陀的净智庄严,激励自己精进修å¦ä½›æ³•ï¼Œç¦»åž¢æ¸…净,愿将來能è¯�得佛陀的智德庄严。
「礼敬供请å��å…阿罗汉赞文ã€�æ�®ã€Šæ³•ä½�记》所载,å��å…尊罗汉承佛敕命,永ä½�世间守护æ£æ³•ã€‚佛陀临涅槃时,嘱å’�å��å…大阿罗汉,自延寿é‡�,常ä½�世间,游化说法,éš�缘教化度众,作众生ç¦�。世尊曾告诉å��å…罗汉,在彌勒佛出世之å‰�,他们应當è¦�护æŒ�佛法。现在,我们也祈愿å��å…罗汉与他们的眷众å�¯ä»¥æŠ¤æŒ�佛法与众生,而é€�è¿‡ä»–ä»¬çš„åŠ æŒ�ï¼Œä¹Ÿèƒ½å¤ ä»¤åƒ§ä¼—å’Œå�ˆã€‚å��å…罗汉为了利益众,曾在å�°åº¦ã€�西è—�与汉地ç‰ä¸�å�Œåœ°åŸŸï¼Œå±•çŽ°å‡ºä¸�å�Œçš„相貌。
How to get there 乘车资讯:
By MRT 地�: Alight at Chinatown MRT Station, take exit A.
Walk straight until you reach main road. Turn left 1st shop house, 2nd floor.
请在牛车水地é“�站下站, 由出å�£â€�Aâ€� 出來å�Žä¸€ç›´æ¥è¡Œåˆ°è¡—头,å�‘左第一间店屋二楼.,
æ¤æ¬¡æ®Šèƒœæ³•ç¼˜, 诚邀å�„ä½�è�©è�¨å¤§å¾³è¸Šè·ƒå‡ºå¸, 共沾法益。
ç¥�愿法会所积之功德, æˆ�为一切有情è¯�æ‚Ÿä¹‹å› ã€‚
Have an auspicious connection with Venerable 8th Zuri Rinpoche.
Please feel free to come and participate the dharma events.
Thank you for your kind attention to the above activity and we look forward to seeing you. All are invited for the events. No invitation is required.
May all merits of this puja be the cause for all sentient beings to attain the ultimate state of Enlightenment.