Originally posted by Steaks:So your friends or you are now into which faith?What made them or you leave the church?I heard from some others that you can worship Taoist deities and eg Guan Yin together in your house.I also saw my cousin doing the same thing as well in his house.
Hi yea we left because of funny rules in the church (like no BGRs, no short skirts etc) and also because of the bible. Can't agree with the bible. Oh most of us are agnostics or irreligious now.
@ Steaks -There is a distinction between Taoism and Buddhism. Buddhism was established earlier in India whilst Taoism originated from China. Even in Buddhism, there are many sects with different beliefs, traditions and practices (i.e. Zen Buddhism, Shinto, Theravada, Mahayana, and Tibetan Buddhism). Although Buddhism have split into schools and sects, but the different sects of Buddhism have never gone to war with each other and have developed tolerance and understanding that they can practice and worship together. So, you need to find the one that fits your lifestyle.
Regarding Buddhism, all of the many teachings of the Buddha centre on the Four Noble Truths. They are called “Noble” because they ennoble one who understands them. And they are called “Truths”, because, corresponding with reality, they are true. There are plenty of materials that you can find on the internet about the Four Noble Truths.
As the Buddha says:
‘No one saves us but ourselves,
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path,
But Buddhas clearly show the way.’
Once there was a man called Upali who was impressed by the Buddha’s teachings and decided to become one of his disciples. But the Buddha said to him:
‘Make a proper investigation first Upali. Proper investigation is good for a well-known person like yourself.’
@ Steaks – In Buddhism, understanding is very important and understanding takes time. It is the end product of a process, so do not impulsively rush into Buddhism. Take your time, ask questions, consider carefully and then make your decision. The Buddha was not interested in having large number of disciples. He was concerned that people should follow the teachings as a result of a careful investigation and consideration of facts.
If after careful consideration, you find that the Buddha’s teachings are acceptable, it would be good to join a good Buddhist group and continue to learn more about the Buddha’s teachings. Then, when you are ready, you would formally become a Buddhist by taking the Three Refuges.
There are four aspects to going for refuge:
1. By knowing the good qualities
2. By knowing the distinctions
3. Through commitment
4. By refusing to acknowledge other refuges
Going for refuge requires recalling the good qualities of the refuge (i.e. the good qualities of the Buddha’s body, speech, mind and enlightened activities).
Going for refuge by knowing the distinctions among the three jewels (i.e. The Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha community, each with its defining characteristics) leading to the path of enlightenment.
Going for refuge through commitment means upholding the Buddha as the teacher of refuge, the teachings – nirvana – as the actual refuge, and the community as those who assist us to attain refuge.
Going for refuge by refusing to acknowledge other refuges means first of all understanding the differences in worth between Buddhist and non-Buddhist teachers, teachings, and disciples, for then you will uphold only the three jewels as your refuge, and refuse teachers, teachings and disciples that do not accord with them.
My advice to beginners is to first, study and then analyse the Buddha’s teachings. Always adopt the middle way rather than rush to practice without actual knowledge and full understanding. To begin, we need to hear the Dharma, listen and reflect. Then, develop your meditation abilities to help you explore the truth for yourself and not take on any teachings unexamined. Wisdom is achieved once you are able to merge what you have learned with your life’s experiences. And may you then, develop clear faith in the Buddha’s teachings.
@ Steaks, regarding altars – There are numerous types of altars based on different cultures, religions and personal taste. It is good if you sincerely wish to have an altar set-up to make offerings as well as a reminder for practice, or another mean of accumulation (for the more advanced practitioner). You should join a good Buddhist group where you can seek more advice on how to set-up a proper altar and what it means to have one rather than just collect any statues “off-the-shelf”.
In Buddhism, the altar is where you place your holy objects, pictures and texts which inspire your mind and inform your practice. A proper Buddhist altar holds symbols of enlightened body, speech and mind, traditionally represented by displaying a statue or a photo of Buddha Shakyamuni, a scripture and a stupa. At the very least, the altar should hold an image of Buddha Shakyamuni, the founder and source of the teachings in our time. The objects on the altar also represent the Three Jewels of Refuge.
If there is only a statue of Buddha Shakyamuni, think that it represents all Three Jewels. If there is also a scripture and a stupa, think that the stupa represents the Buddha, the scripture represents the Dharma, and the image of the Buddha represents the Sangha.
It is important to keep in mind that the objects on the altar serve as a means for directing one’s mind to the Buddha’s enlightened qualities, which one aspires to emulate for others’ benefit. The reason for setting up an altar is not for fame, for showing-off, or to increase pride, but rather it is to reduce one’s mental afflictions and to seek the ability to help all sentient beings.
u can convert to anything....but do not deceive and convert your true self to a fake
Originally posted by Emaho:_/|\_
@ Steaks -There is a distinction between Taoism and Buddhism. Buddhism was established earlier in India whilst Taoism originated from China. Even in Buddhism, there are many sects with different beliefs, traditions and practices (i.e. Zen Buddhism, Shinto, Theravada, Mahayana, and Tibetan Buddhism). Although Buddhism have split into schools and sects, but the different sects of Buddhism have never gone to war with each other and have developed tolerance and understanding that they can practice and worship together. So, you need to find the one that fits your lifestyle.
Regarding Buddhism, all of the many teachings of the Buddha centre on the Four Noble Truths. They are called “Noble” because they ennoble one who understands them. And they are called “Truths”, because, corresponding with reality, they are true. There are plenty of materials that you can find on the internet about the Four Noble Truths.
As the Buddha says:
‘No one saves us but ourselves,
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path,
But Buddhas clearly show the way.’
Once there was a man called Upali who was impressed by the Buddha’s teachings and decided to become one of his disciples. But the Buddha said to him:
‘Make a proper investigation first Upali. Proper investigation is good for a well-known person like yourself.’
@ Steaks – In Buddhism, understanding is very important and understanding takes time. It is the end product of a process, so do not impulsively rush into Buddhism. Take your time, ask questions, consider carefully and then make your decision. The Buddha was not interested in having large number of disciples. He was concerned that people should follow the teachings as a result of a careful investigation and consideration of facts.
If after careful consideration, you find that the Buddha’s teachings are acceptable, it would be good to join a good Buddhist group and continue to learn more about the Buddha’s teachings. Then, when you are ready, you would formally become a Buddhist by taking the Three Refuges.
There are four aspects to going for refuge:
1. By knowing the good qualities
2. By knowing the distinctions
3. Through commitment
4. By refusing to acknowledge other refuges
Going for refuge requires recalling the good qualities of the refuge (i.e. the good qualities of the Buddha’s body, speech, mind and enlightened activities).
Going for refuge by knowing the distinctions among the three jewels (i.e. The Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha community, each with its defining characteristics) leading to the path of enlightenment.
Going for refuge through commitment means upholding the Buddha as the teacher of refuge, the teachings – nirvana – as the actual refuge, and the community as those who assist us to attain refuge.
Going for refuge by refusing to acknowledge other refuges means first of all understanding the differences in worth between Buddhist and non-Buddhist teachers, teachings, and disciples, for then you will uphold only the three jewels as your refuge, and refuse teachers, teachings and disciples that do not accord with them.
My advice to beginners is to first, study and then analyse the Buddha’s teachings. Always adopt the middle way rather than rush to practice without actual knowledge and full understanding. To begin, we need to hear the Dharma, listen and reflect. Then, develop your meditation abilities to help you explore the truth for yourself and not take on any teachings unexamined. Wisdom is achieved once you are able to merge what you have learned with your life’s experiences. And may you then, develop clear faith in the Buddha’s teachings.
Awesome! - all sects work on the same 4 noble truth, in which, there is 4 noble truth of human realm, there is 4 noble truth of heavenly realm, there is 4 noble truth of stream enterer realm, arahat realm, bodhisavatta realm and buddha realm. It's emptiness and varied according to individual grade of conditioned mind subjected to its own blessing and wisdom, and importantly the conditioning factor from their teacher as well.
It is in the best of one interest to study in the Buddhist institution / monastery that offered structured courses, enjoying both blessing and wisdom - human life is short but blessing and wisdom are eternally blissful. One needs not have to convert but can learn from Buddhism that actually open its door to understand all tenets in other religions and its sects.
As the chinese wisdom adage and the beauty of chinese language goes like this:
「煮豆燃豆è��,豆在釜ä¸æ³£ï¼›æœ¬æ˜¯å�Œæ ¹ç”Ÿï¼Œ 相煎何太急。ã€�
I visited a temple in Clementi area today...But it is stated as a Buddhist temple on the street directory but when I was there,I saw some Taoist gods there instead of a usual Buddhist temple.The name of the temple is Wu Tai Shan Buddhist Temple.Anybody care to enlighten me on this?
Originally posted by Steaks:I visited a temple in Clementi area today...But it is stated as a Buddhist temple on the street directory but when I was there,I saw some Taoist gods there instead of a usual Buddhist temple.The name of the temple is Wu Tai Shan Buddhist Temple.Anybody care to enlighten me on this?
not to see the name. but see the function. if they still do worshiping for self benefits, then it's not right.
to borrow from Tao De Jing of LaoZi, “å��å�¯å��,é�žå¸¸å��。” haha...
though, in chinese Buddhism, it's ok for an ex-worshiper to bring/请 their "gods" to the Buddhist Monastery, but seat a step below the Buddha, so that they too can be liberated by the Buddha's teaching. not because when one is converted they have to destroy the gods statues.
I think buddhism is not only a religion...but a way of life too....
As for Taoism, I dunno much...but from my observation, they love to burn alot of things....to the deceased or to their deities....on deities birthdays, you'll find the temples all crowded with believers....
I remember a few months ago,I visited a Buddhist temple with a female friend who was studying in ITE to pray .She came with me after her classes and I noticed that the uniform she was wearing was those white long sleeve button blouses with black skirt.As we went into the temple to kneel down and offer incense before the Buddha and many hands Guan Yin and do some mediating,I noticed that the first button near her chest level was unbuttoned and the nuns there were not very comfortable about it.I told her afterwards that her dress attire was wrong and it was not respectful.She told me that she was okay with it since she saw other females who wear office wear like her also dress like that.How should I convince my friend not to do it again since she is a Buddhist?I keep telling her since it is disrespectful and she might get punished by the guardians in the temple but she just brushes it off as something minor.Any advice from here?I mean like etiquette in temples.
I am ready to take the 3 Refuges...How do I go about doing it and what do I have to do?How is the process like?Any Buddhists here can help me?
Originally posted by Steaks:I remember a few months ago,I visited a Buddhist temple with a female friend who was studying in ITE to pray .She came with me after her classes and I noticed that the uniform she was wearing was those white long sleeve button blouses with black skirt.As we went into the temple to kneel down and offer incense before the Buddha and many hands Guan Yin and do some mediating,I noticed that the first button near her chest level was unbuttoned and the nuns there were not very comfortable about it.I told her afterwards that her dress attire was wrong and it was not respectful.She told me that she was okay with it since she saw other females who wear office wear like her also dress like that.How should I convince my friend not to do it again since she is a Buddhist?I keep telling her since it is disrespectful and she might get punished by the guardians in the temple but she just brushes it off as something minor.Any advice from here?I mean like etiquette in temples.
I am ready to take the 3 Refuges...How do I go about doing it and what do I have to do?How is the process like?Any Buddhists here can help me?
My advice is have you read and understand the meaning of taking the 3 refuge?
Sometimes ceremony will include taking the 5 precept also, so are you ready to take the 5 precept also? if not please check before taking the ceremony does it include the 5 precept or just the 3 refuge.
For me and my linege, next seek out the particular master that you have "yuan" as taking refuge automatically develop the Guru disciple relationship..
Then request from the master to take refuge under him, some big organisation you need to register with them and the next refuge taking ceremony you need to attend.
Originally posted by Steaks:So how about any advice about the incident on my friend’s attire?I read on this forum that there are guardians in the temple to protect it and I don’t want to see anything happen to my friend or see her get punished by the gods for her disrespectful behaviour.
you went to a buddhist temple, am i right?
Nothing will happen to your friend, to me is a form of respect and more of a cultural thing.
Is how you behave and your mind is more important...
To me, you can dress like a slut, but you have an ultimate wish that all sentient being gain elightenment, is far much better then you cover up 100% but secretly wishing harm on orders.....
But of course doesnt means i can accept wearing a bikini to a temple
Hi Steaks, there are so many different forms of buddhism and schools, how do you decide which one will suits u best ?
Originally posted by Steaks:Yeah,thanks…Cos she started having weird dreams after that visit to the temple.I think she dreamt that a huge person told her that she would be punished for her disrespectful attire.So she went to see a medium after she knocked off from her classes.Have not heard frm her about the outcome yet.
I think she being sensitive.. I also think with just 1 button unbutton, is not being disrespectful...
Originally posted by Steaks:How I decide?I decide based on my experiences of talking to other Buddhists esp with those veterans.I and my female friend went for Mahayana Buddhism.
Oh,yes...I asked my friend that what she dreamt of after that visit to the temple and she told me that she has recurring dreams of a lady dressed in a white robe with 2children and she looked quite angry at what my friend has done.She will tell me later what the medium had said during her session with her.My friend said that the medium told her the lady she saw was Guan Yin and as a penance for her sin,she had to be her disciple and be a vegetarian from now on.
Hi being Kayboh here, below is the commitment in taking refuge
What Is To Be Avoided
1. Having taken refuge in the Buddha, one should not take refuge
from the depths of one’s heart in worldly gods, such as Brahma and
so on, and one should not prostrate to such objects. One should
not entrust oneself from the depths of one’s heart to non-virtuous
friends or teachers of non-Buddhist teachings that have no supporting
2. Having taken refuge in the Dharma, one should avoid harming any
being, either directly by oneself, or indirectly by making others do it.
3. Having taken refuge in the Sangha, one should avoid entrusting
oneself to and keeping company with negative friends and followers
of hedonism.
What Is To Be Practiced
1. Having taken refuge in the Buddha, with a mind of respect toward
those gone to bliss (the buddhas), one should regard even statues as
being actual buddhas and should prostrate and pay respect to them.
One should avoid showing disrespect to them by, for example,
placing them on the bare ground, judging them according to their
material value, or discriminating between them, saying that some
are good and others bad.
2. Having taken refuge in the Dharma, one should pay homage and
respect by generating the recognition of all scriptural texts, or even
just one syllable of the teachings, as being the actual rare sublime
One should avoid placing texts on the bare ground, regarding them
as material objects, using them as security for a loan, or carrying
them together with one’s shoes.
3. Having taken refuge in the Sangha, one should regard even one
member of the Sangha as being the actual Sangha.
One should avoid discriminating within the Sangha community
but should have equal respect for all.
One should train well in all the advice concerning what is to be
practiced, such as not even stepping over pieces of monastic robe or
throwing them in dirty places, but instead placing them in clean
Originally posted by "newbie":
you went to a buddhist temple, am i right?Nothing will happen to your friend, to me is a form of respect and more of a cultural thing.
Is how you behave and your mind is more important...
To me, you can dress like a slut, but you have an ultimate wish that all sentient being gain elightenment, is far much better then you cover up 100% but secretly wishing harm on orders.....
But of course doesnt means i can accept wearing a bikini to a temple
Hi, Steaks
Your friend's problem with those deities could be spiritual or just her guilty conscience of her attire that cause it.
Mediums? There are many mediums around. Went to consult many of them myself and found out that they are all not effective. One even told me off I did not give donation. I did but he did not see it. Money minded!
Also recently I learn that not all temples are clean as in there are both yang temples and ying temples for taoism. If one's luck is down and happen to be in a yin temple he or she may invite problems. In yin temples there are unclean spirits around.
Best is now that you and her are attending dharma class, consult your dharma teacher or go to the buddhist temple for help instead of consulting mediums. I believe buddhism can provide help to solve her problems. Put all your hearts practising buddhism, do away with taoism. If not , it is going to cause confusion.