July 2011, Sichuan Province, Baiyu County, the founder of Yachen Gar, a
great exponent of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection teaching, HH Lama
Achuk Rinpoche (HH Jamyang Lungdok Gyalsen) enters into paranirvana
(1927 – 2011).
30 July 2011, Yachen Gar formally announced to the news of HH Lama Achuk Rinpoche’s
passing into paranirvana to the outside world. Devotees from all parts
of the world were allowed to view the body of Lama Achuk and pay their
final respect to a great master. All sangha members from Yachen Gar
gathered to recite sutra for a period of 49 days.
August 2011, the cremation ceremony of Lama Achuk commenced. The body
of Lama Achuk shrunk from a height of 1.8 meters to about 1 inch tall, a
sign of achieving the rainbow body. From time of Lama Achuk’s
paranirvana to the cremation, many auspicious signs appear, five colored
rainbows are often sighted in the sky and the area surrounding Lama
Achuk’s body often appears five colored pure lights bindu. More than
100,000 sangha members and lay devotees attended the puja and paid
respect to the sacred body of Lama Achuk, it was a spectacular sight to
Lama Achuk was born in 1927 in Trom,
Eastern Tibet as foretold by Guru Rinpoche. Since a tender age of 24,
he served Tulku Arik Rinpoche for 43 years. He learned and mastered the
realizations of the Great Perfection-Dzogchen. Since then, following
his Guru’s instructions and to benefit more sentient beings, he
established Yachen Gar in 1983, an encampment of thousands of monks,
nuns and lay practitioners. At age of 84, he entered into paranirvana
and achieved the rainbow body, a great inspiration to disciples to
persevere in their practice of the Great Perfection teachings.
After Lama Achuk went into paranirvana, every devotees who came forward to pay their respect made the following aspirations, i.e. not to steal, not to consume intoxicant, not to drink alcoholic drinks, not to engage in the trading of live stocks and to continue to recite 108 times of Om Ahmi Dewa Hrih mantra (Amitabha Mantra) and Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hung mantra (Chenrezig Mantra) daily. Most of them are lay devotees with their wavering faith in Lama Achuk made these aspirations a part of their lives. Every devotee who returns to wherever they come from will carry with them this whiff of pure loving kindness to wherever they go. This whiff of pure loving kindness will flow to every city, town, and country. This is the power and strength of a highly realized being.
there are many monks and nuns who made aspiration in front of Lama
Achuk to enter into 3 years or 5 years retreats, and some even resolved
to do retreat forever. They truly actualized Lama Achuk’s teachings,
understood the true nature of their mind and realized the equal state of
realizations as that of Lama Achuk.
“Whichever pureland that Guru goes, we shall be there too”. – Lama Ahchuk’s last sentences.
Lama Achuk’s final teachings to all disciples is to stay united harmoniously, to keep pure precepts, and not to forget our meditation practice. Whichever pureland that Lama Achuk goes, we will be there too. Lama Achuk said before that anyone who complete the practice of 1,000,000 times of Amitabha Mantra will definitely go to the pure land of Dewachen.”
is all like a dream, I am in the dream and have no wish to be awaken.”
Lama Achuk’s heart son, Yachenlama (Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche) said
yachenlama Rinpoche said this in a class: “Since Lama Achuk Rinpoche’s paranirvana, everything is like a dream, it is as if Lama Achuk has never left us, the times that we spent with Lama Achuk came to my mind, just like he was right here beside us. Everytime, after the class, I feels like wanted to talk to Lama Achuk as usual. Only upon walking to his little house, staring at his sacred body that it dawn on me that he has left, the Lama Achuk that appears in my dream just dissolved into my dream….” “It was a very painful period for me, this is my attachment to Guru, but that is not just attachment, I recall the benevolence that Guru showed me, and from this point of view, it cannot be expressed in any words or language, I can only use my live to repay the kindness of a Buddha.”
Rinpoche was in deep sadness, he still continuously gave blessings to
all devotees who came to pay respect to Lama Achuk’s sacred body, and
continuously gave teachings to new devotees. Continue to propagate the
precious Great Perfection teachings which Lama Achuk left for us. May
the Great Perfection teachings spread far and wide.
“My dear children, you must drink yogurt, joyfully play, you must be happy!” Lama Rinpoche said this to us during the Vajra Dance Puja, Lama laughed heartily after saying this. Lama Rinpoche was always so happy.
“I miss Lama Rinpoche, Lama Rinpoche is always so jovial when giving teachings. He sometimes would tell us jokes. When I called my brother also an ordained person, telling him what Lama Rinpoche taught, he would say I have very good merits to be able to listen to such profound teachings. Come summer, Lama Rinpoche would stay on the grassland for a month, giving teachings to us every morning, and that was my happiest moment. The saddest thing was not practicing well when Lama Rinpoche was around, I did not treasure then.” The A Tibetan nun said with tears in her eyes.
is only one of the many nuns, every nun are filled with sadness after
Lama Rinpoche passed into paranirvana, they would always cry together
after reciting the sutra, and never feel tired when queuing to see
Lama’s body, they would wake up at 3, 4 am and start queuing, the queue
was always very long, the queue starts from one side of the river bank
to the other. Regardless of blazing sun or heavy rain, they would queue
silently, reciting Lama Rinpoche’s name. And in front of Lama
Rinpoche’s body, they would diligently complete one seating of the Guru
Yoga’s practice, and refused to leave even after that, chanting “Tsa Wei
Lama Rinpoche”, “Tsa Wei Lama Rinpoche” (My Root Guru in Tibetan) until
they were asked to leave. After leaving the grounds of Lama Rinpoche,
some nun continued to do full prostration at the foyer where Lama’s
picture was, a few aged nuns, though their knees are weak, would pause a
while and continue to do the full prostration, they silently pray for
Lama Rinpoche to return swiftly to benefit limitless sentient beings.
queue tomorrow, it is already passed nine.” A 19 years old
granddaughter said this to her 77 years old granny. They travelled many
hours in car to reach Yachen Gar, it was already 6-7 pm when they
arrived. After alighting from the car, they did not rest but joined the
queue, until passed 10 pm, they finally managed to pay respect to Lama
Rinpoche’s body. The old granny moved unsteadily with a khatag in her
hands, presented her most precious offerings, tears filled her face.
This is the older Tibetan’s faith and devotion to Lama Achuk, unable to
express in any words and language. Late in the night, when back to
their dwelling place, the granddaughter was worried that the old granny
would catch a cold and gently covered the old granny with blanket, and
prepare meal for the granny. The old granny seldom chit chats during
her free time, always holding her white rosary, doing silent recitation
of mantras. Before going to bed, granny was not in a comfortable
posture, the granddaughter thought granny wants to rest and help granny
took off her jacket, not knowing that granny was trying to do some
prostration to Lama Achuk, a difficult gesture for the old granny that
was filled with such deep faith and devotion. Early morning at 4am, the
granny continued to join the queue to see Lama Rinpoche, after that,
she returned to her hometown in the afternoon car.
is a short story of a devoted Tibetan. They came from afar just to be
able to see Lama Rinpoche, their unwavering faith and respect despite
having very little, often a stale biscuit and a bottle of mineral water
to fill the stomach, but so pure and devoted is their heart.
“Quick! Wake up!, Lama Rinpoche, on the moon!” a nun was nudging her sister who was beside her at 12 midnight to wake up. They climbed up to the rooftop, faced the moon and recited: “Lama Rinpoche, Lama Rinpoche, Lama Rinpoche!”
Many nuns and monks believed that Lama Rinpoche had manifested on the sun, moon, in the sky above. The time after Lama Rinpoche entered paranirvana till cremation, many miraculous signs appear in the sky such as rainbow, clouds, colored bindu, etc.
example, on a clear sky, with no rain and just a few clusters of cloud,
a rainbow arch appeared in the sky, with very definitive five colors
for a period of ten over minutes. This phenomenon happened for about
4-5 times. These were the sign of Lama Achuk’s achievement and
demonstration of prefect rainbow body. It is one of the largest even in
Yachen Gar, as well as in recent Buddhist history!