Originally posted by OCEANOS:Reality is harsh. Human Nature are "Flawed". Weak ones will never survive. Nonetheless it's nice to share such lovely stories, very inspiring.
Blessed Be, Oceanos
yar....i've thought of that too,but to live your whole life in this world at a 'disadvantage' all the time in hope that the afterlife will take care of things, is quite a decision to make.
I will learn not to expect anything in return when you kind or helpful to someone.
Originally posted by Loor:yar....i've thought of that too,but to live your whole life in this world at a 'disadvantage' all the time in hope that the afterlife will take care of things, is quite a decision to make.
It's a misconception that the spiritual path has to be one of great suffering and the need to bear great injustices.
Let's not forget that there is also the concept of merit. I read a book by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche recently, and in it he said that every little bit of kindness we extend - be it lending a helping hand to someone having a bad day or giving a smile to a neighbour - will avail to us better circumstances and opportunities. He experienced it himself.
I mean this as a half-joke, but... "If one doesn't take care of the afterlife now, the afterlife will take care of you." Personally, I don't want to end up in a hell or as a hungry ghost or an animal of labour. I'd rather make the decision now. Like one fellow forummer previously commented, the stakes are too high.
Originally posted by Weychin:Nature is harsh, that's right! That's why we humans form groups, communities, civilisations to overcome the cruelness of nature! Human nature is flawed because we are still grasping and clawing about! The strong within the community take cares of the weak, until they are strong enough to take care of themselves, later, others. Just as your parents, relatives, community takes care of you, the same you will take care of your offspring and seek help from your parents, relatives.community until the dissolution of your community !
What i meant is "Reality is harsh", Reality is define as the world or the state of things as they actually exist, a thing that is actually experienced or seen. It has nothing to do with Nature.
Human Nature is flawed that ia why we "Human" exist in this Mundane Plane.
Society makes People or People makes Society. What does being kind seen as weakness got to do with Community or Mother Nature? The Strong does not always protect the weak. No matter how harsh is the Nature condition, life still goes on.
Blessed Be, Oceanos
I try to do what i can to be harmonious with others, but can't stand it when you see some people who don't have any remorse in 'taking' often.
Yes, we shouldn't expect anything in return when we act in a positive manner, but I think it can only be applied without feeling any negativity towards others in some situations in an idealistic world.
We can still continue to try though...
Originally posted by lce:
yes, kindness is usualy taken as a weakness and exploited
this is due to the mundane education not working as intended, and caused the temporary benefit of the exploiter in short-term gain while the nation in long-term disadvantage.