Originally posted by I No Stupid:surely my teeth are solid and I was not talking about sensation ealier on. because my teeth are solid, so when I touched my teeth, I sensed they are solid.
The solidity I am talking about is stable, unchanging, etc, not the solidity you are talking about.
Everything including all material substances are also constantly arising and subsiding momentarily. If you experience subtle impermanence in Vipassana, you will understand what this means. That is why you need to meditate.
Originally posted by I No Stupid:When a message is clear and easily understood, there is clarity. It means no clarification is needed. What is clear is clear. Unless it was not so clear before, then you can use the term clearer (as comparison).
Do not confuse clarity with reality or truth. I don't know what is ulitimate clarity. Is there an undertone in your question or you care to explain?
Buddha tooth relic is reality but not ultimate as it is still relative as opposed to Absolute reality. Teeth of living beings can be destroyed by worldly material like hammer. Hammer dented when it was hit on the tooth relic of Buddha. And yet, the relic is not ultimate reality, it is depicting an ultimate reality of sentient beings the same as Buddha truly attainable. The discussion is surrounding reality and ultimate reality or another term known as relative and absolute reality. In Buddhism reality is denoting the emptiness attainment that of Arahat, while ultimate reality is on the attainment of Buddha, and bodhisavattas are also classified in the ultimate reality as there are various levels of bodhisavattas in each category. Nonetheless, if strictly on ultimate reality is Buddha nature.
å‰�念(妄)ä¸�生,当念(真)ä¸�ç� is ultimate reality or realization.
Residing at this level of realization will achieve fruition either gradual or sudden. It may fruition at the level of bodhisavatta which according to Flower Adornment Sutra is 11th onwards or Supreme Buddha nature as that of Buddha Sakyamuni, depending on your own level of non-grasping or so called the progress of Buddha karmic seeds from past and present.
By the way, personally I am not enlightened beings but still can share abit of enlightenment note. So, you should be able to imagine the scale of wisdom from supreme enlightened beings like Buddha Sakyamuni is awesome, amazing, inexplicably touching and lovely. Wow! and you are potentially that supreme because you are and you will
With regards to ultimate reality, I will agree that there is no ultimate reality in a sense that it is not accessible to our level of awareness.
So if your question is "What is ultimate reality?", you will never find an complete answer here or anywhere else on Earth.
You will need to be at Creator God level of conciousness to be able to access ultimate reality.
I can give some hints with regards to "ultimate reality."
Please do not believe anything I write below, but instead, use your creativity, imagination or insight.
* Timeless - God is beyond time and space.
* Eternal - There is an aspect of God that is eternal and unchanging.
* Infinite - There is an aspect of God that is continuously changing throughout infinity.
give rise to the idea of time and space because we perceive
motion/movement. The true nature of time and space is vastly different
from what we are able to perceive. The perception of timelessness is
only possible when there is no motion/stillness.
Creation, there is a process of extension and expansion, it is
continously permutating itself into new configurations of matter and
energy. Within that continually evolving spectrum, there are principles
governing the change that do not in themselves change.
Originally posted by SoulDivine:With regards to ultimate reality, I will agree that there is no ultimate reality in a sense that it is not accessible to our level of awareness.
So if your question is "What is ultimate reality?", you will never find an complete answer here or anywhere else on Earth.
You will need to be at Creator God level of conciousness to be able to access ultimate reality.
I can give some hints with regards to "ultimate reality."
Please do not believe anything I write below, but instead, use your creativity, imagination or insight.
* Timeless - God is beyond time and space.
* Eternal - There is an aspect of God that is eternal and unchanging.
* Infinite - There is an aspect of God that is continuously changing throughout infinity.
People give rise to the idea of time and space because we perceive motion/movement. The true nature of time and space is vastly different from what we are able to perceive. The perception of timelessness is only possible when there is no motion/stillness.
In Creation, there is a process of extension and expansion, it is continously permutating itself into new configurations of matter and energy. Within that continually evolving spectrum, there are principles governing the change that do not in themselves change.
Your interpretation is typical of a believer of the existence of substantial soul and eternal being. The Buddhist take is quite different. I just a posted a write-up of what Buddhist logicians’ thoughts on Time, Space, Extension and Duration. You will notice the different interpretation there.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:The solidity I am talking about is stable, unchanging, etc, not the solidity you are talking about.
Everything including all material substances are also constantly arising and subsiding momentarily. If you experience subtle impermanence in Vipassana, you will understand what this means. That is why you need to meditate.
The solid I am talking about is also stable and unchanging (not in the long run of course). Generally, when we talked about solidity we are talking about the physical form of a compounded entity that can take such form. Diamond is one example. Diamond is actually carbon but it is so densely packed that it is the hardest thing. Diamond takes a long time to arise and subside compared to human life, we can say it is almost permanent. Thoughts and imaginations cannot take solid forms. Therefore they arise or subside quickly and display no permanence.
I cannot see what meditation has to do with my understanding of the Buddhist concept of impermanence. The Buddhist concept of impermanence is about the moment to moment existence. Because of this concept, there is this emphasis that 'everything' constantly arise and subside moment to moment.
Do not confuse this concept with solidity.
Originally posted by SoulDivine:With regards to ultimate reality, I will agree that there is no ultimate reality in a sense that it is not accessible to our level of awareness.
So if your question is "What is ultimate reality?", you will never find an complete answer here or anywhere else on Earth.
You will need to be at Creator God level of conciousness to be able to access ultimate reality.
I can give some hints with regards to "ultimate reality."
Please do not believe anything I write below, but instead, use your creativity, imagination or insight.
* Timeless - God is beyond time and space.
* Eternal - There is an aspect of God that is eternal and unchanging.
* Infinite - There is an aspect of God that is continuously changing throughout infinity.
People give rise to the idea of time and space because we perceive motion/movement. The true nature of time and space is vastly different from what we are able to perceive. The perception of timelessness is only possible when there is no motion/stillness.
In Creation, there is a process of extension and expansion, it is continously permutating itself into new configurations of matter and energy. Within that continually evolving spectrum, there are principles governing the change that do not in themselves change.
I shall comment on this statement ''People give rise to the idea of time and space because we perceive motion/movement.''
Wouldn't you say that people give rise to the idea of God because they perceive some ultimate reality that cannot be explained or understood?
if you practice mindfulness of breathing neditation you will see that though certain things on the surface appear to remain unchanged, in reality everything is arising and subsiding moment by moment in lightning speed. impermanence is a universal fact of all phenomenon
Do any one of you think greed hatred delusion lives in books and texts and in the modern times online articles and journals? so by reading and gaining concepts from those places you can remove the defilements that is found in the mind?
Please dont say buddha concept because obviously you dont know what you are talking,you cannot see what meditation have to do with your concept simply becos your concept is from reading and do you ever meditate ?do you know what is one pointness? bliss and joy from the seclusion of the 5 senses?
AEN dont you get it now someone here doesnt meditate and but he think he gains all the insights and knowledge that deems him fit enough to come and debate and correct others.So what impermanent are you talking about and from which book and article?or do you want to come and challenge me showing me the definition in the dictionary what is one pointness and what is bliss and joy?
Wow the new age of dharma people really have arise I think i should go back quietly to watch my breath something so simple yet most new age people dont do.
Originally posted by lastime:Do any one of you think greed hatred delusion lives in books and texts and in the modern times online articles and journals? so by reading and gaining concepts from those places you can remove the defilements that is found in the mind?
Please dont say buddha concept because obviously you dont know what you are talking,you cannot see what meditation have to do with your concept simply becos your concept is from reading and do you ever meditate ?do you know what is one pointness? bliss and joy from the seclusion of the 5 senses?
AEN dont you get it now someone here doesnt meditate and but he think he gains all the insights and knowledge that deems him fit enough to come and debate and correct others.So what impermanent are you talking about and from which book and article?or do you want to come and challenge me showing me the definition in the dictionary what is one pointness and what is bliss and joy?
Wow the new age of dharma people really have arise I think i should go back quietly to watch my breath something so simple yet most new age people dont do.
hahaha, a cat can also meditate. sitting cross-legged all day in stupor doesn't mean you are deep in thoughts, contemplating or observing. I have seen people in meditation sessions falling asleep!
Seriously, watching your breath only makes you mindful that you are alive! Meditators are basically doing meditation for their own well-being. And there is this MISCONCEPTION that meditation is the WAY to liberation! Or even to clean mental defilements. As to whether meditation helps one to gain insight or knowledge is doubtful. It depends.
To me, meditation is to engage your own thoughts. Thinking, contemplating, deliberating, raking one's own mind, all can be done in any setting not necessarily with eyes closed and legs crossed. However, it would be better to do so away from distraction or disturbance. Meditation is like what the Christians call quiet personal time for reflection and to be with God.
For non-religious practice, meditation permits one to 'withdraw' to his inner self, to be detached (temporary) from the material world, to reflect, to contemplate, to reconcile, to 'renunciate' or to still one's mind. It helps to create mindfulness, calmness and relaxation. Meditation is best done alone and away from distraction. Don't waste money or time on group meditation retreat/resort and don't be monkish hero doing weeks and months of meditation!
well well gotta to say what you post is quite benefical and true here :)
people fall asleep because they got bored mah..lol ya i know what u getting at its not easy but ca be done.Try watching your breath for an hour or more with no extra thinking and contemplating.. thats all..and of course no dozing off..dont need so much concepts.
everyone has their ways of doing things which suit their culture of thoughts and beliefs..
u may eat with hands, or with chopsticks ....certainly we wouldn't say that it is barbarous for people eating with fork & knife...
buddhist meditations have their own beliefs of what worked for them...do respect that culture as much as your culture is respected in return...
Well said xxxxpap :) I prefer meditation as stated in the suttas..beyond beliefs and words.