Interesting article... just sharing :)
Buddhism does not accept the Christian notion of original sin, so Buddhists do not think infants are inherently sinful. If an infant carries any ‘sin’, it is because of its behavior, or karma, in previous lives has made impressions on the infant’s eighth consciousness, the primary entity of life. So babies do not invariably inherit some “original sin of mankind” simply because they are born.
As infants, people do not yet have the ability to make judgments for themselves. And to perform the ceremony of taking refuge to become a Buddhist, one must make vows out of one’s volition [intention]; otherwise, the ceremony is invalid. Children are required to reach the age of seven before they can become Buddhist monastic; taking this as a point of reference, we could say that people should be at least seven years old and have the ability to make judgments for themselves before they participate in a ceremony to take refuge.
On the other hand, Buddhists strongly believe in the ability to transfer merit. So people should make merit through activities such as sponsoring vegetarian meals for monastics, giving donations and charity, reciting a Buddha’s name [e.g. Amituofo], or reciting sutras both before and after the child’s birth and in order to celebrate occasions such as the child’s completion of one month and one year of life [though such celebrations are secular]. People should perform such activities along with prayers for the child’s good fortune, longevity and wisdom.
So young... but u took refuge willingly when u are 2 right...?
Interesting thought by Ven Sheng Yen.
My Master (Ven Shen Kai), who is in fact Ch'an Master Sheng Yen's dharma brother (they both studied under the same Ch'an Master Dong Chu*) has a different opinion though... He thinks even unborn babies can take refuge and encourages that and says they are generally brighter and become Bodhisattvas when they grow up. Maybe it is good thing to create a positive connection as young as possible.
Goes to show that even different masters have different opinions.
I took refuge when I was 2 years old.
* (Ven Sheng Yen, left. Ven Shen Kai, right.)
No, I do not remember that particular refuge event.
But my refuge when I was 2 was the first and last time I met my Master, though. I only get to hear from my mom that my Master smiled at me, gave me his blessings and I was cured at that time from my speech learning difficulties (I was a late learner and couldnt speak proper sentences until I received his blessings).
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In the Platform Sutra, the Sixth Patriarch of Zen, Master Hui-Neng,
used a
different approach in explaining the Triple Jewels rather than placing
emphasis on mere ceremony. He used the words awakening,
proper understanding, and purity. in my opinion, it is the compassion of
the venerables representing Buddha, to conduct the ceremony and explain
it to the baby and those who do not fully understanding the rationale
of triple jewels. Triple refuge is just a ceremony taken to embark along
the path of inherent enlightenment nature, and should be treated as a blissful event towards the pursuit of the innate universal perfect wisdom of all beings and buddha Sixth
Patriarch of Zen, Master Hui-Neng was never taken refuge in ceremonial
form, but gaining realization from listening to the diamond sutra, and then actualized. It is always wonderful to witness the event of triple refuge ceremony. Namo Amitabha Buddha
Originally posted by 2009novice:Interesting article... just sharing :)
Buddhism does not accept the Christian notion of original sin, so Buddhists do not think infants are inherently sinful. If an infant carries any ‘sin’, it is because of its behavior, or karma, in previous lives has made impressions on the infant’s eighth consciousness, the primary entity of life. So babies do not invariably inherit some “original sin of mankind” simply because they are born.
As infants, people do not yet have the ability to make judgments for themselves. And to perform the ceremony of taking refuge to become a Buddhist, one must make vows out of one’s volition [intention]; otherwise, the ceremony is invalid. Children are required to reach the age of seven before they can become Buddhist monastic; taking this as a point of reference, we could say that people should be at least seven years old and have the ability to make judgments for themselves before they participate in a ceremony to take refuge.
On the other hand, Buddhists strongly believe in the ability to transfer merit. So people should make merit through activities such as sponsoring vegetarian meals for monastics, giving donations and charity, reciting a Buddha’s name [e.g. Amituofo], or reciting sutras both before and after the child’s birth and in order to celebrate occasions such as the child’s completion of one month and one year of life [though such celebrations are secular]. People should perform such activities along with prayers for the child’s good fortune, longevity and wisdom.
Ermm....... Before we released animals, the Ven. would chant 3 refuge to the animals. I think it is more on "planting seeds" for the animals. I think it should be the same for babies who take refuge when they are young. Though they can't understand but "seeds" are planted. When conditions are right, the "seeds will grow".
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Ermm....... Before we released animals, the Ven. would chant 3 refuge to the animals. I think it is more on "planting seeds" for the animals. I think it should be the same for babies who take refuge when they are young. Though they can't understand but "seeds" are planted. When conditions are right, the "seeds will grow".
hmm... only if the "seeds" would germinate... but nevertheless a good intention for animals..
pre-intellectual consciousness ...
human nature at its most beginning stage of development...
it is a stage where songs of innocence begin