Originally posted by Almond Cookies:At night listen to namo guan shi ying pu sa chanting.
tibetian style of 大悲咒 is both nice and calming
Originally posted by Almond Cookies:I shall chant NAMO GUAN SHI YING PU SA 10000 times to celebrate.
Tmr gurantee the vegetarian stall long queue like the first and fifteenth of lunar month.
Hypocrite, you are worse than the Pharisees in the bible whom Jesus told off many times. Many times you condemn and slam Buddhism as Satanic, now you want to chant for the birthday of guanyin pusa. YOU ARE A TRUE SATAN, nobody else in this sgf is. You cannot even be true and faithful to God.
Do you dare stand outside the temple tomorrow to evangelise to the buddhists and taoists?
Originally posted by SevenEleven:
tibetian style of 大悲咒 is both nice and calming
Almond Cookies dare not reply to my post. One moment is a christian condemn and slam Buddhism , says Buddhism Satanic. Next moment chant for birthday of guan yin pusa. Seriously, either he is negatively and harmfully fickle or is a mad person.
Next after the birthday of Guanyin, he will be back to square one go back to Christianity and slam and call Buddhism Satanic. This kind deserves to be locked up in a cell.
I hope almond has learnt to rest and enjoy and experience life and get out of his loop of dwelling in confusions, beliefs and concepts. Hahaha!
the founder of the actualism method, richard, does not suscribe to any religions, is non-religious, but has much wisdom to be learnt from. so seek after true wisdom and experience rather than get stuck in beliefs, concepts and knowledge. the reason why i am mentioning this to you is because you have a clear memory of a pce (you saw a tree and the sense of self disappeared leaving only pristine clarity of the tree), and his method has a lot to do with cultivating pces.
richard is the closest non-buddhist to the buddhist arahat. there are much similarities. even though i would not equate him that way and state that the buddhist insights are superior to what he realized. but nevertheless, whatever he experienced is important.
here are some essential articles:
This Moment of Being Alive - http://actualfreedom.com.au/richard/articles/thismomentofbeingalive.htm
Attentiveness and Sensuousness and Apperceptiveness - http://actualfreedom.com.au/richard/articles/attentivenesssensuousnessapperceptiveness.htm
Introducing Actual Freedom - http://actualfreedom.com.au/introduction/index.htm
Who is kwan yin pusa? From which sutra(s) can he/she be found ?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:
In Tibetan Buddhism, the Sanskrit name of Guanshiyin Pusa is Avalokitesvara. The Dalai Lama is considered by the Tibetans Buddhists as the human incarnation of this Bodhisattva.
My fren said Kwan Yin pusa can be found in the Lotus Sutra....dunno which chapter liao...
Why is Kwan Yin (Chinese) so popular ? Just like Kannon (Jap) and Avalokitesvara (Tibet)....
Originally posted by Demon Bane:My fren said Kwan Yin pusa can be found in the Lotus Sutra....dunno which chapter liao...
Chapter 25.
Originally posted by Demon Bane:My fren said Kwan Yin pusa can be found in the Lotus Sutra....dunno which chapter liao...
Lotus Sutra 普门�. She is one of the pusa in Pureland, "assisting" Amituofo.
Following is 普门�
Tomorrow is 观音诞。
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Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:
Lotus Sutra 普门�. She is one of the pusa in Pureland, "assisting" Amituofo.Following is 普门�
Who is the pusa on the right of amitofo?
Thanks for the replies....why is she more popular than that bodhisattva on the Amitoufo right-hand side ?
Originally posted by shanfan:
Who is the pusa on the right of amitofo?
On the right is Great Strength Pusa 大势至��。
Who decide which day is kwan yin dan ? Did any sutra record this ? I'm just curious....
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:On the right is Great Strength Pusa 大势至��。
What is her job?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Thanks for the replies....why is she more popular than that bodhisattva on the Amitoufo right-hand side ?
It is because Guanyin Pusa and our world 娑婆世界(in Buddhism, our world is called 娑婆世界)has deeper affinity. Buddha said there were 三�大�世界, our world is just one of them.