There are two words here not properly defined - religion and god. Until everyone agrees to a common definition, all debates on which religion and which god is true, is a waste of time. Do note there are just claims and counter-claims, mental construct or formation.
Buddhism began as a philosophy and became a religion. This is not what the Buddha had in mind. Understand the historical Buddha and his teachings during his life-time, not what subsequent disciples and their schools or traditions teach. When Buddhism became a religion, it suffers the same fate as other ‘religions’. Take Confucianism: for a long time it remained a philosophy, so there is no such thing as different schools (sects) or traditions (ethnic or cultural influence). However, it is in danger of becoming a religion too.
Originally posted by Almond Cookies:
I think God causes the big bang. And the universe expand from a small explosion until no big now. Still expanding.
God created the universe.....................but can't create a son without having a human female ???
"Buddhism began as a philosophy and became a religion. This is not what the Buddha had in mind. Understand the historical Buddha and his teachings during his life-time, not what subsequent disciples and their schools or traditions teach. When Buddhism became a religion, it suffers the same fate as other ‘religions’. Take Confucianism: for a long time it remained a philosophy, so there is no such thing as different schools (sects) or traditions (ethnic or cultural influence). However, it is in danger of becoming a religion too."
Religion is different from philosophy by definition. Unless we are disputing historical inconststencies, Buddhism is a religion.
"God created the universe.....................but can't create a son without having a human female ???"
Would it be more believable than virgin birth?
Why waste words to tell us that religion is different from philosophy? The spelling is already different!! Since you know the definition of both, wouldn't you be able to understand; "Buddhism began as a philosophy and became a religion." ? Today, Buddhism is a religion - that is most unfortunate! Go back to the rationale why Siddharta Gotama left the palace and you will know why it began as a philosophy!
(Almost)all religions seek the highest aspirations it can attain,to achieve union either to be God or be with God.Seeking union is the highest and ultimate attainment of Bliss.There is no religion that claims not to be the answer.Religion also attempts to make sense of things, phenomena. At the end of the day, Soul(s) exist,God exist. they are permanent.
Buddhism also seek attainment of Bliss, but it is certainly not from any union of God and Soul. It seeks Bliss by liberation from suffering.
Originally posted by Fcukpap:the harmony of all such religions is the key to sustaining world peace and human fraternity
This is where I disagree, as the irony is, in most conflicts. you can be damn sure to invoke God to be on your side. God is always with the righteous, thus will emerge victorious. If not, then God is testing you, to see whether you are truly worthy of His Glory!
Originally posted by Aneslayer:"God created the universe.....................but can't create a son without having a human female ???"
Would it be more believable than virgin birth?
In the new testament, it mentions the resurrected Jesus was taken up to heaven in his resurrected body in the presence of eleven of his apostles. If Jesus could ascend to heaven, why can't god just let jesus descended from heaven but must be born as human?
Don't you think it would be more believable than virgin brith if there were eleven people witness jesus descended from heaven? I know the answer I'm going to get is god is beyond human's comprehension. I did ask this question before and that was the answer I got.
resurrected body
Bodhidharma was also resurrected leaving behind one shoe in the coffin, for living beings then to see instead of in the book, that is more tantalising and convincing.
Probably, we may like to explore 楞严�-二�五圆通 and 观世音普门� about the only true religion - the nature of all beings and how to get into tune, and how to live harmoniously, amicably, charitably along the journey of zenist loving kindness & benevolence bliss
You are referring to false view from enlightened one of other religions per se or the person who expound it? The person who expound incorrectly that resulted in disharmony of others against others has to bear the dire consequences of causal karma of dependent origination. Shurangama sutra is overthrowing your false views that our peaceful loving kindness mind does not carry a single one 25 methods in Shurangama sutra are the main categories of helping one to achieve inherent omni-thusness. And the 25 methods are not specifically referring to Buddhism methods as "Buddhism" is merely an identification on omni-ness, according to Diamond sutra 梦幻泡影。。。 hahaha
"Why waste words to tell us that religion is different from philosophy?"
So are you saying Buddhism is not a true religion or it is a philosophy? You seem to be trying to say Buddhism is supposed to be a philosophy in this true religion thread. So are you arguing that Buddhism is not a true religion?
"Go back to the rationale why Siddharta Gotama left the palace and you will know why it began as a philosophy!"
You claimed so... the burden of proving is on you. Quit pretending you know the answers....
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:In the new testament, it mentions the resurrected Jesus was taken up to heaven in his resurrected body in the presence of eleven of his apostles. If Jesus could ascend to heaven, why can't god just let jesus descended from heaven but must be born as human?
Don't you think it would be more believable than virgin brith if there were eleven people witness jesus descended from heaven? I know the answer I'm going to get is god is beyond human's comprehension. I did ask this question before and that was the answer I got.
Almond cookies... you just exposed that you dunno what you post....
Originally posted by Susanteo2011:
God created the universe.....................but can't create a son without having a human female ???
"Amitayus48", you have only quoted those who said there is only one God.
There are many who said otherwise.
"I no stupid", well said .. Buddhism does begin as a philosophy in a way
and became religion by the traditional schools of thoughts. Buddhism is
evolved out of Hinduism. Pls read my arguments in other forum post. A lot
of ppl switch from Buddhism to Christianity, and also Christainity to Buddhism.
Why is this so? You ask a Christian or a Buddhist, that their faith is a religion..
they will deny and say their faith is not a religion at all.. for a
buddhist will say it is spiritual endeavour.. for a christian will say
it is a personal relationship with a personal God ..
In Buddhism, there are many erroneous things so people turn to christianity.
In Christainity, there are also many erroneous things so people turn to Buddhism.
If they have been seriously practising their faith and thinking rationally
on the facts, they will come out as good atheist. This is a very true saying.
But many do not actually practise, but think they are wholesome. that is why
they hop from religion fallacy to another religion fallacy. When you put
your heart to practise the principles of your religion, you will then be able to
appreciate the fallacies of your faith. And when you are able to objectively
and open-mindedly identify the fallacies you have appreciated yourselves, you
then can be free of bondage to religion.
For example, i heard. devout buddhist after years of practitioner burnt down
their quan yin statues to turn to christianity. and hallucinate that evil ghost
make trouble their switch of religion. It is all in your mind...
For free thinkers who never consider deeply a religion, will often at moment
of death turn to certain form of religion, because their rejection of religion
is very superfluous.
**atheists, humanists, skcetpical minded and scienific minded, come and post in my
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:In the new testament, it mentions the resurrected Jesus was taken up to heaven in his resurrected body in the presence of eleven of his apostles. If Jesus could ascend to heaven, why can't god just let jesus descended from heaven but must be born as human?
Don't you think it would be more believable than virgin brith if there were eleven people witness jesus descended from heaven? I know the answer I'm going to get is god is beyond human's comprehension. I did ask this question before and that was the answer I got.
Hey Dawn
The whole idea of Jesus born as human was to tell mankind that God is able to experience the pain, the joy and whatever mankinds went through as HUMAN. According Christian, theology He is FULLY MAN AND FULLY GOD at the same time. It is a mystery of faith.
Anyway some of the theories in Christiantity are unfalsifiable in science like the Creation, Resurrection and The Sun Standing Still during the Joshua Battle. It is rather subjective. It is based upon FAITH THAN ACTUAL FACT. It is not falsifiable to through repeated test.
I supposed , Buddha finding methodology is more inline with the Scientific Theory Formulation Methodology. The dark bold stand for the premises which most scientist use to begin with. The unbold is what I think Buddha begin with.
Personally during my uni days when I learn about the Scientific Theory developement. I tried to apply in Buddhism teaching (4 noble truth). I was rather impressed with the Buddha teaching it is scientific, not dogmatic when I compare to my former Charismatic faith.
Anyway last time, a reporter ask Dalai Lama, "Which is the best religion." His holiness reply, " It is the one that will make one more compassionate, kind and a better person."
Perhaps to Dawn, Weichin, Amitayus 48 is Pureland Teaching. To Eternal Now maybe the Theravada - Vipassana meditation. To Almond cookies is Christiantity. To me is Nichiren Teaching.
Hence at the end of the day is how we live our daily life. There is an Amercian saying,"People don't care how much u know but how much u care."
In the Bible, New Testament, it mentions, "The Letter kills and The Spirt gives life." Perhaps Almond Cookies, it is wise of you to post your view in the Christian Forum. Your sharing might enrich your fellow bro. However, when you post it here, it is does not edify but cause the viewer to see u as fundamentalist.
Hope that u will understand.
Originally posted by reborn76:Hey Dawn
The whole idea of Jesus born as human was to tell mankind that God is able to experience the pain, the joy and whatever mankinds went through as HUMAN. According Christian, theology He is FULLY MAN AND FULLY GOD at the same time. It is a mystery of faith.
Anyway some of the theories in Christiantity are unfalsifiable in science like the Creation, Resurrection and The Sun Standing Still during the Joshua Battle. It is rather subjective. It is based upon FAITH THAN ACTUAL FACT. It is not falsifiable to through repeated test.
I supposed , Buddha finding methodology is more inline with the Scientific Theory Formulation Methodology. The dark bold stand for the premises which most scientist use to begin with. The unbold is what I think Buddha begin with.
- Start with an observation that evokes a question: Why man experience suffering?
- Using logic and previous knowledge, state a possible ansser, called a Hypothesis: If man is not attached to a desire, will he suffer less.
- Perform an expierment or Test: Compare to two men, one hold on to the desire. The other chose to let go. Which men will suffer more. The end result is the one who chose to let go.
- Then publish your findings in a peer-reviewed journal. Publication: "The Four Noble truths."
- Other scientists read about your experiment and try to duplicate it. Verification: People start to test the Noble Truths. Follow the prescribe Dharma method. People become happier. Everyone get the same results every time.
- In time, and if experiments continue to support your hypothesis, it becomes a Theory: If people wanna to suffer less, they need to learn to let go of attachment.
Personally during my uni days when I learn about the Scientific Theory developement. I tried to apply in Buddhism teaching (4 noble truth). I was rather impressed with the Buddha teaching it is scientific, not dogmatic when I compare to my former Charismatic faith.
Anyway last time, a reporter ask Dalai Lama, "Which is the best religion." His holiness reply, " It is the one that will make one more compassionate, kind and a better person."
Perhaps to Dawn, Weichin, Amitayus 48 is Pureland Teaching. To Eternal Now maybe the Theravada - Vipassana meditation. To Almond cookies is Christiantity. To me is Nichiren Teaching.
Hence at the end of the day is how we live our daily life. There is an Amercian saying,"People don't care how much u know but how much u care."
In the Bible, New Testament, it mentions, "The Letter kills and The Spirt gives life." Perhaps Almond Cookies, it is wise of you to post your view in the Christian Forum. Your sharing might enrich your fellow bro. However, when you post it here, it is does not edify but cause the viewer to see u as fundamentalist.
Hope that u will understand.
What you did not firmly & faithfully confirmed & realized is that you as human is a God yourself, but instead you are harmonizing the faith of understanding on Christianity from Jesus point of view, as son of God and now abit improving that Jesus is God himself. And you still detaching yourself as servant of God but factually, you are God and a defiled one like many others. As a matter of fact, the only one holiness or Buddhahood (one true religion) is omnipresent and omnipotent naturally without sign of authority & dictation. It is in this kind of formless nature that it can manifest / transform unconditionally and naturally as different format of races and cultures, to accomodate different rootedness of living beings so as to benefit for true wisdom.
Originally posted by Amitayus48:What you did not firmly & faithfully confirmed & realized is that you as human is a God yourself, but instead you are harmonizing the faith of understanding on Christianity from Jesus point of view, as son of God and now abit improving that Jesus is God himself. And you still detaching yourself as servant of God but factually, you are God and a defiled one like many others.
Originally posted by reborn76:Hey Dawn
The whole idea of Jesus born as human was to tell mankind that God is able to experience the pain, the joy and whatever mankinds went through as HUMAN. According Christian, theology He is FULLY MAN AND FULLY GOD at the same time. It is a mystery of faith.
Anyway some of the theories in Christiantity are unfalsifiable in science like the Creation, Resurrection and The Sun Standing Still during the Joshua Battle. It is rather subjective. It is based upon FAITH THAN ACTUAL FACT. It is not falsifiable to through repeated test.
I supposed , Buddha finding methodology is more inline with the Scientific Theory Formulation Methodology. The dark bold stand for the premises which most scientist use to begin with. The unbold is what I think Buddha begin with.
- Start with an observation that evokes a question: Why man experience suffering?
- Using logic and previous knowledge, state a possible ansser, called a Hypothesis: If man is not attached to a desire, will he suffer less.
- Perform an expierment or Test: Compare to two men, one hold on to the desire. The other chose to let go. Which men will suffer more. The end result is the one who chose to let go.
- Then publish your findings in a peer-reviewed journal. Publication: "The Four Noble truths."
- Other scientists read about your experiment and try to duplicate it. Verification: People start to test the Noble Truths. Follow the prescribe Dharma method. People become happier. Everyone get the same results every time.
- In time, and if experiments continue to support your hypothesis, it becomes a Theory: If people wanna to suffer less, they need to learn to let go of attachment.
Personally during my uni days when I learn about the Scientific Theory developement. I tried to apply in Buddhism teaching (4 noble truth). I was rather impressed with the Buddha teaching it is scientific, not dogmatic when I compare to my former Charismatic faith.
Anyway last time, a reporter ask Dalai Lama, "Which is the best religion." His holiness reply, " It is the one that will make one more compassionate, kind and a better person."
Perhaps to Dawn, Weichin, Amitayus 48 is Pureland Teaching. To Eternal Now maybe the Theravada - Vipassana meditation. To Almond cookies is Christiantity. To me is Nichiren Teaching.
Hence at the end of the day is how we live our daily life. There is an Amercian saying,"People don't care how much u know but how much u care."
In the Bible, New Testament, it mentions, "The Letter kills and The Spirt gives life." Perhaps Almond Cookies, it is wise of you to post your view in the Christian Forum. Your sharing might enrich your fellow bro. However, when you post it here, it is does not edify but cause the viewer to see u as fundamentalist.
Hope that u will understand.
I heard of the explanation you gave above. I mean God could send baby jesus from heaven and experienced the sufferings of human. Why must be born through virgin birth. To prove he is God's son, don't you think descending from heaven is more convincing than virgin brith. Anyway, it has nothing to do with Buddhism.