Monks who accept dana are eating monks. You need time, probably years of training in order to achieve powers of any kind. Anyway your current questions are getting more and more unconstructive and laughable so I shall not entertain them anymore.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Monks who accept dana are eating monks. You need time, probably years of training in order to achieve powers of any kind. Anyway your current questions are getting more and more unconstructive and laughable so I shall not entertain them anymore.
hmm .. who was it who said Buddha don't eat and some monks don't too? And I am just posing logical questions because I have no experiential realization that human don't eat!
You think my questions are unconstructive or your assertions have no answers? And you have been entertaining me all this while?
I have always answered you unfailingly. But it seems like your questions are getting pointless.
Buddhas and monks can don't eat if they have that yogic ability. Not all monks have that yogic ability. The 16 year old Buddha boy in the Discovery channel documentary is an example of someone who can choose not to eat, and actually does not eat for 6 years. There are others like Prahlad Jnani, etc. It is actually quite common for yogis.
I did not say Buddha did not eat. I said, he can choose not to eat, but he chooses to eat in order to act normal.
"the film crew was able to film Ram continuously for 96 hours, day and night, during which time he did not change his position and did not drink any fluids or eat any food. As Discovery Channel's commentator concluded: "After 96 hours of filming, Ram has defied modern science by continuing his meditation and remaining alive."
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:"the film crew was able to film Ram continuously for 96 hours, day and night, during which time he did not change his position and did not drink any fluids or eat any food. As Discovery Channel's commentator concluded: "After 96 hours of filming, Ram has defied modern science by continuing his meditation and remaining alive."
96 hours is 4 days. Have you not heard of survivor in a disaster who hadn't eaten or drunk for more than 7 days which is the 'medical' limit.
I contend that Buddha's choosing to eat or not to eat (as you put it) is a fallacy.
Your proposal does not make sense. You think a little boy would starve himself for 4 days just to let others film him? Do you think a normal person can sit for 4 days motionless while not eating, drinking, peeing, moving, etc?
Furthermore, he is actually sitting out in the open for everyone to see for years. Not 4 days or 7 days.
This simply shows your narrow mindedness and dogmatism.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Your proposal does not make sense. You think a little boy would starve himself for 4 days just to let others film him? Do you think a normal person can sit for 4 days motionless while not eating, drinking, peeing, moving, etc?
Furthermore, he is actually sitting out in the open for everyone to see for years. Not 4 days or 7 days.
This simply shows your narrow mindedness and dogmatism.
I am disproving that the boy is a wonder! A survivor trapped in a collapsed building is in far worse conditions than the show drama that was filmed. You are very naive as compared to my "narrow-mindedness"!
I am not dogmatic because I like people to reason and question - you got it wrong!
Years, not days.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Years, not days.
You mean the boy starved himself continuously without break for years? Bring him to Africa to help the hungry children there.
Haha, I already said it takes skill and practice. Not a one day stuff. By the time the Africans mastered meditation, they might have starved to death.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Haha, I already said it takes skill and practice. Not a one day stuff. By the time the Africans mastered meditation, they might have starved to death.
I wasn't refering to how long the boy practised meditation. I was saying starving for 4 days is no big deal and filming the episode is to fool naive people like you.
Originally posted by I No Stupid:I wasn't refering to how long the boy practised meditation. I was saying starving for 4 days is no big deal and filming the episode is to fool naive people like you.
People usually eat 3 meals a day from morning till the evening. They usually can survive without food / water after evening till next morning especially while they are sleeping totally enjoying "meditative bliss", amazingly producing sweet melody.
It normal for supreme enlightened beings to live normally without food. Namo Amitabha Buddha _((|))_
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:
And I said, he was sitting there for years. And I don't agree with your statement - it is ridiculous to think that. Most people can't even survive 2 days without food and water. To survive 7 days is rare exceptions and probably they drank pee or something, or are in an unconscious state. Whereas that boy is completely healthy throughout. You are simply being too narrow minded.
Is the boy still sitting there without partaking a morsel of food after all these years? Please give me the latest update with proof.
On survivor without food - more than 2 days is possible! You are no medical expert just blind believer of yogi power!
Originally posted by Amitayus48:
People usually eat 3 meals a day from morning till the evening. They usually can survive without food / water after evening till next morning especially while they are sleeping totally enjoying "meditative bliss", amazingly producing sweet melody.
It normal for supreme enlightened beings to live normally without food. Namo Amitabha Buddha _((|))_
how many meals a person partake is not an issue and for that matter is there a standard? a glutton may eat all day. a cow has to graze all day. a python doesn't eat for weeks after swallowing a goat.
I can do with one meal a day if that meal is a buffet spread lasting 2 hours!
let's get real and not wishy-washy. if Buddha or bodhisattva (as human beings) can live without food, we have an answer to starvation problem for this world. if they are divine beings I can accept that they don't eat. You get the point?
庄å�çš„æ€�想ä¸æ˜¯æŒ‡“é�“”之通达或混å�Œå®‡å®™ä¸‡ç‰©çš„统一性和得“é�“”之人的æ€�想境界。 他认为è¦�想达到精神的ç»�对自由,必须具备“真知”,然å�Žæ‚Ÿé�“æˆ�为“真人”,æ‰�能达到心性与大é�“ã€�天相契å�ˆï¼ŒäºŒè€…结å�ˆå¾—是紧密,æ‰�能真æ£æ‚Ÿå¾—“一”自由境界,达到“乘天地之æ£ï¼Œè€Œå¾¡å…æ°”ä¹‹è¾©ï¼Œä»¥æ¸¸æ— ç©·”的境界。 èž�å�ˆæ–¼è‡ªç„¶ä¹‹ä¸ï¼Œæ“ºè„«äº†å…§å¤–的觀念。到了這境界,å�¯ä»¥èˆ‡é�“化å�ˆï¼Œé�¨é�Šæ–¼ç„¡çª®å®‡å®™ã€‚
Originally posted by Blacktron:the hindu yogic can eat without days.
The nepal boy under the tree too. I saw the nepal boy on TV.
In Soviet Russia, the Hindu yogi can eat without days
It soviet russia.. the diet eats you...
I noticed this thread was inactive for several days and I take this liberty to conclude where I began. I have stated that Buddhism began as a philosophy. That is not to be misinterpreted that Buddha was a philosopher. He never regarded himself as one but he certainly propounded some notable philosophical ideas; and the most notable among these is probably that for things, as commonly understood, he substituted processes. A salient example is his doctrine of the 5 khandha – a person is constituted by a set of 5 processes. He probably got this idea from considering the nature of fire which he perceived to be not a thing (let alone a god) but a process and a causally conditioned process at that.
^That is as good as saying cheese is made of 100% milk...
Like I said, Buddhism is not a philosophy, when its Buddhism as a whole. Siddhartha could have been philosophical... Not so upon his spiritual enlightenment, when Buddhism began.
Originally posted by Aneslayer:^That is as good as saying cheese is made of 100% milk...
Like I said, Buddhism is not a philosophy, when its Buddhism as a whole. Siddhartha could have been philosophical... Not so upon his spiritual enlightenment, when Buddhism began.
hahaha, cheese is made from rotten milk .... you are getting incomprehensible these days and I don't get what you are mouthing - cheese?
According to the Guinness Book of Records the longest time a human has survived without water is 18 days.[16] Bomjon, on the other hand, does not appear to break his meditation to eat or drink.
Skeptics point out that claims of surviving after several month fasting are unsubstantiated [17] as a screen was placed in front of him between dusk and dawn; they also claim that, besides the lack of proof, such a feat would be physically impossible. Bomjon was observed remaining at the tree at least during the daytime, though no one was allowed to approach him too closely. Under such circumstances, he could have eaten at night when no one could have witnessed his doing so.
Some supporters believe that claims of inedia are less relevant than Bomjon's undisputed ability to remain nearly motionless in the same position day after day, with no regard for extremes of weather including a cold winter and a monsoon season. For example, American writer George Saunders visited Bomjon and observed him through a single night, and was impressed by Bomjon's perfectly still stature, even during an evening climate that seemed unbearably cold to the much better clothed journalist.[18]
In December 2005, a nine-member government committee led by Gunjaman Lama watched Bomjon carefully for 48 hours and observed him not to take any food or water during that time. A video recording was also made of this test. However, they were unable to approach closer than 3 meters or take readings of his vital signs.[19]The Nepalese government planned a more careful scientific study, but the study was never carried out.
In 2006, Discovery Channel showed a 45-minute documentary titled The Boy With Divine Powers. One of the aims was to establish whether Ram was indeed abstaining from all sustenance, water included, by filming him continuously for four days and nights. On their first attempt, in January 2006, the film crew was required to stay outside a guarded barbed-wire fence, and their camera's infrared capabilities did not pick up evidence of a body at the base of the tree where Bomjon sat during their non-stop recording. On a second attempt a few weeks later, however, the film crew was able to film Ram continuously for 96 hours, day and night, during which time he did not change his position and did not drink any fluids or eat any food. As Discovery Channel's commentator concluded: "After 96 hours of filming, Ram has defied modern science by continuing his meditation and remaining alive." According to scientists on the documentary, an average person would be expected to die from kidney failure after four days without drinking any fluids (although cases of inedia lasting for a whole week have been observed and the recorded Guinness World Record of inedia is eighteen days). The boy showed no signs of classical physical deterioration caused by dehydration. A close inspection by the film crew of the area around the tree where Ram was sitting revealed no hidden food supply or water pipes.
In 2008, Min Bahadur Shakya of the Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods in Kathmandu, stated that Buddhist priests have yet to investigate Ram.[20]
A true religion must endorse that the almighty or supremeness is developed from ordinary beings, because of its naturely supreme quality and experienced.
Sutra revealed that ��酥酪,咸自乳生;釵釧瓶盤,盡從金出.
��酥酪(cheese is - Buddha/Absolute reality and Bodhisavatta),咸自乳生(from milk - ordinary beings);釵釧瓶盤(all phenomena liken to the golden bowl, plate, bracelet, golden hairpin),盡從金出 (originated from gold - supreme mind / Buddha / absolute reality)。
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