Originally posted by I No Stupid://The worldly kind of maths is different from real maths//
What is world maths and what is real maths? And what is the difference? For the benefit of non-Chinese visitors, could you translate the gist of your post?
Sorry, now then realise you are not Chinese. Can you enlighten us which race or country you are from so that we can communicate better with you.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:
Sorry, now then realise you are not Chinese. Can you enlighten us which race or country you are from so that we can communicate better with you.
hmmm ..... in what language do you think the Buddha communicated with his sangha and the lay as he went about teaching?
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:
Sorry, now then realise you are not Chinese. Can you enlighten us which race or country you are from so that we can communicate better with you.
Oh my... Someone attempting to spoon feed a FT... here in sgf...
Seriously though, why is a better question....
Originally posted by Almond Cookies:Christianity is salvation by faith nothing to do with works.
Good works like going to church don't save u.
But a true believer surely will do good works like go to church, pray,evangelism,preaching and church services.
Good works are still important although they do not saved u.
Islam then is good deeds and bad deeds put on scale then decide who goes heaven.
The TS reminds of me Islam.
Muslims do not have assurance of salvation even they convert to Muslim.
Correct me If I am wrong abt Islam. I am open to corrections.
My pastor tell me abt that.
the christian/islamic good/bad deed calculator is now available as a downloadable application.......................
for the iphone5.....................
Originally posted by Aneslayer:
Oh my... Someone attempting to spoon feed a FT... here in sgf...Seriously though, why is a better question....
the question probably stems from puzzlement as to where i no stupid is coming from, both literally and figuratively. but i'm guessing, certainly not from any wish to accomodate one who comes here to argue senselessly in a manner that has no genuine utility in actualization of buddhist aims.
it's best to find out directly from the person who asked though..........
Originally posted by Aneslayer:
Oh my... Someone attempting to spoon feed a FT... here in sgf...Seriously though, why is a better question....
Yeah why is a better question. Why "I No Stupid" is here in this forum to disturb the peace we have? Why "I No Stupid" is here not to discuss but to argue? Why "I No Stupid" does not behave like a Buddhist? Why is he so different from we Buddhists here? Why ? Why? Why? To know all these, I must know first where did he come from.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Yeah why is a better question. Why "I No Stupid" is here in this forum to disturb the peace we have? Why "I No Stupid" is here not to discuss but to argue? Why "I No Stupid" does not behave like a Buddhist? Why is he so different from we Buddhists here? Why ? Why? Why? To know all these, I must know first where did he come from.
hahaha, you are ONE kind of Buddhist, why must I be the same? It shows your intolerance. You have an aversion. You understand the meaning?
hahaha, to know why why why - do vipasanna meditation.
If you know where I come from, what are you going to do?
May peace be with you.
Does feeding animals count as merit in Buddhism? Why then the law is against it? Especially the ones that's suppose to be confined in some sanctuary...
Would it be meritorious to release it into the true wilderness and subject it to the laws of survival?
Who what where when why and how doesn't count. Karma is the same as retribution in impartiality. No good, no bad. No right, no wrong. Just pass it on.
Originally posted by Aneslayer:Does feeding animals count as merit in Buddhism? Why then the law is against it? Especially the ones that's suppose to be confined in some sanctuary...
Would it be meritorious to release it into the true wilderness and subject it to the laws of survival?
Who what where when why and how doesn't count. Karma is the same as retribution in impartiality. No good, no bad. No right, no wrong. Just pass it on.
Nature will take care of that. Ape or Ah Meng don't need you to feed them unless you want to confine them. Neither do you feed rats. They can race to the food stalls.
The correct act is to leave the animals to fend for themselves. Give them the space, the habitat, don't destroy their environment, don't put then in captivity, don't cut their fins or penises or tusks.
And finally, don't do animal liberation as a meritorious act!
Originally posted by I No Stupid:
hahaha, you are ONE kind of Buddhist, why must I be the same? It shows your intolerance. You have an aversion. You understand the meaning?hahaha, to know why why why - do vipasanna meditation.
If you know where I come from, what are you going to do?
May peace be with you.
I don't know what Dawnfirstlight will say, but I'll speak first for myself.
@ I No Stupid: With regards to your reply above, the same applies to you really.
You, I No Stupid, are ONE kind of Buddhist, why must we be the same? It shows your intolerance. You have an aversion. You understand the meaning? (You have criticised the way others practise Buddhism, called people names that are derogatory, debunked the validity of Pali suttas, and your idea of discussion feels more like taunting and aggressive argument. Yet, you claim to be an admirer of the Buddha. The Buddha was peace-loving, but you have shown yourself to be otherwise.)
hahaha, to know why why why - do vipasanna meditation. (my reply: All round, more Vipasanna meditation and less intellectual calisthenics would be great. Sanditthiko akaliko ehipassiko opanayiko paccattam veditabbo vinnuhi.)
If you know where I come from, what are you going to do? (my reply: What are you going to do if we continue to practice Zen, prostrate to Buddhist statues, chant Mahayana sutras and uphold the Bodhisattva ideal?)
May peace be with you too.
There is a buddhist song "Pass it on".... christian (I think) "Pass it on"... and Bob Marley (I think he's atheist) "Pass it on".
And yes... the birds are chirping
Originally posted by I No Stupid:hahaha, you are ONE kind of Buddhist, why must I be the same? It shows your intolerance. You have an aversion. You understand the meaning?
hahaha, to know why why why - do vipasanna meditation.
If you know where I come from, what are you going to do?
May peace be with you.
Originally posted by Aneslayer:There is a buddhist song "Pass it on".... christian (I think) "Pass it on"... and Bob Marley (I think he's atheist) "Pass it on".
And yes... the birds are chirping
Will listen later
Originally posted by realization:I don't know what Dawnfirstlight will say, but I'll speak first for myself.
@ I No Stupid: With regards to your reply above, the same applies to you really.
You, I No Stupid, are ONE kind of Buddhist, why must we be the same? It shows your intolerance. You have an aversion. You understand the meaning? (You have criticised the way others practise Buddhism, called people names that are derogatory, debunked the validity of Pali suttas, and your idea of discussion feels more like taunting and aggressive argument. Yet, you claim to be an admirer of the Buddha. The Buddha was peace-loving, but you have shown yourself to be otherwise.)
hahaha, to know why why why - do vipasanna meditation. (my reply: All round, more Vipasanna meditation and less intellectual calisthenics would be great. Sanditthiko akaliko ehipassiko opanayiko paccattam veditabbo vinnuhi.)
If you know where I come from, what are you going to do? (my reply: What are you going to do if we continue to practice Zen, prostrate to Buddhist statues, chant Mahayana sutras and uphold the Bodhisattva ideal?)
May peace be with you too.
(You have criticised the way others practise Buddhism, called people names that are derogatory, debunked the validity of Pali suttas, and your idea of discussion feels more like taunting and aggressive argument. Yet, you claim to be an admirer of the Buddha. The Buddha was peace-loving, but you have shown yourself to be otherwise.)
These are your allegations. I don’t have to agree with you as much as you don’t agree with mine. It is your intolerance of my ‘way’ and you are at liberty to criticise as much as I have the liberty to criticise your way. I see Buddhism and the practices as they are and comment accordingly. What makes you think I am not peace-loving? Peace-loving to you means agreeing with you?
(my reply: All round, more Vipasanna meditation and less intellectual calisthenics would be great. Sanditthiko akaliko ehipassiko opanayiko paccattam veditabbo vinnuhi.)
You need the intellect to gain insight. We can take this up as a separate topic.
(my reply: What are you going to do if we continue to practice Zen, prostrate to Buddhist statues, chant Mahayana sutras and uphold the Bodhisattva ideal?)
Do as you please. I can take a donkey to the river but I cannot force it to drink.
May peace be with you too. (from a non peace-loving!)
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:唉。。。。。秀��到兵,有�说�清。
you trying to communicate with me?
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:唉。。。。。秀��到兵,有�说�清。
I-no-stupid is not buddhist... fyi
calculating gud deeds?
done too much sins?
Originally posted by I No Stupid:you trying to communicate with me?
Yes. Doesn't matter in Chinese or English. It seems that you don't understand both.
Originally posted by 2009novice:
I-no-stupid is not buddhist... fyi
I see. I thought he is but from another school of practice.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Yes. Doesn't matter in Chinese or English. It seems that you don't understand both.
huh, what a lame excuse. You can't communicate and you blame others. If you are worth anything, speak up so that I can understand you, don't mubble and hide your speech.
Originally posted by 2009novice:
I-no-stupid is not buddhist... fyi
haha, how do you arrived at that? and please define buddhist!
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:I see. I thought he is but from another school of practice.
what is your school of practice?