Wiser your figure good?
very very fat.
Originally posted by Wiser:very very fat.
How old r u? Are you a virgin?
bro Lppffans you ah tell the truth okay...i am really a fat auntie ho....
I dun want to be chased by unknowing king kong here. Pleassssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee.............
Originally posted by Almond Cookies:
How old r u? Are you a virgin?
cookies u no chance liao lor....auntie really v v old. Can go to old folks home liao.
I have two sweet kids. ^^
I dun like auntie.
Originally posted by Wiser:bro....i look young only...good maintainence wat but my age ha...granny liao.
this topic where got hot. medium only.
wait till i post "masturbation and enlightenment '...ahem....
Oh My Buddha! Hope you are not serious. If you post the above topic, we will laugh till we drop dead!
I think Wiser became an auntie to be forgiven for his blooper about the polling card.
He is a man about thirty something years old.
Originally posted by Almond Cookies:I dun like auntie.
never mind auntie also dun like almond cookies. Too hard for the old teeth.
Originally posted by mancha:I think Wiser became an auntie to be forgiven for his blooper about the polling card.
He is a man about thirty something years old.
ya...your imagination is damn lousy. I have two forummers here who had met me in person. So you keep your stupid imagination to yourself and stop anyhow guess.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Oh My Buddha! Hope you are not serious. If you post the above topic, we will laugh till we drop dead!
that's a good way to go... Matrieya Buddha Pureland have a lotus seat waiting.
Originally posted by Wiser:
ya...your imagination is damn lousy. I have two forummers here who had met me in person. So you keep your stupid imagination to yourself and stop anyhow guess.
Ok, my guess is off the mark.
As an aunty don't have much credibility.
And that is not from imaginatiion.
Originally posted by mancha:Ok, my guess is off the mark.
As an aunty don't have much credibility.
And that is not from imaginatiion.
really , so you look down on auntie ha. In what way do you think you are more credible than an aunty, mancha ?
One day you will learn a great lesson from them.
For those who are serious about enlightenment , it's good to read more on Kundalini, 7 chakras in a human body system and the energy from these.
The buddha's teachings deal with a human being's greed and desires directly.
Buddha's teachings faces the fact squarely in the face and teaches us how to resolve these human's problems.
Imagine 5000 years ago, Buddha can see a baby formation in a mother's womb for the whole 12 months in his meditation. He is far advance than any Science.
You can look for the sutra about the baby's growth. It's called the Sutra of Filial Piety because Buddha taught about the importance of Filial Piety in this sutra.
Originally posted by Wiser:For those who are serious about enlightenment , it's good to read more on Kundalini, 7 chakras in a human body system and the energy from these.
The buddha's teachings deal with a human being's greed and desires directly.
Buddha's teachings faces the fact squarely in the face and teaches us how to resolve these human's problems.
Imagine 5000 years ago, Buddha can see a baby formation in a mother's womb for the whole 12 months in his meditation. He is far advance than any Science.
You can look for the sutra about the baby's growth. It's called the Sutra of Filial Piety because Buddha taught about the importance of Filial Piety in this sutra.
oops....i always mix up taoism 5000 years with Buddhism 2500 years. Taoism is much more ancient than Buddhism.
I have no kids lah..just kidding. I consider my brother's children as my kids. They are exposed to Buddhism but are also free to follow their heart to choose which religion they want.
I think Buddhists are more tolerant and open to accept other faiths in their family than others.
I got polluted by japanese manga anime and my army friends.
Watched too many japanese anime that are pervertic in nature.
90 percent of japanese manga/anime I watched are pervertic.
Plus staying inside camp with many guys so at night sex talk.
Time goes by become perverted.
Originally posted by Wiser:
really , so you look down on auntie ha. In what way do you think you are more credible than an aunty, mancha ?One day you will learn a great lesson from them.
Not from men who present themselves as aunties.
Originally posted by mancha:Not from men who present themselves as aunties.
i can't be bother with your stupidity and as long as you insist i am a man, i will ignore you from now on.
Originally posted by Wiser:bro Lppffans you ah tell the truth okay...i am really a fat auntie ho....
I dun want to be chased by unknowing king kong here. Pleassssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee.............
sis, hahahahha...
in this life, what is beauty in body...all the same with bloddy organs and all the same and also the pattern in pain when we are doing shitting bussiness in toilet..hahahahaha....( i sound so horrible stating this here...)
be happy.
brother you finally confirmed my gender. Waited so long. I am happy , life is good.
Originally posted by Lppaefans:
sis, hahahahha...in this life, what is beauty in body...all the same with bloddy organs and all the same and also the pattern in pain when we are doing shitting bussiness in toilet..hahahahaha....( i sound so horrible stating this here...)
be happy.
hahahaha easy to say la....wait till you are being seduced in this manner...lols
Coroner do autopsy. But he still will like gals.
The organs, the intestines the blood vessels, brain ... ...
Not so easy to get over lust. It requires years of practice and effort.
Well, this is my opinion and does not represent buddhism in any way.
Human sexuality or lust is not something very wrong or bad. It should be dealed with kindness. Obession with sex SLASH Obession with anythings else can create a lot of problems; such as - lack of mental clarity, compulsive behaviour that become out of control and carry out sexual misconduct acts that lead to emotional and social problems.
If you have this problem, then it is good to go seek counselling or do some chanting like Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa or practise meditation regularly.
As i have quote one or two months ago...
“ Lust is managed with right view regarding sexuality. Right view regarding sexuality is based in the perception of what his harmful sexual conduct and what is not. If we do not have a clear perception of what is harmful and not harmful in regards to sexuality, it will be difficult to manage lust.”
One has to practise to a certain level, then will they be able to manage and eventually cut defilement lust in a natural way and not on a repressive level.
Btw i don't think Buddha mentions Kundalini in the sutra?? but it is probably good to know something about it.