I'll start this out bluntly:
I am liberated from the core cause of all human suffering.
Buddha called it Enlightenment, Liberation is a better term. Whatever
it's called, it's possible, and easy.
This is because the cause is not a big, massive demon. It's
just one false belief, same as any other. Same as "the world is flat,"
or "there's a monster in my closet." No mysticism or spirituality
involved, at all. Just one wrong assumption.

You tackle this core assumption the same way as any other: by
replacing it with direct, firsthand experience of the truth, which
proves the false belief wrong.
Once gone, this belief never comes back.
A constant, unshakable peace will flood through, and resistance/suffering will not be able to consume you anymore.
The belief is that central to suffering. It's like the
bottom piece of an incredibly stressful game of Jenga. Pull it, and all
destructive thought cycles come crashing down.
What is it? What belief causes human suffering?
The belief that you exist.
Crazy, but this belief completely obscures the fact that YOU DO NOT EXIST.
In order to become liberated, you must be open-minded to the possibility that there is no self:
No thinker of thoughts.
No feeler of feelings.
No liver of life.
Just thoughts, feelings, life.
Believing this won't do anything. It has to be experienced.
It's the difference between believing that there is a monster
in your closet, and opening the closet and actually checking if there
To check if this is true, start anywhere. Literally, look at
any experience (e.g. the experience of thought, the experience of
hearing. seeing, anything). Look if there is a self anywhere
experiencing this.
If you see one, great, you proved me wrong. I want to hear about it.
If not, FOCUS ON THAT ABSENCE OF SELF. Follow that lead;
maybe it's possible that there is no self, that the assumption of one is
completely without factual basis.
I'm telling you it is, but that won't get you free. At all.
You have to see it, by looking. Keep looking. You'll know when you've
seen through this delusion.
Any human can get this, of any culture, in under 10 minutes. Some have done it in 3.
Out of the 124 liberated by this method, I took the absolute
longest. About 7 months, nothing at all to be proud of. But I'm lazy
and stupid.
You can do this much, much faster.
Check out the Ruthless Arena. Engage with the people on there, they'll help.
But most of all, look.
P.S. Credit where credit's due: This liberation thing was cracked by a British Philosopher named Ciaran Healey, who heads the site Ruthless Truth. Thanks Ciaran!
P.S. Credit where credit's due: This liberation thing was cracked by a British Philosopher named Ciaran Healey, who heads the site Ruthless Truth. Thanks Ciaran!