Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Cool.. welcome to this forum :) Which zen center you go to?
Glad you like my e-book... however there are many others more experienced and wiser than me. I am still a beginner in a sense ;)
You should really get Ted's book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1589825179?tag=flatsutrzenan-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=1589825179&adid=1QSAQ1ZKZAGEB4F0PQEJ&
Am buying it.
EN, i practiced with the Vancouver zen centre, which is Rinzai Zen under Joshu Sasaki Roshi from California http://www.mbzc.org
Originally posted by jinlin:EN, i practiced with the Vancouver zen centre, which is Rinzai Zen under Joshu Sasaki Roshi from California http://www.mbzc.org
You are a foreigner?
Originally posted by jinlin:EN, i practiced with the Vancouver zen centre, which is Rinzai Zen under Joshu Sasaki Roshi from California http://www.mbzc.org
Cool. Do you then practice koans? What koans do you practice?
Wow just found out your Zen master is 104 years old... and still having a full schedule. Amazing.
Chakra website suggested that animals have only five chakras as compared to the 7 chakras in humans.
Due to this, humans are said to be able to attain enlightenment ( when their 7th chakra merged with the cosmic consciousness).
Therefore it is fortunate to be reborn as a human, as you have the 6 and 7 chakra to attain buddhahood.
Originally posted by Wiser:Chakra website suggested that animals have only five chakras as compared to the 7 chakras in humans.
Due to this, humans are said to be able to attain enlightenment ( when their 7th chakra merged with the cosmic consciousness).
Therefore it is fortunate to be reborn as a human, as you have the 6 and 7 chakra to attain buddhahood.
Opening chakra can be helpful to experience the clear light of mind. However it is not necessary to open one's chakra to realize your nature.
How to gain enlightenment in this lifetime?
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Opening chakra can be helpful to experience the clear light of mind. However it is not necessary to open one's chakra to realize your nature.
no, it is not necessary. It's just one of the 8400 door to enlightenment.
One can realize one's nature by Zen meditation. By chanting , by repenting, by walking meditation, by visualising Buddha etc etc...8400 doorways.
I read on the website an old tibetan sculptor chanted only Om mani padme hum whole life while he worked . He knew when his passing away date, he told his children to surround him on his death day. His body shrunk and he left behind only nails and hair and there was a rainbow formed on the day he died.
( he achieved the rainbow body nature ...highest level in tantric) and he was just an illiterate man who focus on one mantra whole life. He was very poor but he would let any passerby to drink water and rest in his humble home. This old sculptor achieved what many high Rinpoches could not. He was so unknown till he died.
Originally posted by Millenium Falcon:How to gain enlightenment in this lifetime?
Wiser said it well. 84000 dharma doors.
I can speak from experience however, that self-inquiry is a direct path. However this is not a 'must'.
Also, Ren Cheng Buddhism teaches some very direct methods. It'll be good if you can attend our talks often.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Wiser said it well. 84000 dharma doors.
I can speak from experience however, that self-inquiry is a direct path. However this is not a 'must'.
Also, Ren Cheng Buddhism teaches some very direct methods. It'll be good if you can attend our talks often.
I don't feel comfortable bowing.
Originally posted by Millenium Falcon:
I don't feel comfortable bowing.
Then don't. We bow out of personal respect. It's not a must.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Then don't.
Nextime comfortable then go.
Sometimes I felt guilty after chanting and listening to chant.
Last time before Master passed away, he instructed local teacher lzls to change Shakyamuni Buddha image and statue to this:
Might as well pay respect to our own self-nature Buddha who is in fact the True Buddha.
(1. “He who sees me (Buddha) in forms or seeks me in sounds is on a heterodox path and cannot see the Tathagata (Buddha).”
2. “All forms are but illusions, in seeing that all forms are illusory, one sees the Tathagata.)
Other things he wanted local teacher lzls to implement was the four refuge system similar to vajrayana. Take refuge in guru... including the lay teacher.
Local teacher lzls was the ONLY teacher who received this instruction... even Taiwanese teacher chen who is Master's dharma successor, did not receive this instruction.
Unfortunately she was too scared to implement this... she said the next gen teachers should implement it.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Last time before my Master passed away, he instructed my dharma teacher to change Shakyamuni Buddha image and statue to this:
Might as well pay respect to our own self-nature Buddha who is in fact the True Buddha.
Other things he wanted my dharma teacher to implement was the four refuge system similar to vajrayana. Take refuge in guru... including the lay teacher.
My local teacher was the ONLY teacher who received this instruction... even my Taiwanese teacher who is my Master's dharma successor, did not receive this instruction.
Unfortunately she was too scared to implement this... she said the next gen teachers should implement it.
Look like zero.
Originally posted by Wiser:
I read on the website an old tibetan sculptor chanted only Om mani padme hum whole life while he worked . He knew when his passing away date, he told his children to surround him on his death day. His body shrunk and he left behind only nails and hair and there was a rainbow formed on the day he died.( he achieved the rainbow body nature ...highest level in tantric) and he was just an illiterate man who focus on one mantra whole life. He was very poor but he would let any passerby to drink water and rest in his humble home. This old sculptor achieved what many high Rinpoches could not. He was so unknown till he died.
sound very similar with a pureland case. just that the old chap started late, so the master also an old time friend told him to stay in a hut to recite Buddha's name diligently and sincerely. about three years, he was able to know his time of rebirth and when he left, he was standing! the master know that he left standing, he also praise the old man achieved what many high master could not.
Originally posted by sinweiy:
sound very similar with a pureland case. just that the old chap started late, so the master also an old time friend told him to stay in a hut to recite Buddha's name diligently and sincerely. about three years, he was able to know his time of rebirth and when he left, he was standing! the master know that he left standing, he also praise the old man achieved what many high master could not.
I saw this story from Master Chin kong's book.
Originally posted by Millenium Falcon:
I don't feel comfortable bowing.
it can help purify the body, as in part of Vajrayana's method of purifying the body, speech and mind. :)
Originally posted by sinweiy:
it can help purify the body, as in part of Vajrayana's method of purifying the body, speech and mind. :)
Part of me is still christian.
I still got christianity influence.
My house got many mile pusa statues.
Sometimes I still wonder If satan live inside the idols.
No offense intended to buddhists.
I am gonna shop for buddhists books in this year's bookfair.
Originally posted by Millenium Falcon:
Part of me is still christian.I still got christianity influence.
My house got many mile pusa statues.
Sometimes I still wonder If satan live inside the idols.
No offense intended to buddhists.
no la. don't know who originated this thinking.
i seach: "Can a Christian Practice Buddhism?" found a pastor said:-
"Sure, but as in all things, one must be discerning and measure all teachings with God's word, the Bible."
Originally posted by sinweiy:
no la. don't know who originated this thinking.i seach: "Can a Christian Practice Buddhism?" found:-
"Sure, but as in all things, one must be discerning and measure all teachings with God's word, the Bible."
Hmm... you need to read the entire passage in context to see what the pastor is pointing at, actually.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Hmm... you need to read the entire passage in context to see what the pastor is pointing at, actually.
ya i know, it's frm a christian pov. hence i didn't copy all. it's to proof buddhism is not satanic. since i tot Millenium Falcon not convince yet in his conversion. nvm i delete better.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Cool. Do you then practice koans? What koans do you practice?
I only did koans when attending sesshins with roshi, which i haven't done in a while. My first sesshin he gave me 'how do you manifest true love when seeing a flower' (there is a flower pot beside him). It is quite an experience having interviews with him every day. My second sesshin he gave me 'where am i' koan.
I gained a lot after attending two sesshins with him. I think face to face contact with a true master is very beneficial. I haven't done retreat anymore since I don't feel the urge anymore.
Originally posted by jinlin:I only did koans when attending sesshins with roshi, which i haven't done in a while. My first sesshin he gave me 'how do you manifest true love when seeing a flower' (there is a flower pot beside him). It is quite an experience having interviews with him every day. My second sesshin he gave me 'where am i' koan.
I gained a lot after attending two sesshins with him. I think face to face contact with a true master is very beneficial. I haven't done retreat anymore since I don't feel the urge anymore.
I see...
Originally posted by Millenium Falcon:
Part of me is still christian.I still got christianity influence.
My house got many mile pusa statues.
Sometimes I still wonder If satan live inside the idols.
No offense intended to buddhists.
I am just curious why some Christians think Buddhism is satanic? Or am I mistaken?
Anyway, I find many teachings in Christianity similar to Buddhism, there is not much of a conflict except for the goal...