We grant wishes to children with
life-threatening illnesses. Each wish brings smiles, laughter and a
sense of wonder, together with many special memories to cherish.
Founded in 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona, Make-A-Wish® is now
present in more than 30 countries and across the world grants one
wish, 30 mins of every day, 365 days a year. Make-A-Wish
Singapore is an affiliate of Make-A-Wish® International.
Wish granting has a life-changing experience on children and their
families and the impact reaches far and wide, involving donors,
sponsors, and entire communities.
In Singapore it is our goal to reach every medically eligible child
and bring them renewed strength to battle their illnesses.
Chris had leukaemia and his greatest wish was to become a policeman. His dream was realised when his family, friends and local community organised a tailor-made uniform, a ride in a helicopter and completed his VIP treatment with the presentation of his policeman’s badge. All involved were so touched by this experience that they vowed that granting wishes, and making dreams come true for these incredibly brave children, should continue. To date, more than 240,000 wishes have been granted worldwide and many children have experienced the power of a wish. Our aim is to go beyond the mere delivery of each child’s wish. Instead, we hope to create an unforgettable and meaningful experience in making these wishes come true. In their fight to overcome their illnesses, we know that such memories are a source of joy, encouragement, hope and even strength, to these children. It is our goal, in Singapore, to reach every medically eligible child. We need you!
Make-A-Wish Foundation® (Singapore) Ltd
116 Middle Road #09-02 ICB Enterprise House Singapore 188972 | Tel: 6334 9474 | Fax: 6334 4750 |
Email: [email protected] | Website: www.makeawish.org.sg
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I pray for all the sick children to quicky recover from their illnesses.