True Buddha School is not true Buddhism. I have read his articles before and it is obvious his
teachings have deviated far from true Buddhadharma.
My suggestion is not to follow blindly and study mainstream Buddhism yourself and you will then
realise how different it is.
True Buddha Order (Zhen Fo Zhong) - Sheng-yen Lu
What else is Sheng-yen Lu? He is a Christian (has been a Sunday Bible School teacher), a Taoist
Master, a Buddhist Master (shaven and left home), and also the Living Buddha Lian-shen (a
Tantric guru). Is Sheng-yen Lu a monk?
"He is now a monk, after formally taking the vows and shaving his head."
Is Sheng-yen Lu the lineage holder of the True Buddha School? "Yes, because he has founded
the True Buddha School to propagate the True Buddha Dharma."
Apart from the above, Sheng-yen Lu is also a psychic! He is someone who is everything. But,
who, really, is Sheng-yen Lu?
Now that Living Buddha Lian Shen has attained Realisation through his own vigour and practice,
in order to teach more sentient beings, he espouses the True Buddha Dharma, hoping that
everybody will eradicate their karma, see their Self Nature, so that he or she can control his or
her own life and death, and become a Buddha in no time.
Because Living Buddha Lian Shen has attained Realisation, he knows very well that by practising
the True Buddha Dharma everybody can become a Buddha.
Therefore he let it be known to the whole world, the undisclosed doctrines of Buddhism, hoping
that everybody will take refuge in True Buddha School, and carry out the practice to attain
On March 11th, 2000, Master Lu hosted a grand ceremony with a lecture. Thousands of members
who took refuge in Master Lu attended this ceremony. There, he gave a controversial lecture on
how to use a spell to kill someone. Master Lu believed that if there was no other way that could
assist a hopeless or stubborn person, then the only way is kill him or her. He said "The only way
to treat a stubborn or a hopeless person is to kill. If you love someone and have mercy and want
to send one to heaven, you must first take his life and then expiate the sins of the dead. This is
the 2nd greatest charm of the religion". He continued saying;- "if there is no other way that could
assist one, then the only way is to kill. Giving mercy or influence or wisdom and still not way out,
then the only way is to kill".
This lecture shocked many Buddhists in Taiwan and the world.
Not long after his lecture, Master Lu was accused of committing sexual harassment with a female
disciple, known anonymously as "SHC". She claimed that Master Lu made negligent counseling by
making the said disciple engage in a "twin body blessing"---sexual intercourse. The disciple was
terminally ill at the time of this incident. According to the disciple, Master Lu said that she would
die of sickness if she did not participate in this blessing.
However, the disciple had no evidence, beyond her own word, that any "twin body blessing" took
place, and Temple officials had no knowledge of any such blessing and no reason to believe that
such a blessing ever happened.
Grand Master said, "When I first set forth to propagate the Dharma, I've encountered many
slandering. But even if threatened with forceful oppositions, I had remained unwavering in My
conviction of the Truth....True Buddha disciples of today, having experienced wonderful miracles
from the Grand Master, should also possess the same deep-rooted and immovable conviction
towards the Dharma." For further information, see -
In Sydney, They operate from Sydney Yen Shang Lei Zang Temple, 645 Princes Highway, Tempe
Lu Sheng-Yen should not be confused with the Respected Buddhist Zen Teacher, Ven.
Lu Sheng Yen created a sutra named " True Buddha Sutra". He wants all his followers to recite and chant by this sutra that indicate that He is Amitahbva Buddha.
他週å…早上出å¸é¦¬ä½›ç¸½ç¦®å ‚舉行的「馬佛å¸é™¢ç¬¬7屆進修ç�暨第17屆åˆ�ç´šç�ç•¢æ¥å…¸ç¦®ã€�後,這麼å�‘記者說話。
「我們無æ„�貶低或排斥任何教派,也ä¸�ç ´å£žé€™äº›æ•™æ´¾ä¿¡å¾’çš„ä¿¡ä»°ï¼Œæ›´ä¸�æœƒæ‰“å£“ä»»ä½•å®—æ•™åœ˜é«”ï¼Œä½†å¿…é ˆæ¾„æ¸…æ£ä¿¡ä½›æ•™èˆ‡ã€Žé™„佛外é�“ã€�的界線,以還佛教本來é�¢ç›®ï¼Œè®“å¸ä½›è€…ä¸�會走入了é�žä½›æ•™è€Œä¸�知。ã€�
繼程法師指出,「一切眾生都有佛性ã€�,所以我是佛ã€�ä½ æ˜¯ä½›ï¼Œè€�虎ã€�ç�…å�也是佛,這種「活佛論ã€�是「附佛外é�“ã€�常æ��出的說法,並èª�ç‚ºå› ç‚ºé€™æ¨£èªªï¼Œä»–å€‘å°±æ˜¯ä½›æ•™äº†ã€‚
é‡‹ç¹¼ç¨‹èªªï¼Œçœ¾ç”Ÿæœ‰äº†ä½›æ€§å°šé ˆé€šé�Žä¿®è¡Œï¼Œä¸¦å…·è¶³å› ç·£å�Šæ¢�件,廣行è�©è–©é�“方能æˆ�佛。然而「附佛外é�“ã€�主張ä¾�é� 「活佛ã€�çš„åŠ æŒ�,ä¸�用修行也能æˆ�ä½›æˆ�è�©è–©ã€‚ Holiness Dalai Lama letter about Lu Sheng Yen
full letter here
True Buddha School founder Lu Sheng Yen claims he has all the four tantric lineages but there is no rinpoche name being mentioned for being his guru to pass the lineage to him.
People who are not informed of his cheating background , trusted his self created teachings and some end up mentally or physcially ill after they follow lu sheng yen's practise.
For all tantric buddhism, a person needs a proper lineage to be blessed/empowered to gain achievement in any practise. True Buddha School lies aobut their lineages and wreck the lifes of those who practise diligently a false dharma.
接下æ�¥å�°æ¹¾ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œå�°å°¼å�ˆæœ‰çœŸä½›å®—的四个é�“场退出真佛宗,归属于å¨�å…‰
ã€Šå®—å§”æœƒå°ˆè¨Šã€‹å®—å§”æœƒé€šå‘Šã€€èŒ²å› é‡‹è“®æˆ’ä¸Šå¸«å¯„ä¾†å¯«çµ¦æ ¹æœ¬ä¸Šå¸«ä¹‹æ‡ºæ‚”æ›¸å�Š
會ã€�é€²è¡Œç ”è¨Žç›¸é—œäº‹å®œä¸¦ä½œå‡ºæ±ºè°ï¼šå�–æ¶ˆä¾¯å®‡éš†ï¼ˆè“®æˆ’ï¼‰çš„ä¸Šå¸«è³‡æ ¼ï¼Œä¸¦å�–
消其é�“å ´ï¼ˆå¨�光雷è—�寺)之èª�å�¯ã€‚
  世界真佛宗宗務委員會 謹啟
æ¤é€šå‘Šè¯´æ˜Žç¡®æœ‰å…¶äº‹ã€‚è‡³äºŽèŽ²æˆ’æœ‰æ— å†™å¿�悔书å�Šè¾žè�Œä¿¡ä¹‹ç±»ï¼Œé‚£å�ªæ˜¯çœŸä½›å®—
å› æ˜¯è®¤è¯†åˆ°å�¢èƒœå½¦æ˜¯ä¸ªéª—å�,那å�ˆæ€Žä¹ˆä¼šå†™å¿�悔书呢?那是å�¢èƒœå½¦å’ŒçœŸä½›å®—
当时是莲緻上师带了一批人去莲戒那里,先和莲戒谈è¯�ï¼Œæ— ç»“æžœå�Žï¼Œæ”¶å›žäº†
èŽ²æˆ’çš„äº”ä½›å† ï¼ŒèŽ²æˆ’å½“æ—¶ä¸€å�¥è¯�都没说。大家å�¯ä»¥çœ‹åˆ°èŽ²æˆ’上师是用行动æ�¥
1. 經é�Žè‰å¯¦ é«˜é›„å¤§æ™ºå ‚å·²ç¶“æ”¾æ£„æœ¬æ•™æ´¾å‚³æ‰¿ 將蓮花童å�法åƒ�自壇城移下 ä¿®
法é�Žç¨‹ä¹‹ä¸äº¦ä¸�å†�誦唸上師心咒 åˆ†å ‚å��稱改為[å¨�光禪寺],æ£å¼�æˆ�為é�本教派
è§£é™¤ä¸Šå¸«è³‡æ ¼ä¹‹å‰� 上師[蓮戒]所屬é�“å ´.
2. 心路æ·ç¨‹æˆ‘大概知é�“一些,é€™äº›æ˜¯å¤§æ™ºå ‚å ‚ä¸»çš„è€�婆說的,我親耳è�½åˆ°çš„,為
什麼會把蓮花童å�請下來,並且è¦�å�›æ•™çš„åŽŸå› 1.師尊傳雙修法並且跟女信徒修
雙修,這樣的 師尊已經犯戒了,我們�能在拜他為師2.師尊閉關6年多是為了躲
官å�¸,å› ç‚ºè·Ÿå¸«å°Šä¿®é›™ä¿®çš„å¥³ä¿¡å¾’è¦�告師尊性侵害,所以師尊è¦�躲起來,3.蓮戒上
相當好有90分,å�¯æ˜¯è³¼åœ°è³‡é‡‘ä¸�å¤ å�ªå¥½å¤§éƒ¨åˆ†è·ŸéŠ€è¡Œè²¸,而師尊也想è¦�這塊地,
å’’ä¸�å�¯ä»¥å¿µå› ç‚ºæœ‰æ²’æœ‰æ‘©å‘µé›™è“®æ± æ ¹æœ¬ä¸�知é�“,勸大家還是念阿彌陀佛往生西
3. æˆ‘æƒ³é™¤äº†å¤§æ™ºå ‚ã€�æ–°åŠ å�¡æµ·å¤©å�Œä¿®æœƒä»¥å¤–,å�°å°¼åœ“明å�Œä¿®æœƒã€�金胎å�Œä¿®æœƒ
我很é�ºæ†¾æœ¬å®—官網都沒這方é�¢çš„消æ�¯èˆ‡å ±å°Ž
从这里å�¯ä»¥è¯´æ˜Žè‡ªä»Žå�¢èƒœå½¦2000年逃é�¿å®˜å�¸èº²è—�èµ·æ�¥å�Žï¼Œå°±è¢«è®¸å¤šäººè¯†ç ´ã€‚
是å�‡æ´»ä½›ï¼Œå�‡ä½›ã€‚å�¢æ˜¯åœ¨æ�žé‚ªæ•™ã€‚æ ¹æœ¬æ²¡æœ‰æ‘©å‘µå�ŒèŽ²æ± ,什么师尊心咒,什
letter from a hong kong victim whose brother has become a mental wreck after he diligently practised True Buddha School dharma and even went for a closed hut retreat at Seattle Temple.
True Buddha school has no proper tantric lineages and because people believe in the Founder Lu Sheng Yen as a living buddha, they practised whatever he taught without knowing better. There are many cases of mental wreck , all these are covered up because it is hard to prove in the court. Numerous families suffered when one of their family member became mentally unstable.
Tantric Buddhism is not a joke, something trifle to play with. Without proper lineage empowerment, any efforts are wasted and people easily go into difficulty. ( zuo huo ru mo ~~ enter fire and mara state)
story of a weeping sister over her brother, third page on this website.
覺得真佛宗怎麼å�¯ä»¥é€™æ¨£èªªå‘¢??皈ä¾�蓮生活佛後,,,,å†�去è—�密的ç�Œé ‚,,,å°±ä¸�需è¦�å�¦å¤–皈ä¾�,,,
那為什麼皈ä¾�è—�密後,,,,,å†�去蓮生活佛接å�—ç�Œé ‚,,,,å°±è¦�皈ä¾�,,,
èª°æ²’æœ‰å‚³æ‰¿åŠ æŒ�力呢???
è—�密的皈ä¾�境是è¦�把所有的祖師都觀想出來,,,,怎麼å�¯ä»¥æ²’æœ‰å‚³æ‰¿åŠ æŒ�力呢???
還有看完真佛宗的下é�¢é€™ä½�SELIKA師兄的回ç”,,,,我居然發ç�¾è—�傳的ç�Œé ‚儀軌居然是ä¸�錯且æ£ç¢ºçš„方法
ç”:是的,真佛宗是æ£ä¿¡ä½›æ•™ã€‚真佛宗是ä¾�照釋迦牟尼佛的教導,開示「解脫生æ»ã€�ã€�ã€Œå› æžœè¼ªè¿´ã€�çš„é�“ç�†è®“大眾知é�“,所以是æ£ä¿¡ä½›æ•™ã€‚
Q2:佛教ä¸�是è¦�å�ƒç´ 嗎?為什麼密教ä¸�用å�ƒç´ ?
ç”:密教是隨緣(ä¸�強調)å�ƒè‘·æˆ–å�ƒç´ ,這是佛教徒,å�ªçŸ¥å…¶ä¸€ï¼Œä¸�知其二。釋迦牟尼佛的本æ„�是:「ä¸�è²ªå°±æ˜¯ç´ ã€�。所謂:
眼ç�›ä¸�è²ªå¥½è‰²ç¾Žç‰©ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ç´ ã€‚
耳朶ä¸�貪愛éœ�éœ�ä¹‹éŸ³ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ç´ ã€‚
é¼»å�ä¸�è²ªå—…ç•°å‘³å¦™é¦™ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ç´ ã€‚
身å�ä¸�貪高貴å“�ç‰Œä¹‹æ–™ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ç´ ã€‚
æ„�念ä¸�貪å��,ä¸�貪利,ä¸�貪色,ä¸�è²ªæ„›ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ç´ ã€‚
個性ä¸�隨便亂講話,言之有物,ä¸�äº‚ç™¼è„¾æ°£å°±æ˜¯ç´ ã€‚
ç´ ä¸�出å�ªæ˜¯å�£ï¼Œè€Œæ˜¯çœ¼ï¼Œè€³ï¼Œé¼» ,舌,身,æ„�。密教「真言ã€�,「手å�°ã€�,「觀想ã€�,能將「葷ã€�è½‰ç‚ºã€Œç´ ã€�。
Q3: 為什麼真佛宗的弟å�è¦�將蓮生活佛的法相供奉在壇城上?
ç”:真佛宗弟å�çš„å£‡åŸŽï¼Œå…¶ä¸»å°Šå¿…é ˆæ˜¯å¤§ç™½è“®èŠ±ç«¥å�〈å�³è“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›çš„法身〉,以明確地çª�é¡¯å…¶æ ¹æœ¬å‚³æ‰¿çš„æ·µæº�ï¼Œå› ç‚ºå¯†æ•™æ²’æœ‰æ ¹æœ¬å‚³æ‰¿çš„åŠ æŒ�,就沒有æˆ�就。一般人如果没有è‰æ‚Ÿæˆ�佛,若將法相供人禮拜是會折壽而且會很快往生。真佛宗五百万弟å�有在家居士ã€�出家眾å�Šæ²™ç“¦å´—è�–寺å�Šç´ 伯寺的僧眾,更有活佛,ä»�波切ç‰éƒ½ä¾›å¥‰è“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›çš„法相,有的長é�”二å��餘年之久,而蓮生活佛尚å�¥åº·åœ¨ä¸–,則足以è‰æ˜Žè“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›æ˜¯ä¿±è¶³å��德圓滿,是真佛的示ç�¾ã€‚
Q4 請�供�祖先的供�,我們�以�嗎?
ç”:å�ªè¦�心å˜æ¸…淨之念,å�ƒä¸€åˆ‡ä¾›å“�就無所謂。 æ��怕沖犯å�¯åŠ 唸「嗡 å•ž å�½ã€�三è�²ï¼Œä»¥ç¤ºæ¸…淨。
Q5 何謂「真佛宗�?
* 「真佛密法ã€�的法力,已包容了密教的大è¦�,ä¸�但濃縮,而且發æ�®çš„淋漓盡致。æ¤ä¸€æœ‰ç¯€å¥�的修練法,全部èž�入密教的å�£è¨£ï¼Œåœ¨ä¸€æ—¥ä¸€ä¿®ä¸ï¼Œç”¢ç”Ÿæ½›ç§»é»˜åŒ–之功,轉移在日常生活裡。這種修練法,表ç�¾å¾—樸實å�Šå¹³æ°‘化。
* 「真佛密法ã€�,藉著「手å�°ã€�ã€�「觀想ã€�ã€�「æŒ�å’’ã€�而進行,å�šä½›çš„姿勢,想佛的形åƒ�,說佛的心語,這æ£æ˜¯ä¸€ç¨®ã€Œè§€ç›¸ç¦ªå®šæ³•ã€�。å†�說,表é�¢ä¸Šçš„手å�°ã€�觀想ã€�æŒ�咒,ä¸�是祗有形å¼�,其ä¸è˜Šæ¶µå…¶å¿ƒè¦�å�£è¨£ï¼Œé€™æ˜¯ç”±çœŸå¾—的上師æ‰�能言說å�£æŽˆã€‚
Q6 請簡單介紹蓮生活佛盧å‹�彥讓我èª�è˜ï¼Ÿ
ç”:蓮生活佛,俗å��盧å‹�彥,一ä¹�四五年農æ·äº”月å��八日誕生於å�°æ¹¾å˜‰ç¾©å¾Œæ¹–ç‰›ç¨ æºªç•”çš„é›žèˆ�,畢æ¥æ–¼æ¸¬é‡�å¸æ ¡ï¼Œå�–å¾—å·¥å¸å£«ä½�,並在è»�ä¸æœ�å‹™å��年。早期作å“�主è¦�以散文,詩æŒï¼Œè©•è«–為主。他一生專心實修佛法,創立真佛宗,也寫了接近二百本書。內容是他從凡夫修到æˆ�佛的心路æ·ç¨‹ã€‚皈ä¾�的弟å�已經有五百多è�¬ã€‚
Q7:什麼å�«å�šç�Œé ‚?
ç”:ç�Œé ‚有三種æ„�義:
- 清淨:把é�ŽåŽ»èº«ä¸Šçš„æ¥éšœæ¶ˆé™¤ã€‚
-åŠ æŒ�ï¼šæ ¹æœ¬å‚³æ‰¿ä¸Šå¸«ä¿®è¡Œçš„æ³•åŠ›ç�Œæ³¨åœ¨ä½ 的全身。
-授記:最é‡�è¦�çš„æ„�義是「把佛的æ„�è˜ç¨®å�放入弟å�心田ä¸ï¼Œ å› ç·£æˆ�熟之後,就會開花çµ�æžœã€�
Q8 為什麼�皈�?信仰與皈�有什麼��?
ç”:皈ä¾�çš„å�«ç¾©ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯çšˆå�‘,ä¾�é� ,救度。 皈ä¾�就有如進入一間å¸æ ¡ï¼Œç™»è¨˜æˆ�為æ£å¼�å¸ç”Ÿçš„å„€å¼�。 皈ä¾�是èª�定一ä½�å�¯ä»¥è®“我們解脫生æ»çš„師父,願æ„�接å�—他的教導,æˆ�為他的弟å�。
Q9 皈�真佛宗�有�件嗎?
ç”:沒有任何æ¢�件。å�ªè¦�å°�真佛宗投緣,心生æ¡å–œï¼Œä½ å°±å�¯ä»¥çšˆä¾�。
ç”:真佛宗是ä¾�照釋迦牟尼佛的教導,開示「解脫生æ»ã€�ã€�ã€Œå› æžœè¼ªè¿´ã€�çš„é�“ç�†è®“大眾知é�“,所以符å�ˆä¸‰æ³•å�°ã€‚
ç”:真佛宗宗主 蓮生活佛,在一開始å�—é�“å®¶ç‘¤æ± é‡‘æ¯�(俗稱西王æ¯�)於å�°ä¸çŽ‰çš‡å®®ç‚ºå…¶é–‹å•Ÿå¤©çœ¼ï¼Œå¼•é ˜ 宗主蓮生活佛入é�“æ•™ã€�顯教ã€�最後至密教。
從æ¤é–‹è¡�çœŸä½›å¯†æ³•è‡³ä»Šï¼Œè“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›æ„Ÿå¿µç‘¤æ± é‡‘æ¯�çš„æ�©æ¾¤ï¼Œæ•…真佛宗的壇城有供奉é�“家的祖師與佛教的佛åƒ�並å˜ã€‚
密教ï¼�深玄幽邃之內è‰æ•™æ³•ï¼Œå› 有奧秘之義,秘密難曉,故稱為「密ã€�。
密教———å¸ç¿’å¯†æ•™èƒ½åœ“é “å¦™è¦ºï¼Œä¿¡è€Œè¡Œä¹‹ ,三密相應,å�¯å�³èº«æˆ�佛。
ç”:出家人還是人,外相雖是出家,但內在如還沒有修到æ£è¦ºæžœä½�的時候,還是有貪,瞋 ,癡的習性å˜åœ¨ï¼Œæ•…是ä¸�é�©å�ˆè¼‰è£�飾å“�。但,如果 一ä½�真æ£è¦ºæ‚Ÿè€…,心性清淨,但為了圆滿眾生心願,載佛弟å�贈予手飾å“�,令贈予者心生æ¡å–œï¼Œä¹Ÿæ˜¯ç‚ºäº†æ…ˆæ‚²è€Œè¼‰è£�飾å“�。
Q14真佛宗目å‰�有多少弟å�?最近的é�“å ´åœ¨å“ªè£¡ï¼Ÿ
ç”:真佛宗目å‰�有五百多è�¬å¼Ÿå�,å�¯åœ¨ç¶±è·¯ä¸Šå°‹æ‰¾æœ€è¿‘é�“å ´ã€‚
Q15附近沒有真佛é�“å ´æ™‚ï¼Œæˆ‘è¦�怎麼皈ä¾�真佛宗?
ç”:想皈ä¾�真佛宗,但所ä½�的地å�€å�»æ²’有真佛é�“å ´ã€‚å�¯å¯«ä¿¡é�™ç�Œé ‚皈ä¾�的。 其方å¼�如下:
***æ¯�月農曆åˆ�一或å��五日,早上七點。(以當地時間記算) ,é�¢å�‘æ�±æ–¹ï¼ˆå¤ªé™½å�‡èµ·çš„æ–¹å�‘) 。æ�念四皈ä¾�咒:「å�—æ‘©å�¤é¯è²�。å�—æ‘©ä¸�é�”耶。å�—æ‘©é�”摩耶。å�—摩僧伽耶。蓮生活佛指引。皈ä¾�真佛。ã€�三é��。念三é��拜三拜。(一次å�³å�¯ï¼‰ã€‚
而後將自己的「姓å��ã€�地å�€å’Œå¹´é½¡ã€�,å�Šé™„上隨æ„�供佛費,註明是「求皈ä¾�ç�Œé ‚ã€�,然後寄到美國的「真佛密宛ã€�。蓮生活佛æ¯�逢在åˆ�一或å��五,便在「真佛密宛ã€�舉行「隔空é�™ç�Œã€�çš„å„€å¼�,給無法親到的弟å�é�™ç�Œé ‚。然後會給大家寄上「皈ä¾�è‰æ›¸ã€�å�Šä¸Šå¸«æ³•ç›¸ï¼Œå�Œæ™‚指示從何法修起。這å�³æ˜¯å�–得「蓮生活佛ã€�的傳承。
Master Sheng-Yen Lu
17102 NE 40th CT.
Redmond, WA 98052-5479 U.S.A.
è“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›ä»¥å¤§äº‹å› ç·£ä¾†åˆ°äººé–“ï¼Œå¾žå‡¡å¤«èº«é–‹å§‹ï¼Œä¸€æ¥ä¸€è„šå�°çš„次第修行,去實修實è‰ï¼Œç›´è‡³ä¿®æŒ�è‰æ‚Ÿã€Œå�³èº«æˆ�ä½›ã€�。更立下弘願「粉身碎骨度眾生,地ç�„ä¸�空,誓ä¸�æˆ�ä½›ã€�。於1985年七月五日〈農æ·äº”月å�� 八日〉æ£æ˜¯æ´»ä½›çš„生日,蓮生活佛è‰å¾—「ä¸�æ»è™¹å…‰ã€�æˆ�就,这時有百è�¬ç©ºè¡Œæ¯�æ¡å‘¼è®šå˜†ï¼�「ä¸�æ»è™¹å…‰ã€�æˆ�就,邵å�³æ˜¯ã€Œç„¡ä¸Šæ£ç‰æ£è¦ºã€�(或稱「å�³èº«æˆ�ä½›ã€�)。
Q18 真佛宗能幫我解決�障�題嗎?
ç”ï¼šä¸€åˆ‡éƒ½æ˜¯å› æžœï¼Œé…¬æ¥ã€‚俗語有å�¥ï¼šã€Œå�ŒæŠ¬å�ƒé£¯ï¼Œå�„自修行。ã€�,é�ˆéšœå•�題,唯有多æŒ�咒,唸佛,迴å�‘給他們。
Q19 佛教�是�人放下一切,四大皆空嗎?為什麼密教有財神 法?
ç”:å°�ï¼Œä½›æ•™æ˜¯æ•™äººçœ‹ç ´ï¼Œæ”¾ä¸‹ï¼Œä¸�執著。蓮生活佛悲æ„�眾生在生活上的需è¦�,所以傳授財神法,解决眾生在生活上的煩惱。令
Q20 修習密教�以�得神通嗎?
ç”:密教行者如果真æ£ä¿®åˆ°ä¸€ç§�自在的境界,自自然然ç�²å¾—神通。但我們å�¯ä»¥é«”悟一件事,所謂“神通”,é�ž“究竟”之事,å¸ä½›ä¿®åˆ°æœ‰“神通”,也是平常事。 我們è¦�的,ä¸�是è¸�æ°´é€�波,而是自度å�ˆèƒ½åº¦ä»–的大徹大悟。ä¸�為別事,ä¸�為神通。å�ªç‚ºäººç”Ÿç¬¬ä¸€çœŸè«¦çš„大事而已。
Q 21佛教說三皈�,為何密教是四皈�?
ç”:在密教一切æˆ�å°±åŠŸå¾·éƒ½æ˜¯ä¾†è‡ªæ ¹æœ¬ä¸Šå¸«ï¼Œé ˆçšˆä¾�具德金剛上師 ,皈ä¾�ä½› ,皈ä¾�法 ,皈ä¾�僧。故稱四皈ä¾�。
Q 22為什麼真佛宗�燒金紙?
ç”:真佛宗的金紙有「真言祕密ã€�çš„é�“ç�† ,比一般的金紙ä¸�å�Œã€‚燒金紙其æ„�義全是在借「æ„�念ã€�來修練目自己的「念力ã€�。燒ã€�「金紙ã€�çš„é�“ç�† ,ä¸�但æ”�å�¬ä½›ï¼Œä¹Ÿæ”�å�¬è‡ªå·±çš„祖先,更使祖先å›
ä½ çš„ã€Œå¿µåŠ›ã€�,而得往生淨土。
ç”:蓮花出污泥而ä¸�染 ,它象徵清涼美德,,也表示清淨的功德,清涼的智慧,我們所見的佛åƒ�éƒ½æ˜¯ä»¥è“®èŠ±ç‚ºåº§ï¼Œæ˜¯ä»£è¡¨ä»–ä»¬æ¸…æ·¨çš„æ³•èº«ï¼ŒèŽŠåš´çš„å ±èº«ã€‚
Q27çœŸä½›å®—çš„ä¸Šå¸«å’Œæ ¹æœ¬ä¸Šå¸«æœ‰ä»€éº¼ä¸�å�Œï¹–
ç”ï¼šçœŸä½›å®—æ ¹æœ¬ä¸Šå¸«æ˜¯çœŸå®—çš„å‰µè¾¦äººï¼Œä¹Ÿæ˜¯å‚³æ‰¿äººã€‚ä»–å°‡ç•¢ç”Ÿç²¾ç ”ä½›æ³•ï¼Œå¤© 天實修,精練的æˆ�果,一一傳授給真佛弟å�ï¼Œå› ç‚ºçœŸä½›å¯†æ³•çš„æ®Šå‹�,皈ä¾�çœŸä½›å®—çš„äººæ—¥æ—¥å¢žåŠ ï¼Œç›®å‰�真佛弟å�é��佈全世界å�„地,為了方便利益眾生å¸ç¿’ï¼Œæ ¹æœ¬ä¸Šå¸«æ…ˆæ‚²å°�授眾「弟å�ã€�為「上師ã€�,延續真佛æ£æ³•ï¼Œæ™®åº¦çœ¾ç”Ÿã€‚æ ¹æœ¬ä¸Šå¸«æ˜¯ã€Œå‚³æŽˆä½›æ³•ã€�çµ¦æˆ‘ä»¬çš„ç¨±ã€Œå‚³æ‰¿ä¸Šå¸«æˆ–æ ¹æœ¬ä¸Šå¸«ã€�,真佛宗「上師ã€�æ˜¯ä»£è¡¨ã€Œæ ¹æœ¬ä¸Šå¸«ã€�把法傳出去的,稱「上師ã€�。
ç”:蓮生活佛具足å��德圓滿的真æ£ä¸Šå¸«ï¼Œè“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›æ•™å°Žçœ¾ç”Ÿå�³ç„¡ä¸Šæ™ºæ…§çš„å�£è¨£ã€‚皈ä¾�蓮生活佛的人,å�—åˆ°æ´»ä½›çš„å¤§åŠ æŒ�力,入真佛密法之ä¸ï¼Œä¸€å®šç�²å¾—「無æ¼�的智慧ã€�,å�¯è‰ä½›æžœã€‚
ç”:皈ä¾�蓮生活佛 和皈ä¾�佛陀ä¸�å�Œä¹‹è™•æ˜¯ï¼š
蓮生活佛應身說法,佛å�見è�žè¦ºçŸ¥ã€‚佛陀己入涅槃,留下來的文å—佛典,若é�žå¤§æ ¹æ°£ï¼Œæˆ–有善知è˜æŒ‡å°Žï¼Œç»ˆèº«éƒ½æœƒæ‚Ÿä¸�到。
ç”:蓮生活佛寫有將近二百本修行著作,將一生修行心得都寫在著作之ä¸ï¼Œè“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›èªªé�Žæ‰€æœ‰çš„著作都是教弟å�,除了敬師ã€�é‡�法ã€�å¯¦ä¿®ä¹‹å¤–ï¼Œé‚„é ˆä¿®å¸ç„¡äº‹ã€�無心ã€�自然ã€�隨緣ã€�放下執著,這些解脫之é�“。
ç”:真佛宗世界å�„地都有è�¯å…‰åŠŸå¾·æœƒï¼Œæ¿ŸåŠ©ä»»ä½•æœ‰é ˆè¦�的眾生。還有臨終關懷活動,也有真佛宗電視å�°ã€‚
ç”:真佛宗戒律有:五戒ã€�å¯†æ•™æ ¹æœ¬å��四大戒ã€�事師法五å��é Œ ,如果是在家弟å�,å�—了在家è�©è–©ç�Œé ‚是è¦�守在家è�©è–©æˆ’。
ç”:「壇城ã€�簡單的說,就是「è�šé›†çš„é�“å ´ã€�,其最主è¦�çš„æ„�義,是自己能在這淨室之ä¸ï¼Œå¥½å¥½çš„æ¯�日安安é�œé�œçš„打å��修練,ä¸�å�—外人的干擾。本宗è¦�定,æ¯�日最少一修。這「壇城ã€�就是修法的地方,也就是供奉è�©è–©è«¸å°Šçš„地方。
「壇城ã€�為何必è¦�ï¼Œå› ç‚ºåˆ�修行的人,é�œå��修法,以「安é�œã€�為è¦�,而且供奉諸尊,一見å‹�妙莊嚴,也會心生æ¡å–œï¼Œæ¨‚於在壇城久å��。「壇城ã€�的建立,更利於觀想修法,有「壇城ã€�ç‰æ–¼æœ‰ä¸€å€‹æ–¹å�‘。
Q39å“ªäº›äººèƒ½å¤ çšˆä¾�蓮生活佛?
ç”:任何人å�ªè¦�是自願的都å�¯çšˆä¾�ï¼Œå› è“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›ç™¼é¡˜ä¸�æ�¨ä¸€å€‹çœ¾ç”Ÿã€‚
ç”:雙修法å�ˆå�«æ¬²æ¨‚定,是男女行者é�‹æ°£å¾ªç’°çš„法門,能迅速入定,但絕å°�ä¸�å�Œæ–¼ä¸–俗男女之間的欲樂,是清淨無念,如果一有æ¼�或一著貪就會下金剛地ç�„,所以蓮生活佛èª�為,行者è¦�å·²è‰ç©ºæ€§å’Œå·²è‰ç„¡æ¼�法,æ‰�å�¯ä¿®æŒ�雙修法。æ¤æ³•æœ‰è¨˜éŒ„æ–¼å¸«å°Šè‘—ä½œå¯†æ•™å¥§ç¾©æ›¸ä¹‹ä¸ (æ¤æ³•è‡³ç›®å‰�还沒有真æ£å‚³æŽˆ)。
Q 41雙修法的�件是什麼?
ç”: 雙修法(雙身法)屬於無上密部「ä¸�共法ã€�,é�žä¸€èˆ¬äººå�¯ä¿®ï¼Œä¿®ç„¡ä¸Šå¯†éƒ¨è¦�é�¿å…�æ¼�ï¼Œå› ç‚º 「凡æ¼�皆墮ã€�。蓮è�¯ç”Ÿå¤§å£«æ›°ï¼šã€Œæ¯’蛇之å�£å�–ç� ã€�。我〈蓮生活佛〉實實在在的告訴大家,無上密部的修行,决ä¸�是一般世俗男女的胡æ�žçžŽæ�žã€‚ä¸�谨明妃的é�¸æ“‡åš´æ ¼ï¼Œç”šè‡³è¡Œè€…自己也è¦�å¤Ÿæ ¼ï¼Œå·±é�”完完全ä¸�æ¼�點的地æ¥ã€‚以天部欲樂之法,é�‹æ˜Žé»žï¼Œé–‹ç™¼è„ˆè¼ªï¼Œç›´è‰ä½›æžœï¼Œé€™å°±æ˜¯å¯†æ•™ç„¡ä¸Šå¯†éƒ¨çš„é›™é�‹ã€‚
Q 42真佛宗有教授雙修法嗎?
無上密部,有ç¦�戒;å°�未æˆ�熟者ä¸�說。å°�輕蔑者ä¸�說。å°�æ�¨æ£„者ä¸�說。å°�未ç�Œé ‚者ä¸�說。å°�未守戒律者ä¸�說。å°�無信心者ä¸�說。
Q 43皈ä¾�真佛宗需è¦�å¤šéŒ¢ï¼Ÿå ±å��法會需è¦�多少錢?
Q 44ä»€éº¼æ˜¯å››åŠ è¡Œï¼Ÿ
ç”ï¼šã€Œå››åŠ è¡Œã€�是密教的基礎。(1) 就是「大禮拜ã€�,å�šå¤§ç¦®æ‹œä¹Ÿå�¯ä»¥ç·´è‡ªå·±çš„身體。 。(2) 就是「大供養ã€�。å�šã€Œå¤§ä¾›é¤Šã€� è¡¨ç¤ºä½ çš„è™”æ•¬ï¼Œå°�ä½›è�©è–©ã€�金剛è·æ³•çš„虔敬。。(3) 就是 「四皈ä¾�å’’ã€�ï¼Œæ˜¯å …å›ºä½ è·Ÿ 「上師ã€�ä½›ã€�法ã€�僧ã€�信心的方法。
Q 45真佛宗和一般�密有什麼��?
ç” ï¼šã€ŒçœŸä½›å®—ã€�確實與一般密宗略有ä¸�å�Œï¼Œç”±æ–¼è“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›çŸ¥äº†ä¸‰ä¸–å› æžœï¼Œç¢ºæ‚Ÿè‡ªå·±çš„æ³•æ€§èº«æ˜¯è¥¿æ–¹æ¥µæ¨‚ä¸–ç•Œæ‘©è¨¶é›™è“®æ± çš„ç™½è“®èŠ±ç«¥å�,ä¸�但確悟,而且親è‰ï¼Œå› æ¤ï¼Œã€ŒçœŸä½›å®—ã€�çš„æ·¨åœŸæ˜¯æ‘©è¨¶é›™è“®æ± çš„æ·¨åœŸã€‚ã€ŒçœŸä½›å¯†æ³•ã€�有蓮花童å�相應法(上師相應法),是其它密宗所無,這是「真佛密法ã€�最大的特質之一。
ç” ï¼šè“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›ç›§å‹�彥金剛上師有三大志願:一ã€�è€�人院;二ã€�臨終關懷;三ã€�真佛墓園。
蓮生活佛èª�為é€�é�Žå°�生命更深刻的覺醒和觀照,會讓我們活得更ç�‘è„«ã€�æ›´è‡ªåœ¨ï¼Œé€™ç¨®è‡ªåœ¨èˆ‡å®‰æ¨‚æ˜¯æˆ‘å€‘èº«å¿ƒå®‰é “çš„åŸºçŸ³ã€‚
å�¯ç ”ç¿’ã€�臨終關懷-黃金八å°�時DVD】å�Šå ±å��真佛法會,了解更多相關課程。
ç” ï¼šå¸çœŸä½›å¯†æ³•å°±ä¸€å®šè¦�皈ä¾�真佛宗 ,æ‰�å¾—åˆ°å‚³æ‰¿åŠ æŒ�力,修法æ‰�算是如法。
ç” ï¼šæ‰€è¬‚ï¼šã€Œé é ‚ä¸‰å°ºæœ‰ç¥žé�ˆã€� ,å�ªè¦�æ�敬å�ˆæŽŒç¦®æ•¬å�¯æ˜¯äº†ã€‚
Q49家è£�çš„ä½›å ‚(先人風水ã€�陽宅地ç�†)ä¸�知é�“安置得好ä¸�好?真佛宗有幫人看嗎?需多少費用?
ç” ï¼šå�¯åˆ°çœŸä½›å®—çš„é�“å ´æŸ¥è©¢ï¼Œ æœ‰æ²’æœ‰é€™é …æœ�å‹™ã€‚ä¸€èˆ¬æœ‰å¼˜æ³•äººå“¡çš„åˆ†å ‚éƒ½æœ‰è¾¦çš„ã€‚è²»ç”¨æ˜¯éš¨æ„�的。
Q 50ç›®å‰�在社會有很多人以殺生為行æ¥ï¼Œä½†ä½›æ•™æ˜¯ä¸�主張殺生,請å•�他們應該怎樣å�šå‘¢ï¼Ÿ
ç” ï¼šä½›æ•™æ˜¯ä¸»å¼µä¸�æ®ºç”Ÿï¼Œå› æ¤�ç‰©ï¼Œå‹•ç‰©ä¹Ÿä¸€æ¨£æœ‰ç”Ÿå‘½ã€‚å¦‚æžœä½ è¡Œæ¥æ˜¯ä»¥æ®ºç”Ÿç‚ºæ´»ï¼Œæœ‰ç„¡æ³•æ”¹è¡Œæ¥ï¼Œå”¯æœ‰å¤šæŒ�往生咒迴å�‘çµ¦æ›¾ç¶“è¢«ä½ æœ‰æ„�或無æ„�所殺害眾動物é�ˆã€‚æ›´ä»¥å¯†æ³•è¶…æ¸¡ç‰ å€‘ï¼Œä»¤ç‰ å€‘æ—©æ—¥è¶…æ˜‡ã€‚
真佛宗蓮生活佛èª�証互摃出包篇:ã€Žæ‘©é ‚æŽˆè¨˜ã€�師兄å°�上『玄天上å¸�ã€�師兄
淺談真佛宗的æµ�行文化:方便與究é�“ 作者:心ä¸çœ¾ç”Ÿå¤šä¸€é»žçš„å¤©å ‚å¸«å…„
True Exposition of True Facts of the True Buddha School’s Founder
“Living Buddha” Sheng-Yen Lu
I, S H C am willing to expose the true facts of the True Buddha School’s
founder "Living Buddha" Sheng-Yen Lu, hoping that his followers/students
would know and understand the true facts, kindly do not hate, hurt or be angry
with me thinking that I’m slandering or trying to kill their Grand Master Sheng-
Yen Lu.
I, recall since 1996 while living at Ling Shen Ching Zhe Temple, Redmond,
Washington, USA. I could still remember the teachings of the resident Masters,
monks and nuns there .Together we practice the teachings of Buddha, I’m glad
and pleased with our bondage and advancement during these days. Together we
prepare meals and desserts, work, play, do all activities happily and peacefully.
During these 4 years together and getting to know my fellow colleague, we have
come to live together and gained their trusts and faith in me; so much so that
they even share their personal duties.
After gaining the senior’s Master Lian Ning trust and appreciation, I was
transfer to Sheng-Yen Lu’s office "The True Buddha Secret Centre" to work.
And Lu (Sheng-Yen Lu) to be delighted even presents me his personally hand-
written Scripture and also a "Dragon Robe" – which is the Royal Robe of Sheng-
Yen Lu.
The Sheng-Yen Lu cheated me too severely. It is just unbelievable that today I
became known as a lustful woman. If I do not do anything or sue him or let
things be, it will be so unfair to other people and me too. Many people will be
disappointed and many too will misunderstand me, especially most of the Sheng-
Yen Lu’s followers which are so full of enmity - now hating, cursing and
scolding me. They too cannot be blamed as they are in a mist not knowing the
true story, also being misinformed.
In Seattle, Washington State I just do not understand why my case was taken
lightly and later closed my case as the Sheng-Yen Lu is nowhere to be found.
Previously, I had two civil cases lawyers over in Seattle, Washington U.S.A.
whom is very capable and competent trying to bring Sheng-Yen Lu to justice
but failed to as he had already escaped elsewhere hiding. Sheng-Yen Lu then
send his representative lawyer to offer me US$10,000.00 as settlement but
money is unacceptable for me for what I want is Justice and fairness for me and
everyone else that could be future victims.
I did have my lawyer trying to reopen the case as a criminal case but to no
avail as objected by Seattle, Washington police department.
I would like to reveal my case out to the public; get my justice back.
It all begin one day in year 1991,after getting off work, me and my colleague
went to a hair saloon .There and then I was reading a magazine which published
an article - celebrating the Bodhisattva Guan-Yin’s (Goddess of Mercy)
birthday in Penang State, Malaysia. On that day there was a huge spectator
crowd at the double-storey jetty and suddenly due to the overloaded weight,
the structure collapsed, killing many people.
Right away I fell sad, sorry and disappointed that on such a sacred (holy) day
this kind of things could happen taken so many lifes away. Suddenly I fell cold
from the feet up and dizzy wanting to faint. I was then sent to the hospital,
given a shot and return home to rest. Next-day I was unable to get off the bed,
feeling sick all over – very-very sick indeed.
So my mother accompanied me everywhere to find the cure for my weird illness
– all kinds of medical and whoever-else that we heard of is practicing medicine,
but did not cure my illness.
In the year 1992 a relative of mine introduced me the True Buddha School and
thus I become a member.
Then in year 1993 January 07, Sheng-Yen Lu came to Malaysia to the opening
ceremony of a new temple, Tawau, Sabah. That was the first time I met,
whereby I grab the opportunity and beg him to cure my illness. After looking at
my sickness complaint which I’d written, he asks me to kneel before him, and
then he places his palm onto my forehead to give his blessing. He instructed me
to burn more incense and etc-etc and join his group gathering ceremony but did
not tell me more of my illness. During the gathering my three children join the
My illnesses continue to fluctuate on and off; there were several times I
experienced whole-body numbness in the mornings, unable to get out of bed,
mentally struggling to wake up; all in all my illness did not really heal much.
I also did CT Scanning on my brain back in my hometown but did not find any
Finally one day I discussed with my husband on the situation I’m in: "I always
depending on the medicine and still feeling very sick, needing too much rest. I
requested to go to United State of America and beg the Grand Master (Sheng-
Yen Lu) to cure me. The Grand Master said that he could even bring the dead to
life having the uppermost power; could even cure cancer. (As written in his
books). I hope that he the Grand Master can heal my sickness with such powers
of his and if he cannot do so I will accept my faith and destiny".
On July 2, 1996 my mother accompanied me to Seattle, Washington, USA;
during the flight there we get to know many other members from Taiwan and
also someone from our hometown known as Ms. P.
Every Saturday Sheng-Yen Lu accepts Questions and problems from anyone of
the members 4.00pm – 6.00pm at the "True Buddha Secret Centre" (Private
office) which is Sheng-Yen Lu’s office.
Here in Redmond, U.S.A., the first time during the meeting with Sheng-Yen Lu I
was being accompanied by my mother. First we need to write down our
problems/questions together with a red envelope (which is money packet) and
wait in line (outside the office) to meet him. When our time comes, He, Sheng-
Yen Lu looking through, he then gives me his blessings – as usual placing his
palm onto my head. That is all and we were asking to leave.
A few days later my mother went back to Malaysia.
Come next Saturday, again as usual many members were there to meet the
Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu. When my turn comes to meet him, he asks if I
have anything to say. Since I was unprepared, I could not answer his question
and did not say a word. He, Sheng-Yen Lu then asks Monk Lian Ning and
Master Chang Zhi to leave the room (office) and close the door leaving only
both of us behind. Again Lu (Sheng-Yen Lu) asks if I have anything to say to
him. I answer him: "No, but request to cure me.” Lu then replies: "I will help
you." He then asked me if I dreamt of him and my answer to him was no. He
then told me that: "You was a <fairy> in your previous life and is destined
karma with the Grand Master (Sheng-Yen Lu)."
I then leave the room and met my hometown friend, Ms. P whom asks me what
the Grand Master did behind the closed door. And I answer her that the Grand
Master said that he will help me, that is all I told as Sheng-Yen Lu said not to
talk too much to other people.
When Sheng-Yen Lu he will give me blessings to heal my sickness and every
time he will instruct that he be left alone behind the closed door.
After a month’s stay in the temple dormitory (Ling Shen Ching Zhe Temple-
Seattle Temple), I was pleased with my health improvement, now that I could
get better sleep and my headache is less frequent. So I return to Malaysia.
In 1996 September I came back to U.S.A. to attend the opening ceremony of
the Waken Ray Tseng Temple in Los Angeles. Sheng-Yen Lu encourage all
members to attend more temple mass or prayers gatherings so to repay for the
sins we do, improve ones health. He also asks the members to pray for the dead
to help them to expiate and cleanse their sins and let them go to heaven; include
cat, dog and all kind of the animals.
One day I went to see Sheng-Yen Lu for his blessings. There he closes the door
and took a door-stopper (door wedge) to stop the door behind us as there was
no lock on the door. Then he sits on the floor and asks me to sit in front of him.
He then asks me to allow him to read my palm and he told me that I am very
kind and sincere. He said that I was a "Buddha" being reincarnated. He said that
in my previous life I used to be very close relationship with him. He said that I
was his past life's wife, this present life I am not his wife but am I willing to be
his next life’s wife? He took me by surprise and happy to know about my past
and future life, thinking that I was a Buddha in my past life and given the chance
to be the Grand Master (Sheng-Yen Lu) next life’s wife (he being a Living
Buddha). This means I would be able to help people and feeling lucky that the
Grand Master chose me having his reasons to do so. Believing his words I then
seriously answer him yes I will. He then instructs me to write a vow letter,
telling me word by word to write. He taught me to write: - [I willingly in all my
life be "Living Buddha" Sheng Yen Lu concubine <wife>.] Then as instructed the
Sheng-Yen Lu, I personally have to hand the letters to him the next day when
he goes for his lunch.
About 2 weeks I went back to Malaysia. After about 2 month later my
headaches return and I could feel something cold in the centre of my brain. And
every-time I feel sick the cold seems to be spreading out to the whole head. I
would then take the medicine given by the doctor but I could still feel the
In February 1997 I went to U.S.A. again to beg Sheng-Yen Lu to heal my
illness as he did before. One day after blessing from Lu when I was about to
leave, suddenly he came over to me and hug me. I could feel "something" solid
between my legs and I quickly push him away. Then he said he thought I was
his "ex-wife"
Since having such a headache always, I try not to think too much. The Sheng-
Yen Lu taught us to obey the laws of Buddhism; must not have any negative
thought about the Grand Master (Sheng-Yen Lu) or slander the Grand Master.
All the followers must obey and listen the Grand Master’s words and not betray
him. If one rebel and disobey his words, one will be sent to Ah B hell – the
worst of all hell. To break the law is to sin; there will be an "angry god" causing
disasters, one will get a huge payback. (Law no.#3, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14,
#15, #16, #25and #49.)
(Every month during the half-moon and full-moon <the Chinese calendar>, the
resident Masters, monks and nuns will learn the laws of the True Buddha School
Laws in the hall of Temple.)
One day I went to meet Sheng-Yen Lu for blessing, there I was asked to read
out the charm – "Ah Mi Tuo Fo". I startled and ask him why and he replies that
I am going to be "Wang Sheng" (dead). He then said he has a way out but not
sure whether it could work or not. He continue saying that his religion greatest
charm is "twin-body practice". I did not answer him because after knowing the
bad death news, I feel frighten and troubled. All this time I have the impression
that he is the "True Buddha" and have always believe in him. With such news, I
am not willing to give up my family, husband and children.
I never dare to think negatively, always thinking of the good things. If the Grand
Master Lu could save me, I would then be able to be with my family. I have
been thinking and considering many days about life being so precious and also
family being so important. I had travel so far to meet the Grand Master Sheng-
Yen Lu to beg his cure and my main reason is to have my illness cured. So I
obediently accept the Grand Master words to be allowed to practice the "Twin-
body" blessing.
One day Sheng-Yen Lu came to the kitchen alone and wave to me to approach
him. I follow him to the dining hall where he sat at a long sofa. I then pay
respect to him, kneeling by his side. He told me to come over to his personal
office "The True Buddha Secret Centre" on Monday at 07:30am. The main door
is not locked so I could just enter. I then nod to answer him. When I was about
to stand up to leave, I notice monk Lian Xu standing by another door. Sheng-
Yen Lu he's leave and I continue with my chores in the kitchen.
That Sunday night, I could not get any sleep, crying the whole night long
thinking about my death. At the same time I was too anxious to learn the
greatest charm from the Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu. At 07:15am everyone in
the dormitory have already left for the temple. So I went to see the Grand
Master at his private office "The True Buddha Secret Centre". On my way
there, it crosses my mind that the main door is usually locked and opens only at
10:00am daily.
Anyway, when I open the door I heard Sheng-Yen Lu’s voice saying: "You are
here!" He then walk downstairs from the 1st floor balcony and lead me by the
hand to his office. He opens his desk drawer and took a golden pen together
with a piece of blank paper. Again he instructs me to write word by word
another vow which is a little different from the 1st letter. [I willingly in all my
life be "Living Buddha" Sheng Yen Lu’s imperial concubine] - Instead of just the
word concubine.
He then lead me again by the hand to the main door, ask me to take my shoes
along and lead me to the 1st floor on the left side room where his private
office/bedroom is. (Rough sketch of room)
I could always remember this day March 11, 1997 where he lead me into his
room and ask me to place my shoes in the restroom. From nowhere he holds a
book where some sentences had been highlighted; being underlined crookedly.
He asks me to read those underlined sentences. Those sentences roughly mean
"the enlightened one" can practice the twin body charm. Since I was too anxious
or confused, I did not really read and understand calmly those sentences. He
then places the book back on the table.
He begins to strip himself and place his robe and clothing on the rack. First his
vest, 2nd his burgundy long sleeve shirt (cheongsam), then his white t-shirt,
next his burgundy "sarong" (long skirt), also his white boxer.
He, Sheng-Yen Lu then instructs me to undress and later lead me by the hand
to the restroom (Sketch of restroom)
He orders me to hold onto the basin facing the mirror with my back facing him.
Then he starts his prayers inviting the gods, goddess, deities and etc, etc and
continues praying. Then I feel him touching my lower body, only then I realize
that the twin body greatest charm practice is sexual intercourse. But after
numerous time of trying to have sex, he failed. He then leads me into the
bedroom whereby he stands there and instructs me to do oral sex on him. Again
he instructs me to return to the restroom and in the same position tries to
penetrate from the back but fail again. He finally gave up hope and informs me
that this time is not possible and will schedule a next time. I quickly dress
myself up and leave the office urgently. I would not dare to tell anyone as doing
so will break the law of the religion. After-all as the Grand Master Sheng-Yen
Lu said before that only this kind of practice will be able to save my life.
On Mar18th 1997, that day I anxiously and over-consciously (looking forth and
back) reach his office where I opened the door and entered. There I heard him
(Sheng-Yen Lu) said: "You are here!" I saw him standing upstairs and order me
to lock the door and come upstairs. I obediently did as I was told: “Took your
shoes along upstairs." Then he leads me by the hand into his bedroom and
locked the door. He starts to undress and instruct me to do the same. Again he
leads me to the bathroom and instructs me to take the same position, holding
the basin with my back towards him and facing the mirror as before. This time
he succeeded to perform the twin body practice. Thus the True Buddha School
greatest charm "Twin body Practice" is no different to having sexual
Later every week Sheng-Yen Lu will performs the Twin-body blessing (make
love) with me; sometimes in the afternoons at the downstairs private office or
in the mornings at the upstairs bedroom. I accept the Grand Master Sheng-Yen
Lu blessing because I hope that the Grand Master could cure me of my illness
and save my life.
After about 2 months, I return to Malaysia but I was unable to face the near
future; feeling confused, lost and fearing for my life. I then turn one of our
rooms in the house into a small temple; placing many Buddhist Idols and
wholeheartedly praying daily, turning myself into a very pious Buddhist
follower. I would hide myself in this room and weep daily, keeping everything to
myself and trying hard not to let my husband and family members know of the
sorrows I’m going through. I’m hurting and suffering very deeply every minute
of my life.
Every time after my trip back from the U.S.A., my health improves a lot; this
makes my husband happier and glad. But every-time my health last for only two
months and my weird sickness returns. Again I will feel so scared, confused and
painful inside. I did ask Sheng-Yen Lu why my health is not totally cured and his
answer was I did not return to him for his blessing.
In February 1998 I return again to the temple and stayed for one and a half
month. Since my conscious pressuring me constantly, I could not take it no
more. Therefore I approach Sheng-Yen Lu and ask him: " Grand Master, you
said that I will be dead soon. Please tell me the exact date." He then wrote on a
piece of paper – [1999 summertime].
I went back to Malaysia and inform my husband that Sheng-Yen Lu pre-informs
me my death-date. I would not even dare to think about my husband’s
perception. My husband and I sell off our business and branches one by one.
Whatever properties I had were then sold off. I then write my last will and also
bought a huge amount of insurances. I also bought insurances beneficiary to the
temple in my hometown hoping to assist any members in distress. After
preparing whatever needed to be done, I just wait for the death-day. All in all it
is because I believe in the words of the "Living Buddha" Sheng-Yen Lu.
In Jun 1998 being in my sick situation again, I went back to the temple to stay
for another three months. I sincerely hope that the Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu
can cure me with a miracle and save my life from death.
One day during July 1998, at 08:15am while walking out from Sheng-Yen Lu's
office, I was spotted by nun Lian Ting (Michelle Chan, Kim Ling-Malaysian).
Around 08:45am after the morning prayers, nun Lian Ting came over to tell me:
"You must not be like this. You will victimize the Grand Master." I then tell her
that I went to get the Grand Master’s blessing but mention nothing about the
"twin body practice". I also told her about my death-date and after hearing such
news she still tell me this: "You cannot meet the Grand Master for blessing
anymore. You have been in there very long. Other Superiors (Masters, Monks
and Nuns) also noted and are aware of your time in there. Even the Grand
Master Lu’s Wife knows about it."
In early August 1998, while coming back from the Canada Ceremony, Sheng-
Yen Lu alone walks over to the alter for incense offering. He then walks over to
me purposely to instruct me to enter the temple’s office room. He then closes
the glass door behind him and informs me to be present on a certain time and
date at his personal office. At that time outside in the office also present were
nun Lian Jing and other nuns.
At the end of August month, my husband came over to U.S.A. to beg Sheng-
Yen Lu to perform a special ceremony for me at the temple; begging Sheng-Yen
Lu to save his loving wife, me. This time my husband became a member of this
religion and we return to Malaysia together.
In 1999 year, I finish preparing most of the things, even took a lot of
pictures/photos with my husband for memories. I went to the extent of
preparing two nun’s uniforms so as to be a nun just before my last breath.
Before, the Sheng-Yen Lu did want me to be a nun which is why I want to wait
till the last minute to fulfill his wish.
On February 26th 1999, my husband accompanied me for the last time to U.S.A.
and stayed for a week, he went back to Malaysia. We reluctantly part and my
husband would telephone me everyday afraid that one day he will not be able to
hear my voice anymore. It is so scary and dreadful just waiting for one’s death.
Every day the 24hrs passes by so slowly and the day seems so long, living in
the temple in Seattle just waiting for the death-day. Who would be able to
understand the situation and condition I’m facing daily. I would write in my dairy
and letters daily to my husband, children, mother, and other family members
also the Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu. Everyday I write non-stop and untiringly;
who could understand the sufferings I go through. Then the Sheng-Yen Lu
would still give me the "twin body blessing" (make love). (One day while
picking up his pillow in the Sheng-Yen Lu bedroom, I notice a piece of jade-
beaded panel that fell out from the pillow.)
During this trip in 1999, a new lock was installed on the office downstairs.
Every-time Sheng-Yen Lu will lock the door to perform the "twin body
In August 1998, a lady member gave Sheng-Yen Lu a piece of her hand-drawn
artwork of the "Four-handed Goddess of Mercy". That was a Saturday night and
many members from everywhere came for our usual practice together with Lu.
Lu then hold-up the drawing to show to everyone present. The drawing was
bright red in color and beautiful but was folded in the centre having a cross-
mark. The Grand Master was happy with it and told the crowd that he will place
the picture in his private room downstairs. In 1999 March, I saw the picture
already framed and hanging on next to the window and above his bed.
On April 21st, 1999, my husband came to U.S.A. again to beg Sheng-Yen Lu to
perform another personal prayer ceremony for me.
This time I stayed for four and a half months and now it is already the July
month. I grew impatient and wanted to go home. So I approach Sheng-Yen Lu
and ask him: “Am I not going to die?" He then replied: " It is my <diamond
baton> that saved you (he means his penis)." I said I wanted to go home and he
asks me not to go back to Malaysia. Thinking to myself that since I could not
die after this time, of course I want to return home.
On July 14, 1999 I went home to Malaysia. My husband was so happy that he
meets me at my transit flight and accompanies me home which make me so glad
and happy. Back to my home sweet home where my children are, I felt bad to
have neglected them all these years. Also I felt like I owed my husband too
much to have burdened him all this while and to suffer along with me. Now that
we are together as a family again we will have a new start in life.
On August 15 1999, Sheng-Yen Lu came to Malaysia for a ceremony. Out of
appreciation I encourage more relatives and friends to join the temple hoping
that everyone would be blessed.
About two months later my weird sickness returns; why is it that since the
Sheng-Yen Lu claims to be such a high powered "Buddha", able to catch evil
spirits and could cure you with just a wave of his hand. Also in Seattle temple,
United State all these times together with the blessings (greatest charm
practice) with Sheng-Yen Lu, why is it that I’m still not cured? I felt so sad and
I do not want to see him (Sheng-Yen Lu) again since this practice is illegal and
wrong-doing. I did told him before that he is a "Buddha", whereby I am just a
human, thus it is against the principle or law of the religion. He then answers me
"no" and leaves. Also during my stay in Seattle I personally saw some forbidden
scene and heard some forbidden news. I would not dare to think or speak about
it as it is against the "law". Since being a member Sheng-Yen Lu always teaches
us to be obedient and very strict with the "laws". We must not think wrongly
even in ones’ dream. Therefore I became a very pious follower thinking that
when I die I will go to heaven.
I was determining taking more rest and medicine but my headache gets more
serious. I cannot think at all because every-time when I start thinking the "cold
spot" in the brain will begin to spread. So I will begin to be scared and shiver all
over. Even-though I am suffering but I am aware of my condition. At the same
time I am worried and wonder what I should do.
Looks like I have no other choice but to return to Sheng-Yen Lu since every-
time after my trip, I would feel better. Furthermore my visits here to other
doctors had no progress at all. So I decided to go back to U.S.A.
å�°æ¹¾éª—å�å�¢èƒœå½¦çŽ©å–‡å˜›æ•™å¿…下金刚地狱 知情者
悔改,也è¦�下地狱。那些å�—蒙蔽的人,å�‡å¦‚çœŸä¿¡å› æžœï¼ŒçœŸä¿¡ä½›æ•™å�Šæ„¿æ„�了解真æ£
ç�µä»™çœŸä½›å®— “ç�µä»™çœŸä½›å®—”是由美ç±�å�Žäººå�¢èƒœå½¦äºŽ1979年创立的,总部设在美国西
雅图雷è—�寺(å�ˆç§°“ç�µä»™çœŸèˆ�æ€»å ‚”),1988年开始渗入我国,活动曾一度涉å�Š13个çœ�
市。 å�¢èƒœå½¦æ ‡æ¦œè‡ªå·±ä¸º“活佛”ã€�“佛主”,自称“从修é�“çš„å°�基础一æ¥ä¸€æ¥åœ°èµ°æ�¥ï¼Œ
从基ç�£æ•™----é�“æ•™----佛教显门----佛教密教,甚至许多的æ—�é—¨å°�æ•™ï¼Œéƒ½æ›¾ç ”ç©¶å�‚与,
确确实实ä¾�é� 实修而得æ�¥çš„”。 å�¢èƒœå½¦æž�端敌视社会主义制度,曾于1989年多次
书ç±�å’Œå®£ä¼ å“�,å�‘展æˆ�员,建立组织。 1995å¹´12月15日,公安部在给ä¸ç»„部ã€�ä¸
Don't be fool and follow your friends/colleagues/relatives to their events.
Waste of time/money and may put you in danger too.
盧å‹�彥究竟是怎樣的一個人?是å�¦åœ¨æ•£æ–‡ç•Œå�—到挫折,é�ˆæ©Ÿä¸€å‹•ï¼Œä¸€æœ¬ã€Œé�ˆæ©Ÿç¥žç®—漫談ã€�探路,ä¸�想å�»ä¸€ç ²éŸ¿é��å�Šé‚Šå¤©ï¼Œå�ªå¥½æŽ›è‘—大師é�¢è²Œï¼Œæ ¹æ“šä»¥å‰�所å¸å�Šè¿‘æ—¥ç ”ç©¶å¿ƒå¾—ï¼Œé †æ°´æŽ¨å‡ºã€Œé�ˆèˆ‡æˆ‘之間ã€�ã€�「é�ˆé‚的超覺ã€�ã€�「啟é�ˆå¸ã€�ã€�「神秘的地é�ˆã€�ã€�「é�ˆçš„自由ã€�ã€�「玄秘的力é‡�ã€�ã€�「é�ˆçš„世界ã€�ã€�「地é�ˆæŽ¢å‹�雨玄ç�†ã€�ã€�「æ�±æ–¹çš„飛氈ã€�ã€�「命é�‹çš„驚奇ã€�ã€�「輪迴的秘密ã€�…….部部扣人心弦,有如連續劇,震驚海內外的é�ˆæ›¸ï¼Ÿäº¦æˆ–真有é�ˆå¸«—三 å±±ä¹�侯 先生集清真é�“長傳其符咒,丹鼎之å¸ï¼ŸèŒ²åˆ†æž�探討如下…..。
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  第二ã€�盧å‹�彥的法術咒語出自「è�¬æ³•æ¸å®—ã€�。「è�¬æ³•æ¸å®—ã€�第八é �的「å�–木咒ã€�一å—ä¸�æ¼�被抄在「é�ˆæ©Ÿç¥žç®—漫談ã€�內「é�ˆçš„最崇與邪崇ã€�一ä½� 柯 è€�師被一å��亡é‚干擾,盧å‹�彥用樟柳木作其替身,他唸咒:「柳é�ˆæŸ³å¨˜ï¼Œç”Ÿåœ¨è�’郊å�¤å¢“å‚�,å�¾ä»Šè«‹ä½ 當神將,å…�在郊野å�—風霜,四時八節ç¥æ‹œä½ ,æ¯�æ—¥é¦™ç¾¹ä½ å…ˆåš�,急急赫赫æ�šæ�šï¼Œæ—¥å‡ºæ�±æ–¹ï¼Œç¥žæ–§ä¸€æ–·ï¼Œæ—©é›¢æ¤æ–¹ã€‚ã€�是其è‰æ“šä¹‹ä¸€ã€‚è�¬æ³•æ¸å®—第八é �「混煉柳é�ˆå…’法ã€�和「追é‚ç�¾è¡Œå’’ã€�,被抄在「é�ˆæ©Ÿç¥žç®—漫談ã€�內「露水å�¶åƒ�的傳奇ã€�,所談「練露水å�¶åƒ�方法å�Šå’’語ã€�:「é‚é�ˆæŸ³é�ˆï¼Œä¹�竅皆明,外具四象………ã€�是其è‰æ“šäºŒã€‚「è�¬æ³•æ¸å®—ã€�第四å�·è¨˜è¼‰ï¼šã€Œç¥žç²¾ å…ƒ å�›ï¼Œå¤ªä¹™å°‹è�²ï¼Œèƒ½æ•‘疾苦,說é�“å‰�程,æ±�è‹¥ä¸�說,永續沉淪,å�¾ä»Šæ•™æ±�,速通姓å��,急急如ä¹�天玄女 å…ƒ å�›å¾‹ä»¤æ”�。ã€�背盧å‹�彥應用在「玄密的力é‡�ã€�ã€�「三尊童å�的傳奇ã€�ä¸ã€Œé–‹å–‰å’’ã€�是其è‰æ“šä¸‰ã€‚茲尚有其他,無法一一å°�錄,讀者請原諒。
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full article
當年,影星方晴在宗教å�¶åƒ�è¿·æˆ€ç ´æ»…ï¼Œèº«é‚Šç©�蓄奉ç�»ä¸€ç©ºå¾Œï¼Œç«Ÿä»¥è‡ªæ®ºæ®‰æƒ…為人生最後的詮釋,她的「愛師ã€�盧å‹�彥,金剛上師居然出來解釋,撇的一清二楚,最為真佛寺的æ»å¿ 信徒,既然找ä¸�到人生的出å�£ï¼Œäººè€�ç� 黃?å�£è¢‹ç©ºç©ºï¼Œæ¤æ»ç›¸æ®‰ï¼Œå¯¦åœ¨å�¯æ‚²ä¹‹è‡³ã€‚
真佛宗的那些事 之 敛财大法
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(�顺导师谈)我與盧�彥 2007-08-16 22:46:21
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Now a temple of True Buddha School at Sims Ave is trying to raise 3.5million this year and thereafter to raise 7millions to tear down their present temple and rebuild a grander, bigger and full of gold shinning ornaments temple.
A total of 1.5 billion donation they are seeking. The asset will still be under True Buddha School. under Lu Sheng Yen. Your money become theirs asset.
So far this is the most expensive fund raising temple i heard of. Do they really need so many millions ?
True Buddha School is only focus on expanding their assets (temples/chapters). More and bigger.
Your donation become their asset expansion. Yet they do not help others nor do they teach others with a proper lineage. They cheat, they lie and they want your money.