Originally posted by Wan Ying:I don't see any reasons for persistent and unconditional supports of internet lies, especially with monetory intention, unless someone has some shares in the benefits.
For normal people like us, like the audience, when come to such kind of stories will only read with notice, but not to the extend to spread the stories everywhere on internet for ~5++ years, and fight so hard on behalf of SHC even there are already evidence showing how SHC lies about the raping. What is the actual intention?
All the so called sex scandals stories and articles cut and paste here and there are made to believe and purport the "truthfulness" of SHC stories, why need to do until like that for a stranger?
Unless, she is into some benefits......
how about she is into great sufferings to be cheated physically, mentally, in the heart and monetary by this lu sheng yen monk?
SHC has the right to get back her justice after she suffered. Just like the little girl who got raped since age 12 for 8 years by two masters in TBS. Father and son somemore. Poor girl.
eh maybe you go and ask lu sheng yen lor. Since he says he is amitabhva buddha in his created true buddha sutra.
He also says he is the 6th matriach, the mirapa and some more ancestral dun know who in many of his past lifetime.
He only short of telling everyone he is the shakyamuni buddha in his previous life.
go and ask lu sheng yen lor. maybe he can re-act the scenes for you. hahahaha...
SHC fakes stories and you help to spread the lies.
What do you want me to believe in? In SHC or in you?
aiya lu sheng yen says he is amitabhva buddha, buddha king of buddhas, the mirapa, the 6th matriach and some more ancestral guru names in his past lifetimes, why you also die die believed leh ?
SHC fakes stories and you help to spread the lies.
What do you want me to believe in? In SHC or in you?
Why detour the topic?
lu sheng yen fake stories and you choose to believe him ?
true buddha school is a cult , why you detour ?
one more thing, what is your benefit in stopping SHC to get her justice?
Arica Lim, your hatred will not bring you to anywhere, except to let you live in hatred from the past, on present and for the future...
You never say a word of thank you to those fellow TBS people who offered helps to you and care about you, especially those who console you when you in need of them, for the past 2 decades.
You only back fired your hatred which derived from your own imagination/hallucination, and vent your temper on the caring ones.
Why drag the innocent audience into poor karma with all the lies?
My messages here are not intended for you, as I know from experience, you will NEVER bother, but just to alarm the other audience, they have options to check/verify the validity of your claims and lies.
Based on what you posted here.
You, your words, your links, your hatred, your lies ... You think people bother about them? Of course not, thats why you need to persistently working on internet to help SHC to spread the lies....
You really poor thing!
wa lah eh..one insist i am parnie, his dream girl and die die must ask me out.
one insist i am arica lim.
this forum really interesting. You can suddenly become so many people.
Wang Yin, i think you are the pathetic one . Your hatred for arica lim shows everywhere. What did she do to you to let you hate her like that ?
let it go la.....you poor thing.
You are never known as "Wiser" before to your friends and relatives, and you are never a "Wiser".. How could a Wiser not knowing where to search for the US LAW DATABASE?
You don't use this name "Wiser" on your birth, in your education, in your live, in your work and elsewhere especially official matters. It is just your pusedo and hide out ID for internet chatting that made to satisfy your pusedo needs on pusedo world in order to fullfill your hallucinated desires and motives.
Prove to us, say that Wiser is not Arica Lim.
I guess you dare not.
Arica Lim has created a lots of problems in religion chapters. She even dragged her old age father to the chapter to pick up fights with Dharma brothers which shocked everybody, then threathened to call police to settle her disputes/quarels (with her own definition) and even threatened to take them to court. She is constantly in hungry mode that she snatched foods and drinks after offerings, which is meant for the old folks. She would jump up and started her Dharma dancing (her own creation) during crowded group cultivation, she weighted about 100kg that time, sometimes uncontrollably stepped on others and need a few men to help her back to her seat. TBS spent more than 10 years to advise her not to continue this kind of scary act (which she insisted to dance on most of the cultivation occasion/ceremonies), and recommended her to go elsewhere since she did not want to follow TBS teachings, might as well find some where that suits her best, and this recommendation further sparked all her attacks on internet against TBS, then later against Mr. Lu..
Having treating the fellow Dharma brothers and sisters so badly, they still took pity on her and chant for her recovery.
See. Who dare to admit that she is Arica Lim now?
However, she is really famous in TBS. Because she likes to show case her frightening enlightened Dharma dancing that scared all the TBS people.
By the way, SXC is a.k.a. SXC organization.
This is the body which creates all sorts of havoc booklets and magazines and news articles about fake sex scandal of Mr. Lu. The booklets were distributed in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, SIngapore and other parts of Asia countries. They are into the type of "Reputation Kidnapping" business. If you do not pay ranson to them, they will distribute the booklets and articles all over the world, by all means.
Mr. Lu told the couple, the representatives of SXC orgz , "Go ahead to distribute your articles. I have no monies for you kind of people. I HAVE NO REPUTATION!"
And Mr. Lu channelled all his monies when reached certain cumulative level, to the charity and salvation needs worldwide, and he is constanly back to zero penny again and again....
The headquarter of SXC organization is in Malaysia, and is now manning a famous website, of course about the "fake sex scndal of Mr. Lu".
Believing it or not, your own choice.
Just be careful. Not all information available on internet are trust worthiness. If you believe in Buddhism, you shall know that defaming anybody is sinful, whats more defaming an innocent monk, is extrememly sinful.
If you do not accept a teaching of a particular group, then stay with the one that accepts you, and you accept them. Defaming anyone group unreasonably will not build up your ethical value, and it will further promote your ill power to challeng further and further again, that will not calm your soul anyway. If any teachings that could sparked your hatred towards it, then you are not ready for any spiritual cultivation,your hatred will attract evil/negative energy and drift your further away from Buddhism.
If you like to back fire whoever took you in as disciple and treated you nicely, never hurt you before, then you will back fire anyone else elsewhere. My suggestion is, please stay away from any religion group, by all means, be your own master.
You are saying Taiwan court slander True Buddha School by sentencing 2 masters to jail ? You are also saying the 7 Buddhist organisations in Malaysia are defaming True Buddha School by warning many that it is a cult in the newspaper.
How sad you can't accept the brutal truth of True Buddha School. I think maybe you have lots of benefits from this cult. Lots of free donated money and sex on the side if you can find a victim.
It is sinful to continue siding a rotten cult. You are just getting more victims for the cult. ( and you benefit secretly, from the sale profits of the books )
Any way i don't think Lu Sheng Yen qualified in any way as a monk when he lied so blatantly that he is Amitabhva Buddha in his self-created True Buddha Sutra,
that he was also the 6th matriach, the mirapa and some other gurus in his past lifetimes. He even lied about his tantric lineages. This is super con Man . Con until own so many assets, money and victimised sex.
Something very important that need to draw attention from the innocents.
SXC organization has employed various "specialists" to enter TBS group and disguised as their followers, then conduct plotted sex crimes, all with prepared equipments for necessary photographies needs, in the name of TBS practitioners. These people are handsomely rewards and their families are filthy rich, with ill-earned monies.
In 1988, Mr. Lu had officially announced to the TBSers:-
- NO SEX CULTIVATION ALLOWED IN TBS. Twin-sex exists in ancient India/Tibetan Buddhism, (it is not the TBS patent right, so beware of any false claims made by Wiser, aka Arica Lim). Only when one achieve enlightenment are fit to practise that and Mr. Lu emphsized that no one fit in that category!!!
- NO PARTNERSHIP / BUSINESS is encouraged between TBSers.
Any sex crimes do exist since acient time, in the name of any religion groups or any races. This is the fault of human's own behaviour, but some ones with uterior motives will want to confuse the rest by tiding these incicents to certain groups SELECTIVELY, even though the sex crime is happened in other religion group, but she deliberately put them under TBS category.
Now, thinking of how they contracted HERPES, what other dirty jobs they can't do or which part of bodies they can't show to the public? Too bad, they still unable to capture Mr. Lu's naked body. But Wiser would very much wanted Mr. Lu to show off his body here as what she has been yelling for in here...
aiya...you make Buddha's teachings , a pure and clean system became like spy story.
you people very imaginative. Or you formerly just discharged from IMH.
Who can be richer than Mr super con man liao. So poor last time, now own so many assets, his son takes US$60,000 from donations and start his own car company leh.
His masters take donations and retired as a millionare liao. One female lecturer, not even a master ho, can run away with collections of donations. ( photo on SHC website, leading this mr super con man and his masters to do shake shake waist exercise)
All money goes to his family. He is better than Mr Cheng Shui Bian as a Taiwanese.
At least he got people to kowtow and bow down to him when he is cheating them.
eh when can you face up to the fact that in 2010, just last year only ho, Taiwan's court ruled two TBS masters of rape charge and sentenced to 9 years jail.
Taiwan's court is warning its own citizens liao with this news.
no sex cultivation in TBS? my foot la....accept the news la.
Wiser, if I would you, I would wonder,
SHC contracted HERPES, if not from Mr. Lu, then from who?
If SHC not contracted herpes from Mr. Lu, why she die die claimed to be victimised by him and why you need to unconditionally supporting her lies for persistently 5++ years on internet?
Do I still have to believe in SHC since Mr. Lu does not carry any herpes virus?
But this is not your intention.
Luckily, I am not you. I don't have such kind of ill intention.
Lu Sheng Yen a monk passed herpes to his victim during a twin body sex high level ritual.
Oooooooooo...............big news. He was already dancing with many night club hostesses before he became a monk. He bragged about his colourful life in his books.
Why am i not surprised he contacted herpes leh?