SHC the rape victim of Lu Sheng Yen challenged him to take herpes test after she found herself infested from his rape with it.
All documents post on SHC website below
this poor victim post many of her documents here to show the world. Including her police report and her will to donate money from her several insurances to TBS chapter in Sarawak when she thought she was dying (as predicted by Lu Sheng Yen con-man).
The TBS people have been advising SHC and Arica Lim for the past few years already, please first OPEN A COURT CASE WITH THE US COURT, THEN SUBMIT HER (SHC's and all the victims' herpes reports, the more the merrier) HERPES REPORT(S) TO US LAW DEPARTMENT, IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE LEGAL BODY TO CALL FOR EXAMINATION ON Mr. Lu.
Wiser, then show us the court case number for the victims claimed to have court case for "Suing against Mr. Lu with herpes" here.
Anyway, Arica used to creat a few accounts and talk to herself on forums phrasing her own wisdom and the amount of compassion she had for the "victims". Who knows she is into the same trick again?
Originally posted by Wan Ying:The TBS people have been advising SHC and Arica Lim for the past few years already, please first OPEN A COURT CASE WITH THE US COURT, THEN SUBMIT HER (SHC's and all the victims' herpes report, the more the merrier) HERPES REPORT TO US LAW DEPARTMENT, IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE LEGAL BODY TO CALL FOR EXAMINATION OF Mr. Lu.
Wiser, then show us the court case number for the victims claimed to have court case for "Suing against Mr. Lu with herpes" here.
Anyway, Arica used to creat a few accounts and talk to herself on forums phrasing her own wisdom and the amount of compassion she had for the "victims". Who knows she is into the same trick again?
show your so call claimed then. SHC can show all on the website. Where are your documents?
any come True Buddha School masters raped disciples' wives, daughter and followers one ah?
the recent 2010 Taiwan court ruled two to be jailed right . People got documents to prove. You only got mouth. And you only use mouth to slander people. Evil leh.
Wiser, then show us the court case number for the victims claimed to have court case for "Suing against Mr. Lu with herpes" here.
My claims? Claims of what? I just share with everybody here that go to US LAW DATABASE TO DO A READ UP THEMSELVES, so as not to be fool by the unethical reporters who survive on profiting from creating sex scandal news! and also, please beware of unreal internet fund soliciting, thats all!
Why you feel so hurt about my kind intention towards the audience here?
aiya, you put the link here, better and faster right ?
no need to open mouth, so tiring. Put all the links here.
You people want more women/girls to be raped and then suffer in silence.
Tsk tsk....cult heart liao.
how come true buddha school masters love to target at followers, disciples' wives and now even daughters. this is buddhism meh ?
Wiser, then show us the court case number for the victims claimed to have court case for "Suing against Mr. Lu with herpes" here.
Of course you could not find one, because SHC NEVER OPEN A CASE TO SUE Mr. Lu with her herpes report!!!
Thats why TBS people have been advising SHC and Arica Lim, please get SHC OPEN A CASE first and not just pouring words of mouth everywhere on internet!
If it is as claimed by SHC that Mr. Lu cast black magic so that she lose the court case, which means that with lots of internet donation for funding her court case, she will still lose up becoz Mr. Lu can cast black magic on the Judge to pass bias verdict that favours Mr. Lu, then why she still need internet donation in the first place, since she will lose the case no matter what?
aiyo...i salute Arica Lim, the Singaporean woman for trying her best to share information and warn the unknowing about the perils of True Buddha School. least less broken hearts, less torn wallets and less raped females.
You are her in your BROAD WISDOM, I guess!
whatever la...ha
2010 Taiwan court ruled two True Buddha Schools masters (father and son) of raping a disciple's daughter from age 12 for 8 years guilty.
Wait and see more la...ha...especially the old cases decided to have the guts to stand up and fight. Like SHC . 10 years she is still fighting for her justice.
3 kids somemore, tough life. Just because she trusted true buddha school.
eh, i know why tbs masters love to rape. their founder lu sheng yen set the example first. They see someone can get away with it, they also do la.
Some-more, lu sheng yen writes about "twin-body" sex is enlightenment in his books. Die die also must follow.
You admit that you are Arica Lim?
I do pity Arica, with such a nice and decent character her husband who is an eithical profession still chose to dump her, not for 3rd party worh, just die die wanted to keep a distance from her thats all, so sad, really pity her.
And with her nice and decent character, why she got such kind of bad karma by suffering from cancers? Strange! People saw her snail around on the road,..
Then she worte in forums, she has no money and she used to walk across the Singapore-Malaysia straits to and fro, before the causeway upgrading. Sometimes she didn't even have money to eat...
With such kind of kind and decent character to warn people of cults, why she suffer until like that? No money, no husband and with bad health....
Very poor thing leh...
wa...what did Arica lim do to you that you have to die die slander her like that ?
she raped you ha?
actually what you guys are debating? i m jus curious. dont ask me readd summarise.
can enlighten me either one of you?
What? you can took pity on a woman and I cannot?
By your order?
How would you know that I slander her? You are her? Otherwise why you take this stand and put yourself in her shoes?
Why say until like that, you mean you know Arica Lim personally and she ever rape people before? MY GOD !!!!
All the above information about Arica Lim were written by herself on the forums.... I just follow your method to re-iterate messages from other forums.
Alomak... you kind of strange leh....
Originally posted by voltrons.:actually what you guys are debating? i m jus curious. dont ask me readd summarise.
can enlighten me either one of you?
i also dun know leh. It's true buddha school cultish evidence and then become Arica Lim, a Singaporean woman. Maybe this Arica Lim very important person lor.
Originally posted by Wan Ying:What? you can took pity on a woman and I cannot?
By your order?
How would you know that I slander her? You are her? Otherwise why you take this stand and put yourself in her shoes?
Why say until like that, you mean you know Arica Lim personally and she ever rape people before? MY GOD !!!!
All the above information about Arica Lim were written by herself on the forums.... I just follow your method to re-iterate messages from other forums.
Alomak... you kind of strange leh....
then you still follow me ?
Originally posted by Wan Ying:What? you can took pity on a woman and I cannot?
By your order?
How would you know that I slander her? You are her? Otherwise why you take this stand and put yourself in her shoes?
Why say until like that, you mean you know Arica Lim personally and she ever rape people before? MY GOD !!!!
All the above information about Arica Lim were written by herself on the forums.... I just follow your method to re-iterate messages from other forums.
Alomak... you kind of strange leh....
any way also got one forummer think i am parnie, his dream girl and chased me all over here. i have a second identity beside parnie....hahahaha
cause i find this topic rather "interesting" can link topic A to B then to C. lols.
Originally posted by voltrons.:cause i find this topic rather "interesting" can link topic A to B then to C. lols.
i oso find this forum interesting....i become so many people....lols.
Whatever claimed by Wiser that Mr. Lu had raped SHC (Chong Siew Har, å¼ [æ�Ž]秀霞女士),Wiser is unable to provide the court case number of the abovementioned claim she made, which is a false claim, fake information.
Thats all.
SHC website was built since year 2000, has been soliciting internet donation to fund her court case against Mr. Lu, which SHC has no intention to pursue from start, because SHC has herpes, and Mr. Lu does not infected with herpes, and herpes is spread by sexual intercourse. There is no way that SHC can sue Mr. Lu with her herpes.
SHC and Arica Lim kept pressing Mr. Lu to go for herpes lab test, and Mr. Lu already proclaimed that he is clean and his medical report is available anytime upon request but both of them totally ignore it and keep yelling that no news from TBS.
The TBS netizens even advise SHC and Arica Lim to file a COURT CASE WITH US COURT FIRST, and the court will then order Mr. Lu for further examination, but SHC and Arica Lim has been decieving the netizens by saying otherwise and keep posting other unrelelvant rumours.
The truth is that, on 2000, SHC was never rape by Mr. Lu but she had a plot to profit from TBS group. She chose the timing when Mr. Lu was confirmed uncontactible, then she filed a case to claim "Refund of investment with TBS Seattle Temple", which later revoked by US court due to false claims and fake evident. US court ruled with Law of Devono, with full sincerely to HELP SHC throughout the few trails, again and again coz the court believed that woman is mostly the victim, yet later proved that she has faked the evidents, and her statements were conflicting and back slapped herself.
Thats why, SHC will never sue Mr. Lu with her herpes, not even after year 2010....
o k . gotten some idea over what you guys are debating about. lols.
Originally posted by voltrons.:o k . gotten some idea over what you guys are debating about. lols.
Yeap...True Buddha School a very dangerous buddhist cult. See how fanatic that fellow Wang Ying up there. Scary isn't it ?
Just open eyes big and warn others about this school lor. In case gana raped, also no justice.
The masters in this school cheated people of money too. One hongkong master cheated many to donate to buy a house with garden for this so call buddha and then later sold the house, pocketed millions and retired. Aiya , endless cases.
I don't see any reasons for persistent and unconditional supports of internet lies, especially with monetory intention, unless someone has some shares in the benefits.
For normal people like us, like the audience, when come to such kind of stories will only read with notice, but not to the extend to spread the stories everywhere on internet for ~5++ years, and fight so hard on behalf of SHC even though there are already evidence showing how SHC lies about the raping. What is the actual intention?
All the so called sex scandals stories and articles cut and paste here and there are made to believe and purport the "truthfulness" of SHC stories, why need to do until like that for a stranger?
Unless, she is into some benefits......