The first full moon of the year is celebrated in the Vajrayana tradition as the Day of Miracles, or Chotrul Duchen in Tibetan, to commemorate the final day of the 15 days of miraculous display by the Buddha. He performed the miracles during this time to overpower the six teachers of non-Buddhist views, called Tirthikas, who challenged him. When the Buddha first received the challenge, he moved to another kingdom of India[where?] and he continued to avoid the teachers until he had visited all the kingdoms. Finally, he had the kings of these lands and their retinues accompany him to the final kingdom[where?]. There, at an arranged field, he allegedly displayed his miraculous powers for 15 days to increase the devotion and merit of future disciples. Through these acts, which are observed annually by the prayer festival of the Gelugpa Monlam Chenmo, the Buddha defeated the teachers.
The clean water
Gautama Buddha asked his disciple Ananda to get him some drinking water from a well. Ananda, however, repeatedly told the Buddha that the well was filled with grass and chaff, and thus not drinkable. Despite this, the Buddha continuously asked Ananda for the well's water; eventually, Ananda went to the well. As Ananda walked to the well, the Buddha allegedly expelled all the grass and chaff from the well which resulted in the water becoming radiant and clean.
It is recounted as one of the Miracles of Buddha that Gautama Buddha walked on water by levitating over a stream in order to convert a brahmin to Buddhism.[2]
R.C. Amore recounts a miracle from the first chapter of Mahavagga (Book of the Discipline, IV) where the Buddha displayed his power over nature. When an area was inundated by a flood, he commanded the waters to stand back so that he could walk between them on dry ground.[3]
The golden bridge
During the third week after The Buddha's Enlightenment, the devas were unsure about whether Siddhartha Gautama had truly attained enlightenment or not. As proof of his enlightenment, The Buddha, using only his mind, allegedly created a golden bridge in the air, and walked up and down the bridge for an entire week.
Twin miracle
After the Buddha returned to his father's kingdom, uncertainty still existed about whether Gautama Buddha was really enlightened or not. In response, the Buddha allegedly displayed the Yamaka-p�tih�riya or the "Twin Miracle", called so because of its simultaneous production of apparently contradictory phenomena; in this case, fire and water.
The twin miracle entailed Gautama Buddha producing flames from the upper part of his body and streams of water from the lower part of his body, alternating this, and doing similarly between the left and right sides of his body.
Afterwards, the Buddha took three giant steps, arriving in Tavatimsa. There, he preached the Abhidharma to his mother who had been reborn there as a Deva named Santussita.
On one occasion, the Buddha allegedly flew into a Brahma's world, and explained to the Brahma that all things are transient and temporary and devoid of independent existence. After being persuaded by the Buddha's words, the Brahma decided to follow The Buddha's Dharma.
The Brahma then requested a competition of powers between the two of them. Whenever the Brahma hid himself, the Buddha ended up pointing out where he was located. Then, the Buddha hid himself in voidness and meditation but the Brahma could not spot him. The Brahma's faith in the Buddha was increased.
what walking on water !!!
Like the bible Jesus walking on water.
and now u know that Buddha already did that. :)
and parting the water too like Moses.
Power over nature
R.C. Amore recounts a miracle from the first chapter of Mahavagga (Book of the Discipline, IV) where the Buddha displayed his power over nature. When an area was inundated by a flood, he commanded the waters to stand back so that he could walk between them on dry ground.[3]
Originally posted by sinweiy:and now u know that Buddha already did that. :)
and parting the water too like Moses.
I rather believe in science.
Originally posted by sinweiy:Date: Saturday, March 05, 2011 - 0:00 - midnightRepeat Event: Every Day until March 19, 2011The 15 days following Losar are called the Buddha's Miracle Days. Buddha Shakyamuni performed many miracles for fifteen days after Losar in order to bolster the devotion of disciples.. This is considered an auspicious time in Tibetan Buddhism, when all activities, both positive and negative are multiplied millions of times. It is a good time to make offerings for loved ones, to help those in need, and in general, to do deeds beneficial to all sentient beings.---------------------------
The Day of Miracles
The first full moon of the year is celebrated in the Vajrayana tradition as the Day of Miracles, or Chotrul Duchen in Tibetan, to commemorate the final day of the 15 days of miraculous display by the Buddha. He performed the miracles during this time to overpower the six teachers of non-Buddhist views, called Tirthikas, who challenged him. When the Buddha first received the challenge, he moved to another kingdom of India[where?] and he continued to avoid the teachers until he had visited all the kingdoms. Finally, he had the kings of these lands and their retinues accompany him to the final kingdom[where?]. There, at an arranged field, he allegedly displayed his miraculous powers for 15 days to increase the devotion and merit of future disciples. Through these acts, which are observed annually by the prayer festival of the Gelugpa Monlam Chenmo, the Buddha defeated the teachers.
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The clean water
Gautama Buddha asked his disciple Ananda to get him some drinking water from a well. Ananda, however, repeatedly told the Buddha that the well was filled with grass and chaff, and thus not drinkable. Despite this, the Buddha continuously asked Ananda for the well's water; eventually, Ananda went to the well. As Ananda walked to the well, the Buddha allegedly expelled all the grass and chaff from the well which resulted in the water becoming radiant and clean.
Walking on water
It is recounted as one of the Miracles of Buddha that Gautama Buddha walked on water by levitating over a stream in order to convert a brahmin to Buddhism.[2]
Power over nature
R.C. Amore recounts a miracle from the first chapter of Mahavagga (Book of the Discipline, IV) where the Buddha displayed his power over nature. When an area was inundated by a flood, he commanded the waters to stand back so that he could walk between them on dry ground.[3]
The golden bridge
During the third week after The Buddha's Enlightenment, the devas were unsure about whether Siddhartha Gautama had truly attained enlightenment or not. As proof of his enlightenment, The Buddha, using only his mind, allegedly created a golden bridge in the air, and walked up and down the bridge for an entire week.
Twin miracle
After the Buddha returned to his father's kingdom, uncertainty still existed about whether Gautama Buddha was really enlightened or not. In response, the Buddha allegedly displayed the Yamaka-p�tih�riya or the "Twin Miracle", called so because of its simultaneous production of apparently contradictory phenomena; in this case, fire and water.
The twin miracle entailed Gautama Buddha producing flames from the upper part of his body and streams of water from the lower part of his body, alternating this, and doing similarly between the left and right sides of his body.
Afterwards, the Buddha took three giant steps, arriving in Tavatimsa. There, he preached the Abhidharma to his mother who had been reborn there as a Deva named Santussita.
On one occasion, the Buddha allegedly flew into a Brahma's world, and explained to the Brahma that all things are transient and temporary and devoid of independent existence. After being persuaded by the Buddha's words, the Brahma decided to follow The Buddha's Dharma.
The Brahma then requested a competition of powers between the two of them. Whenever the Brahma hid himself, the Buddha ended up pointing out where he was located. Then, the Buddha hid himself in voidness and meditation but the Brahma could not spot him. The Brahma's faith in the Buddha was increased.
Are the Buddha Miracle Days the same every year ? If yes, which days are they according to lunar calendar ?
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Are the Buddha Miracle Days the same every year ? If yes, which days are they according to lunar calendar ?
it's said
"The 15 days following Losar are called the Buddha's Miracle Days. "
so got to use Tibetan calendar.
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:
I rather believe in science.
good. to me Buddhism is the highest science. especially in Cognitive/mind science. geis also gave related articles by Professor of Physics.
Originally posted by sinweiy:
good. to me Buddhism is the highest science. especially in Cognitive/mind science. geis also gave related articles by Professor of Physics.
I don't really believe in karma and rebirth.
Yes I agree with Sinweiy, Geis etc that Buddhism is a science.
Daniel M. Ingram:
Let's say you were an empiricist, a purely rational scientist, and you
decided to simply test these two of many possible hypotheses:
noting the sensations that make up world second after second on
intensive retreat for 16-20 hours per day for 2-4 weeks without stopping
to do other things beyond sleeping leads to the stages of insight: yes
or no?
2) developing strong concentration to the point that you
could stay solidly with the meditation object with a relatively quiet
mind for 1 hour without the mind wandering can lead to the jhanas: yes
or no?
The empirical method would not be to reject them as they
don't make sense to you now, but instead would require you to do the
experiments. These have clear criteria, clear standards, clear
instructions, are exceedingly simple and very testable hypothesis that
the scientific method can easily prove or disprove by simply attempting
to reproduce the experiments that others have already done.
Rational enough for you? Reasonable enough for you? What are you waiting for?
is the path of science, first and foremost, the path of confirmation by
seeing the results for yourself, the path of the pure empiricist, the
path of pure investigation into whether or not these things work as
advertised. Dismissing these hypothesis based on a priori assumptions is
clearly not rational nor is it good science. How to you plead?
I believe in mainstream science.
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:
I don't really believe in karma and rebirth.
Then at least keep an open mind that it is possible, since there are actually scientific evidence supporting rebirth.
Now how is it possible for a five year old living in England who had never been to Spain to know all these details? And of course, this is not the only case of this type. Professor Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia’s Department of Psychology has described dozens of cases of this type in his books. He is an accredited scientist whose 25 year study of people who remember former lives is very strong evidence for the Buddhist teaching of rebirth.
"In the doctrine of transmigration, whatever its origin, Brahmanical and Buddhist speculation found, ready to hand, the means of constructing a plausible vindication of the ways of the Cosmos to man....yet this plea of justification is not less plausible than others; and none but very hasty thinkers will reject it on the ground of inherent absurdity. Like the doctrine of evolution itself, that of transmigration has its roots in the world of reality; and it may claim such support as the great argument from analogy is capable of supplying".
Then, Professor Gust Stromberg, the famous Swedish astronomer, physicist and friend of Einstein also found the idea of rebirth appealing:
"Opinions differ whether human souls can be reincarnated on the earth or not. In 1936 a very interesting case was thoroughly investigated and reported by the government authorities in India. A girl (Shanti Devi from Deli) could accurately describe her previous life (at Muttra, five hundred miles from Deli) which ended about a year before her 'second birth'. She gave the name of her husband and child and described her home and life history. The investigating commission brought her to her former relatives, who verified all her statements. Among the people of India reincarnations are regarded as commonplace; the astonishing thing for them in this case was the great number of facts the girl remembered. This and similar cases can be regarded as additional evidence for the theory of the indestructibility of memory".
Professor Julian Huxley, the distinguished British scientist who was Director General of UNESCO believed that rebirth was quite in harmony with scientific thinking:
"There is nothing against a permanently surviving spirit-individuality being in some way given off at death, as a definite wireless message is given off by a sending apparatus working in a particular ways. But it must be remembered that the wireless message only becomes a message again when it comes in contact with a new, material structure - the receiver. So with our possible spirit-emanation. It would never think or feel unless again "embodied" in some way. our personalities are so based on body that it is really impossible to think of survival which would be in any true sense personal without a body of sorts. I can think of something being given off which could bear the same relation to men and women as a wireless message to the transmitting apparatus for mind".
Even very practical and down-to-earth people like the American industrialist Henry Ford found the idea of rebirth acceptable. Ford was attracted to the idea of rebirth because, unlike the theistic idea or the materialistic idea, rebirth gives you a second chance to develop yourself. Henry Ford says:
"I adopted the theory of Reincarnation when I was twenty six. Religion offered nothing to the point. Even work could not give me complete satisfaction. Work is futile if we cannot utilise the experience we collect in one life in the next. When I discovered Reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan I realised that there was a chance to work out my ideas. Time was no longer limited. I was no longer a slave to the hands of the clock. Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives. Some are older souls than others, and so they know more. The discovery of Reincarnation put my mind at ease. If you preserve a record of this conversation, write it so that it puts men’s minds at ease. I would like to communicate to others the calmness that the long view of life gives to us".
So the Buddhist teachings of rebirth does have some scientific evidence to support it. It is logically consistent and it goes a long way in answering questions what the theistic and the materialistic theories fail to . It is also very comforting. What can be worse than a theory of life that gives you no second chance, no opportunity to amend the mistakes you have made in this life and no time to further develop the skills and abilities you have nurtured in this life. But according to the Buddha, if you fail to attain Nirvana in this life, you will have the opportunity to try again next time. If you have made mistakes in this life, you will be able to correct yourself in the next life. You will truly be able to learn from your mistakes. Things you were unable to do or achieve in this life may well become possible in the next life. What a wonderful teaching!
double post
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:
I don't really believe in karma
k...just don't go around commiting crimes and hurting others. :)
karma = action
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:I believe in mainstream science.
do you believe in ghosts now that science can captured them on infra ray camera?
Originally posted by Wiser:
do you believe in ghosts now that science can captured them on infra ray camera?
I dun believe in ghosts.
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:
I dun believe in ghosts.
lols then what do you believe in ? $$$ ?
seriously, if i not wrong, he changed alot of name in this forum. one of them is pure-emptiness, name after our old master MCK. he used to be a devoted x'tian, then due to certain kindness of a buddhist, he was converted to a buddhist. his parent are buddhists. so he do know about buddhist knowledge and x'tian knowledge. then due to another event, he become x'tian again saying he will not change anymore when i ask him. however now due to yet another event, he become a freethinker and science believer. so i was surprise. dunno next time what will he become. still young perhaps. easily influence. keeping an open mind bah.
Originally posted by sinweiy:seriously, if i not wrong, he changed alot of name in this forum. one of them is pure-emptiness, name after our old master MCK. he used to be a devoted x'tian, then due to certain kindness of a buddhist, he was converted to a buddhist. his parent are buddhists. so he do know about buddhist knowledge and x'tian knowledge. then due to another event, he become x'tian again saying he will not change anymore when i ask him. however now due to yet another event, he become a freethinker and science believer. so i was surprise. dunno next time what will he become. still young perhaps. easily influence. keeping an open mind bah.
I don't need u to tell me what to do.
I will chose a religion when I am older.
Originally posted by Wiser:
lols then what do you believe in ? $$$ ?
Mainstream Science
Originally posted by sinweiy:seriously, if i not wrong, he changed alot of name in this forum. one of them is pure-emptiness, name after our old master MCK. he used to be a devoted x'tian, then due to certain kindness of a buddhist, he was converted to a buddhist. his parent are buddhists. so he do know about buddhist knowledge and x'tian knowledge. then due to another event, he become x'tian again saying he will not change anymore when i ask him. however now due to yet another event, he become a freethinker and science believer. so i was surprise. dunno next time what will he become. still young perhaps. easily influence. keeping an open mind bah.
I should chose a religion when I am older about 40 to 50 years old.
More matured by then.