Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Please enlighten me which true sutra mention "high class" and "low class". 自以为是的å�¯æ€œä½›å¼Ÿå�,争开眼ç�›çœ‹çœ‹çœŸä½›å¼Ÿå�是如何修。No "low class" and no "high class" , only 清净与ä¸�净的自性,觉与ä¸�觉。
don't think they are qualified as 佛弟å�, more like Mara's 弟å�. Mara will advocate supernatural power over wisdom. Mara will advocate twin body sex is the highest level of cultivation. Mara will lie and twist truth and defame others in order to show how wonderful he is.
True Buddha School circulate the lies that mainstream buddhists tried to burn down IMM during one of their praying event there. lols...without any evidence.
They just want to put the mainstream buddhists in bad light. I wonder how many mainstream buddhists know that they are being accused of trying to burn down a building. lols....
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Tbs and lsy is full of lies and deceit. Could someone, maybe wiser pls paste the facebook article I quoted for everyone to see.
I am baffled by your ignorance of buddhism. Even buddha did not deny the lower realms and here you are denying it? He also specifically said that those entering the stream will no longer suffer the lower realms and is destined for liberation. If you realize anatta this will be the result.
And why assume I am aiming for pure land? I am not a pure land sect practitioner.
oops...only see this now. I was busy with my guzheng and piano just now.
But i see Realization had post it for you. ^^
Originally posted by Luna Wei:渡鬼?
怪ä¸�得这么多鬼é‚è·ªç�€å“€æ±‚真佛宗弟å�们念佛ç»�超度他们,原æ�¥äººå®¶ä¸�用神通的,å�¯æ€œçš„鬼é‚æ±‚åŠ©æ— é—¨ï¼Œæ�žå¾—我们累得å�Šæ»ã€‚。。
Luna Wei: 怪ä¸�得这么多鬼é‚è·ªç�€å“€æ±‚真佛宗弟å�们念佛ç»�超度他们,原æ�¥äººå®¶ä¸�用神通的,å�¯æ€œçš„鬼é‚æ±‚åŠ©æ— é—¨ï¼Œæ�žå¾—我们累得å�Šæ»ã€‚。。
You have already given yourself away. By constantly emphasizing the use of 神通 or supernatural powers and being so proud of the fact that you use them. TBSers, as you call yourself, have already given yourself away.
We don't even need to explain to anyone who's on the orthodox path of cultivation as taught by the Buddha WHY using supernatural powers and showing off miracles is not encouraged. We already know why!
By constantly emphasizing the miracles that your TBS founder can do, or talking about shariras to the exclusion of other aspects of Dharma, you only serve to convince everyone that you are not really practising Buddhism.
tsk tsk... i can only pity the level of delusion there is among tbser. when will they wake up.
yes if u read shurangama sutra u will see a lot of examples how mara delude the practitioner with visions of buddhas and pure land and then make the practitioner manifest powers to delude sentient beings and thinking they are buddhas
my taiwanese teacher was able to remember countless lifetimes and know other peoples past life, heal 80 percent of cancer patients through blessing, visit hell and heaven realm, knowing the future, have basically all the six supernatural powers, my master who was my taiwan teachers master as well was the same, even physically appearing at multiple places at the same time, levitating, clairaudience, etc, and also visited amitabha pure land and even described the place to his students. and yes they have chao du and even taught dharma to the unseen realms.
but they have never ever advocated these things, have in fact warned about the dangers of these, have never advertised themselves with these things. they only impart wisdom.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:tsk tsk... i can only pity the level of delusion there is among tbser. when will they wake up.
yes if u read shurangama sutra u will see a lot of examples how mara delude the practitioner with visions of buddhas and pure land and then make the practitioner manifest powers to delude sentient beings and thinking they are buddhas
my taiwanese teacher was able to remember countless lifetimes and know other peoples past life, heal 80 percent of cancer patients through blessing, visit hell and heaven realm, have basically all the six supernatural powers, my master who was my taiwan teachers master as well was the same and also visited amitabha pure land and even described the place to his students. and yes they have chao du and even taught dharma to the unseen realms.
but they have never ever advocated these things, have in fact warned about the dangers of these, have never advertised themselves with these things. they only impart wisdom.
beware of these 神通哦,already warn you very dangerous and yet you believe him? By not realizing it yourself, you just BLINDLY follow him? tsk tsk tsk, so naive arh? aren't you slappingg yourself?
there are many things out there, you never ask, who will automatically tell you all these?
they are dangerous for those unenlightened as people will chase after appearances and forever remain obscured about ones nature
they are not dangerous for someone enlightened
haveprOriginally posted by realization:Luna Wei: 怪ä¸�得这么多鬼é‚è·ªç�€å“€æ±‚真佛宗弟å�们念佛ç»�超度他们,原æ�¥äººå®¶ä¸�用神通的,å�¯æ€œçš„鬼é‚æ±‚åŠ©æ— é—¨ï¼Œæ�žå¾—我们累得å�Šæ»ã€‚。。
You have already given yourself away. By constantly emphasizing the use of 神通 or supernatural powers and being so proud of the fact that you use them. TBSers, as you call yourself, have already given yourself away.
We don't even need to explain to anyone who's on the orthodox path of cultivation as taught by the Buddha WHY using supernatural powers and showing off miracles is not encouraged. We already know why!
By constantly emphasizing the miracles that your TBS founder can do, or talking about shariras to the exclusion of other aspects of Dharma, you only serve to convince everyone that you are not really practising Buddhism.
precisely, have u ever seen me talk about these powers here. i only mentioned it in this rare occasion because deluded members of a cult thinks that their leader somehow have powers that are special that others dont... and using that to lure and mislead masses. showing off powers to lure people is a characteristic of mara's work. not only is it discouraged but it is actually banned by buddha in precepts
大师在佛教徒ä¸å¨�望æž�高,与近代高僧虚云ã€�太虚ã€�谛闲ç‰å¤§å¸ˆæ˜¯å�‡ä¸ºå¥½å�‹ï¼Œå¼˜ä¸€å¤§å¸ˆæ›´æ˜¯æ‹œå…¶ä¸ºå¸ˆï¼Œå…¶åœ¨å½“代净土宗信众ä¸çš„地ä½�è‡³ä»Šæ— äººèƒ½å�Šã€‚
å�°ç¥–言,ä½�æŒ�佛法之人,若ä¸�ä¾�佛制,å�³æ˜¯é”类,况彼é”å�是é”王眷属,完全ä¸�是佛法乎ï¼�今之æ¤ç§�ï¼Œåˆ°å¤„çš†æ˜¯ï¼Œè€Œæ— ç›®ä¹‹äººï¼Œå¦‚è�‡é€�è‡ï¼Œä¹�ä¸�å�¯æ”¯ï¼Œäº¦å�ªå�¯éš�ä»–åŽ»äº†ï¼Œå› å½¼åŠ¿ç››äººä¼—ï¼Œå·²ä¸§å¿ƒç—…ç‹‚ï¼ŒåŠ�之必致å��噬,故åŠ�人亦å�ªå�¯åŠ�å…¶å�¯åŠ�者耳。望有识之士,当以佛ç»�ã€�祖è®ã€�戒律为鉴,识其æ£é‚ªï¼Œå‹¿å •é”网,å�¦åˆ™é™©ä¸�å�¯è¨€ã€‚
一ã€�凡ä¸�é�µå®ˆå›½å®¶æ³•ä»¤ï¼Œç ´å��佛门戒律者,ä¸�是善知识。
三ã€�凡利用人们的好奇心ç�†ï¼Œå¤§è°ˆæ„Ÿé€šï¼Œç¼–é€ é¬¼ç¥žæ•…äº‹ã€�ä½›è�©è�¨æ˜¾åƒ�ã€�授记,å�¸å¼•ä¿¡ä¼—者,ä¸�是善知识。
å››ã€�凡ä¸�修实行,专门å�šç ´è¡€æ¹–ã€�还寿生ã€�寄库ã€�超度ç‰ä½›äº‹ï¼Œè°‹å�–钱财者,ä¸�是善知识。
Originally posted by Luna Wei:beware of these 神通哦,already warn you very dangerous and yet you believe him? By not realizing it yourself, you just BLINDLY follow him? tsk tsk tsk, so naive arh? aren't you slappingg yourself?
there are many things out there, you never ask, who will automatically tell you all these?
The Buddhist texts state : Sages that have cut off the streams of Karmic afflictions will be able to understand the history within the past 84,000 kalpas。
From your post, I can tell you are far from cutting off the streams of Karmic afflictions. Be honest with yourself, have you cut off the streams of Karmic afflictions and have you enlightened? If not, please don't fool around with supernatural power, you are just inviting troubles and unable to liberate yourself. åŠ�ä½ è¿˜æ˜¯è„šè¸�实地的修,è€�è€�实实地念佛。
From the way a person express himself, one can tell whether he is enlightened. I'm also far from it. So, I 脚�实地的修,��实实地念佛。
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:precisely, have u ever seen me talk about these powers here. i only mentioned it in this rare occasion because deluded members of a cult thinks that their leader somehow have powers that are special that others dont... and using that to lure and mislead masses. showing off powers to lure people is a characteristic of mara's work. not only is it discouraged but it is actually banned by buddha in precepts
Yeah, we have to wake these people up and lead them to the right path whenever there is an opportunity. I believe some are really ignorant and really do not know what is true Buddhism. Sometimes I do not blame them as their first encounter with Buddhism is True Buddha School. However, it is up to them to find out what is Buddhism.
Supernatural powers aside, true buddha school have many problems that they hide and sweep under the carpet. Only recently, the Taiwan court charged two tbs masters of rape. Previously there were already a few cases in a few tbs temples but the victims were either silenced by threats or money. One ex famous taiwan singer dies from mysterious bullets hit in her neck and head while trying to get her lawyer to sue Seattle temple for her whole life savings back.
Only one is still fighting to get her justice. SHC a housewife of 3 kids from Sarawak who is determined to sue lu sheng yen in court for misleading her to twin body sex rape.
Beside rape victims, there were also victims of cheated donations, one happened in Hong Kong whereby one member from the tbs chapter ran away with one million donations from the grand praying event at the Hong Kong stadiium. There were a few more cases in a few countries. One ran away from Seattle temple with donations.
Then last but not least, the hardest to prove , a few mental wreck cases from practising the dharma of tbs with no proper lineages ( as claimed falsely by lu sheng yen).
True Buddha School is such a dangerous cult that many suffered and may carry the wounds for life.
this is why masters and shurangama often warn people not to be enticed by visions of buddhas or pure lands as doing so will often lead to 'run fire enter demon' (zhou huo ru mo).. also very impt is dont deal with the spirit realm, very easy zhou huo ru mo also. That is why it is impt to learn the right method from a qualified buddhist teacher. received an email from another moderator:
Haha yeah. Good bed time stories more interesting than 西游记. :) It was many years back, more than 25 years ago where I think he mentioned his teacher is 三山�侯先生and�天玄女from the spiritual realm.
He started from teaching �� (much like shamism) and gradually move into vajrayana Buddhism claiming that he had initiation Padmasambhava in his dream. His books are often banned in authentic Buddhist organizations.
Have not heard of him for many years now but not to get involved too much; rather focus on maturing ur insights.
éš¾é�“他们的师父ä¸�知é�“他自己去的是哪一界哪一院å�—?还是å�ªæ˜¯åŽ»äº†å‡¡åœ£å�Œå±…åœŸç½¢äº†ï¼Œé‚£æ ¹æœ¬å°±æ˜¯åœ¨æž�ä¹�ä¸–ç•Œçš„æœ€è¾¹ç¼˜è€Œå·²å•Šï¼Œè¿˜æ— æ³•è¿›åŽ»å†…é™¢ï¼Œå°±æ²¾æ²¾è‡ªå–œäº†ï¼Ÿï¼Ÿï¼Ÿï¼Ÿï¼�ï¼�ï¼�ï¼�ï¼�
而他们å�ªæœ‰ä¸€ä¸ªèƒ½é¢„知æ»æœŸçš„é•¿è¾ˆï¼Œå°±ä»¥ä¸ºè‡ªå·±ä¹Ÿå¼€æ‚Ÿäº†ã€‚æ€Žä¼šæ— çŸ¥åˆ°è¿™ä¹ˆå�¯æ€œï¼Ÿ
什么是å…大神通最å�Žçš„æ¼�尽通也ä¸�清楚。æ¼�尽通看的何æ¢æ˜¯å‰�å‡ ä¸–å�Žå‡ 世,æ¼�尽通看的是佛è�©è�¨çš„å‰�å‡ åŠ«å’Œå�Žå‡ 劫呀ï¼�ï¼�ï¼�ï¼�ï¼�释迦牟尼佛是本劫刚刚æˆ�佛,在本劫æ‰�æˆ�佛的最新一尊佛,是一切佛的娃娃佛而已,怎会读了这么多ç»�书的一群还能被人三言两è¯å°±è’™éª—了过去呢?到底他们的ç»�书读到哪里去了?
æ€Žä¼šæ— çŸ¥åˆ°è¿™ç§�地æ¥ï¼Œæ€Žä¼šè¿™ä¹ˆå�¯æ€œï¼Ÿ
Sigh... still endlessly comparing supernatural powers. I should not even have mentioned about them to begin with.
How deluded by mara they are.
See, that is the problem when I talk about supernatural powers. Get people excited and deluded and misled... chasing after appearances and forsaking true wisdom.
I should have not even spoken a word about the powers... and focus fully on discussing how to develope awareness and insight.
As I think the discussions have reached a point of being useless and a waste of time, I have decided to close this thread.
Perhaps some people may be curious about my Master's account of Pure Land... if so I have included something below for people to read. However this is not to 'compare' with cult master lu sheng yen, cos no matter what I say I can never win him. Why? Since cult master lu sheng yen having gained the vision of pure land from mara and claims himself to be Amitabha, his followers will forever treat him like buddha himself.
But for those interested:
Disciple: Master, how do we
witness Sukhavathi?
Master Shen Kai: That's easy. But Sukhavathi is very far away. How
far? It's passing through hundreds of thousands of millions of
Buddhalands. In between this hundreds of thousands of millions of
Buddhalands are not Buddhalands but Hui Tu. Buddhalands are pure
where Buddhas dwell. Sukhavathi is hence very very far away. Far
does not mean we don't believe.
In the sutras, Buddha used to explain that it's very very near. So
near that nobody believe it's true. There's no choice as sentient
beings are too greedy, hence say it's very very far away and not
easy to go or reach. So He expound the Amitabha Sutra, where Buddha
spoke without people asking. If a person is not greedy, then
Dharmakaya is very near as it encompass everything.
Since it's entire existence, it's so near to reach like space
everywhere exist Dharmakaya. Without Dharmakaya, Earth cannot be in
the space. Cars cannot works. Every thing is benefited by
When people do business, they need an initial funding, now Buddha
say you don't need that initial funding, you believe in Amitabha
and recite His name.
When one see people wearing a gold necklace, but it's just a piece
of metal chain like the one you see in jail to chain prisioners.
Then Buddha told sentient beings not to be obsess with gold, you
just need to recite Amitabha and don't need any initial funding and
you can reborn in a place where gold is use for building
So does Sukhavathi really exist? Yes. Don't think Buddha is lying.
You can GO NOW and witness yourself and come back to tell people.
Master tell you I been there before, you all might disbelieve. So I
will describe it to you.
Sentient beings on Earth are very small, Bodhisattvas of Sukhavathi
are really Big and tall. A person standing next to Amitabha only
reach the height of Amitabha's toe! When I reached Sukhavathi, only
wish to pay homage to Amitabha, and adore Amitabha.
Amitabha Buddha reply: What do you seek here in Sukhavathi?
Shen Kai: Honored One, i came to seek Dharma.
Amitabha Buddha ask: What kind of Dharma?
Shen Kai: i'm not sure. Seeing Amitabha's forehead is adorned with
a curled hair. i wisk to seek that Dharma, Honorable One.
(Back to reality.) That's how I cultivate and got my curled hair,
but this Dharma method cannot anyhow expound to people. It's is
because you people have doubt in Sukhavathi. Thinking it doesn't
exist. Hence I tell you my experience. Due to the busy schedule,
the white hair is curled. When it grew longer to 3 inch, it will
extend when i'm washing the face. That's the proof.
How did Ocean of suffering (ku hai wu bian) come about? Because
beings of samsara cannot sever emotion, love and greed. Sentinet
beings cry a lot. Separation from friend, family, love ones, people
cry. Son is leaving, mother crys, so does the son. Mother is dying,
sons also crys. When people want's to eat, the mouth starts to
water. This is greed. People need to work, they swear. In a life
them, people generate so many water. One person, say one bucket of
water, 100 pax, 100 bucket form a pool of water. If millions of
millions of people cannot sever emotion, love and greed, form an
Ocean of water.
In our world there's male and female. Those who goes to jail, 99%
are involve with female. But in Sukhavathi, there's not male nor
female form.
(translated by Sinweiy)