Has local government sent a public accountant to vet through the accounts of Singapore temples? The Singapore temples can already cheated by registering as a society/association and not under religion.
I am sure the terms and conditions for society/association is different from that of a religion category.
Best of all, any accountants will tell you how easy it is to play with the books.
An independant auditor is the best to sniff out cheats.
Originally posted by Luna Wei:Nonsense.
not as nonsense as True Buddha School die-hard followers spreading the rumours of how the traditional buddhist school people tried to burn down IMM. lols.....
you tbsers purposely out to defame the traditional buddhists without any police report and evidence. Tsk tsk......
any-way the 1/3 distribution ratio is stated publicly on TBs website.
This shows that you know nothing about the registration and accounting reports requirements, even with what I mentioned in my previous thread.
Originally posted by Luna Wei:This shows that you know nothing about the registration and accounting reports requirements, even with what I mentioned in my previous thread.
is it ? i think i have asked a very valid question. It's you who don't know the right from the wrong because you are being brainwashed .
Originally posted by Wiser:
you are absolutely right on that. Many bring along their unsuspecting friends and relatives, family members for blessing.The crowd made up of people who attended just for blessing pulled along by their friend/family yet TBS boasted that they had so many followers. TBS just loved to make up stories to market the school.
The truth is many had left disappointed, hurt, abused and cheated quietly. Cos they are fearful of the threats made by TBS people ( like you will get cancer, you will be punished by Gods etc ). Typical behaviours of a cult. Using threat to shut people up.
There are a few ended up in the mental hospital. I met someone who told me a real story of his friend. 20 years of youth wasted in the mental hospital after his childhood friend started to follow tbs and became mad. His friend was given the clearance after 20 years but the family would not want to hear a single word of TBS. He wasted 20 years in IMH/
Your words carry no value.
Just like you, when you were doing Dharma dancing that time, going around to beat people up, you were not being possesed at all, you danced to your own will. TBSers trying to calm you down but to no avail, trying to communicate with you but you insisted your own way and refused to accept consultation/treatment,.for more than 10 years.
Do you mean TBS made you into such person?
Wiser aka Arica Lim, If you have a little bit of reasoning power, you wouldn't behave like that, some more spreading across decades.
Have this ever come across your mind?
If during the gigantic ceremony with eg. 50,000 attendees, everybody jumped up and danced like you in the middle of event, what kind of scenery?
But you think otherwise.
You discriminated the TBSers as you think that you are ahead of everyone (until today). Just like what you wrote in the forums, nobody experience what you've been thru (the Spontaneous Human Combution, the serpent fire ignited from your sex spot etc.) and you too claimed that no one in TBS will understand your acheivement except Mr. Lu Sheng Yen.
Is your ego, that drives you into your action.
If TBS causes madness to the followers, why not all the few millions followers ended up in mental hospital or dance like you?
It's impossible to take the books from the shelves. Unless It's religions banned in Singapore like Jehovah witness.
The 50 Skandha-Demon states with explanation, from the Shurangama Sutra.
The four clear instructions on purity on cutting off lust, killing, stealing, and false speech , also from the Shurangama Sutra.
Wow... you all sure you are better than those TBSers?
How to prove?
Sure you will achieve enlightenment before you die?
May be just be more pragmatic, let show some prove after you die.
I guess you all sure have confident that YOU WILL DIE BETTER OFF THAN THE TBS HUNG DEATH ROW INMATES, otherwise what credit you to make such statements that other groups are better than TBS?
Lets assume, you all SURE HAVE SIRARIS/RELICS after cremation, a prove of you enter into the pure land after death, since you all insist that TBS is not TRUE AUTHENTIC DHARMA group, therefore only you all can represent BUDDHISM to honour and materialize the significant miracles of BUDDHISM -> DIE AND CREMATED WITH SIRARIS/RELICS, so no problem for you all to cremate with SIRARIS/RELICS right, since MIRACLES HAPPEN VERY OFTEN IN TRUE AND TRADITIONAL AUTHENTIC DHARMA groups, so how could you all not cremate with SIRARIS/RELICS after your death?!.
Ok, ok, not to impose MISSION IMPOSSIBLE requirements and condition for you all, I don't think you all CAPABLE OF DOING that, but think thrice, shouldn't we need to be fair if we want to compare APPLE to APPLE ? Ok, why not you all sign up to DONATE ALL YOUR ORGANS after your death, then see whether you all manage to cremate with SIRARIS/RELICS or not?
Sounds funny right?
No offence. But if you feel so, I couldn't help. I am just quoting the FACT.
Between, do you all know the reason why those TBS death row inmates requested for EARLY EXECUTION?
It is because (in their prison stamped letters to their Master, Mr. Sheng-yen Lu, “è�©è�¨çŽ°å‰�跟我说,é“�定往生”. And Mr. Sheng-yen Lu confirmed with him that the prophet was a real one. Thereafter, they appealed for early execution!) The TBS HUNG DEATH ROW INMATES were very sure that, with great confident that, they WILL DEFINITELY enter into the pure land. Don't you all have that kind of confidence while you are still alive too?
So, why ban a group that frequenly materialize and honour the words of BUDDHA and HIS TEACHINGS, if you yourself don't even have that kind of believe and confidence?
reading lsy website full of grandiose stories, tbs and lsy claims hold no credibility to me at all.
sariras can also be fake and no way to know until we test it.
also, i have full confidence i can no longer fall into lower realms and is destined for liberation. in fact i have reasons to believe that i will achieve it this life provided i dont die in some freak accident that shortens my lifespan considerably. my confidence level is very high
one who has opened their dharma eyes will be able to see who has genuine realisations or not. i do not say things in vain. when i say i see no value in lu sheng yen writings i mean it
the only way to see if a person has geuine realization is to judge base on insight and wisdom. not miracles and powers. cults ad other religions all have miracles. someone who always advertise himself through powers is certainly not real buddhism
by the way u are also making the assumptions that there arent enlightened people here or worse that we wont attain enlightenment this life
as a matter of fact there are enlightened people in this forum, and not just one or two
can someone pls paste the content of this link into the post as i have problem doing that using my phone
Originally posted by justdoit77:
That is also difficult, unless US ban lu sheng yan first. Only then singapore will follow.
Not really. Singapore is independant of USA.
China can ban cults that threaten their society's peace, they do not have to follow USA.
In fact USA have so many cults ( christian, buddhist and others) that they allow to thrive in their big country.
Besides, what and how much do USA knows about Buddhism ? They are more into Christianity.
Oh oh, I think I have touched on someone's soft spot...
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:
reading lsy website full of grandiose stories, tbs and lsy claims hold no credibility to me at all.
sariras can also be fake and no way to know until we test it. --> Already tested by 3rd party! Why in total denial with the fact that the prison officers also took refudge with Mr. Lu Sheng-yen togetther?
also, i have full confidence i can no longer fall into lower realms and is destined for liberation. in fact i have reasons to believe that i will achieve it this life provided i dont die in some freak accident that shortens my lifespan considerably. my confidence level is very high --> The fact that this term "lower realms" exist in your mind, it shows that you have not attain enlightenement, and you do not know the real meaning of Buddhism. Since you are so confident that you sure enter pure land after death, then why freak accident that shortens your life can determined your liberation? This is not so for the case of 目腱连尊者 who was crashed dead by the rock, and somemore, he ranked in å��大弟å�之列. In fact, some TBSers knew in advanced how they died in car accident and in fact he did died in the way he saw and still cremated with relics. How could you not better off than the TBSer who died in car accident?
one who has opened their dharma eyes will be able to see who has genuine realisations or not. i do not say things in vain. when i say i see no value in lu sheng yen writings i mean it --> You already said things in vain and you refuse to face the facts of the TBS HUNG DEATH ROW INMATES WERE CREMATED WITH RELICS WHICH WAS TESTIFIED TRUE BY A 3RD PARTY, MR. LEE "MU YUAN". The fact that you deny the truth without further action to testify them, and taking bias views, action and talks for not proceeding forward to verify this truth, and with further intension to deliberately extend your bias views and forbids the opportunities of others to get source of verification for the truth on internet , you fail to be a moderator.
A person who has already achieved enlightenment, will take my words!
Wiser aka Arica Lim mentioned the way of serpent fire cultivation, was not following TBS teachings and was objected by the fellow TBSers, knowing the announcement made by their master, Mr. Lu in 1980s. Arica Lim wrote on forums that her serpent fire came naturally and automatically on age 22, without any needs for such cultivation. And now she is still talking such topics on kundalini websites and internet. Therefore, the twin-sex cultivation as she mentioned, is Arica Lim's linage, not TBS's method.
Who ever claims that Mr. Lu encourages twin-sex cultivation, he/she already eagerly plan/plot to do such kind of illegal cultivation in TBS, all TBSers please look up for this kind of liars.
Anyway, this kind of people will definitely surface up on internet in future and cry out loud that they are the SEX VICTIMS of Mr. Lu.
The fact is, nobody perform TWIN SEX on Arica Lim even though she claimed to be the perfect partner for such kind of cultivation, because she has a fine line in between her eyebrows.
Someone better informed Mr Lee Mun Yuan that his name is used by True Buddha School to market Sariras. lols.
Soon Mr Lee Mun Yuan would have to clarify in writings that he doesn't know the ex-convicts and True Buddha School. Just like Feng Feng and Yin Shuan Fa Shi.
All drag into the marketing plot of True Buddha School and lies.
Hi, the brave Wiser aka Arica Lim aka 林家�.
Still have no guts to show people your real identity while telling lies on internet?
Mr Lee Mun Yuan has never mentioned on TV or in any interview that he knows True Buddha School or ex-convicts.
It's just a one sided story of TBS. TBS likes to name-drop . Now many Tibetan Ripoches will not go near TBS in case they would be used in name.
Then you can always invite him to the TV and make such talks.
Anyway 林家�,how to write your dialect name in English. You use Lim Jj on netlog, is it something like Lim Jia Jee?
Originally posted by Luna Wei:Then you can always invite him to the TV and make such talks.
Anyway 林家�,how to write your dialect name in English. You use Lim Jj on netlog, is it something like Lim Jia Jee?
why don't you give me your contact no in my mailbox and let us speak? instead of you name dropping everywhere here on this forum.
Hey, brave people shall not have any secrets!
Did you talked to Mr. Sheng-yen Lu before you pasted those articles here?
No right? Some more you dropped many many many names on internet, horrible right!
How come you can tell you kind of "TRUUTH" and I cannot tell the REAL TRUTH here?
Originally posted by Luna Wei:Hey, brave people shall not have any secrets!
Did you talked to Mr. Sheng-yen Lu before you paste those articles here?
No right? Some more you dropped many many many names on internet, horrible right!
How come you can tell you kind of "TRUUTH" and I cannot tell the REAL TRUTH here?
so you have no guts to let me call you.
Then you should stop bashing a name here.