Correction in violet, my recall...
- TUMO/serpent fire cultivation and acts like an expert. When people challenged her knowledge and real experience in that, she exclaimed, “æˆ‘æ ¹æœ¬æ²¡å�«ä½ åŽ»è¯»ï¼Œæ˜¯ä½ è‡ªå·±è¦�去读的。难é�“ä½ è¯»ä»€ä¹ˆä¸œè¥¿éƒ½è¦�我负责å�—?我为什么è¦�å¯¹æˆ‘æ‰€è´´çš„æ–‡ç« è´Ÿè´£ï¼Ÿè¿™æ˜¯åˆ«äººå†™çš„ï¼Œä¸�关我的事ï¼�è¦�æ€ªåŽ»æ€ªå†™è¿™äº›æ–‡ç« çš„äººã€‚æ‰€æœ‰çš„å› æžœæ˜¯ä½ è·Ÿä»–ä¹‹é—´çš„äº‹ï¼�我å�ªæ˜¯å¥½å¿ƒè´´ç»™äººçœ‹çœ‹æœ‰ä»€ä¹ˆèµ„料或其他修行方法罢了ï¼�”Therefore it is extremely important, don't follow any cultivation articles that are created/pasted by Wiser aka Arica Lim. ä½ è‹¥ç…§ç�€å¥¹çš„æ–‡ç« åŽ»å�šçš„è¯�,出了事,她会转过头æ�¥ç¾žè¾±ä½ 的,虽然她自己都å�šä¸�到。
WY, she will not change, this became her habit, for deccades. I also chanted for her recovery, a few others chanted on their own, dun know whether that took effects or not.
People saw her struggling up the stairs step by step with tremendous efforts along the Ghim Moh 3-room flats, there was another woman by her side helped her going up the stairs patiently, she is one of the TBSer, look like she was taking care of her that time.
6 months later, she regained the ability to walk normally, and that woman went disappeared. Shall ask that TBSer what problems did Arica went through and share with others, I mean how she helped Arica to regain the ability to wallk again...
Originally posted by Wiser:在å�‡ä½›å®—臥底的日å�
é—œå¤§ç‹€äº¦ç ”ç©¶ä½›å¸ï¼Œç‚ºå¤©å�°å®—門人。而我那時候å°�佛法則一無所知,在一次閒è�Šä¸ï¼Œé—œå¤§ç‹€è«‡å�Šä½›æ³•ï¼Œä¸¦è«‡
顯宗ã€�密宗ã€�天文地ç�†ã€�無所ä¸�知ã€�無所ä¸�曉。全世界皈ä¾�徒弟幾佰è�¬äººï¼Œè“®èŠ±ç«¥å�化身,自å°�ç´…å† è�–冕金
剛上師,創宗立派,åˆ�為居士,後來在徒弟果賢法師剃了光é ,但沒有ä¾�據漢傳佛教ã€�è—�傳佛教ã€�å�—傳佛教
空,神通é�žå¸¸åŽ²å®³ï¼Œåª²ç¾Žèœ€å±±åŠ�ä¿ ï¼Œå°�這ä½�盧先生ä¸�期然產生欽佩。據書ä¸æ‰€å¯«ï¼Œç›§å…ˆç”Ÿé‚„跟隨了很多å��師
走來走去。( 這家å�¥èº«æœƒç”šå¤šå��人明星,如梅艷芳ã€�楊紫瓊ã€�è¨±å† å‚‘ã€�ä»»é�”è�¯ã€�鄧光榮ã€�劉德è�¯ã€�甄å�丹ã€�
ä¸�久美國西雅圖雷è—�寺回信,收到皈ä¾�証書å�Šå�«æˆ‘åŽ»æ—ºè§’ä¿¡æ³•å ‚å¸æ³•çš„信件,我就在信件指示那天去了信法
å ‚å¸æ³•ã€‚當天也有幾å��人å�Œæ™‚上課,那ä½�è€�師是盧活佛的香港徒弟劉易榮,是盧先生所å°�的香港第一批上師
法,就是這個宗所尊崇的修蓮生活佛å�šæœ¬å°Šçš„,蓮花童å�ç›¸æ‡‰å¤§æ³•ã€‚å› è“®ç”Ÿæ´»ä½›ç›§å…ˆç”Ÿè‡ªç¨±æ˜¯ç™½è“®èŠ±ç«¥å�化
ä¹‹å¾Œä¸€æ®µæ™‚é–“ï¼Œæˆ‘ç¢ºå¯¦æœ‰é»žæ²‰è¿·ã€‚ä¸€æœ‰ç©ºå°±åŽ»ä¿¡æ³•å ‚å�ƒåŠ å�Œä¿®æ³•æœƒï¼Œæ²’有法會時也跑去自修。更看了蓮生活
啟�打手�的,感覺好��他們一籌。( 後來我知�這啟�法�是盧先生所創,是一般�教都有練習。有些
法有點相似,我è€�來的動作亦似少林易ç‹ç¶“å�Šæ¦ç•¶é¤Šç”ŸåŠŸã€‚é€™äº›å‹•ä½œæ˜¯å› äººè€Œç•°ï¼Œäº¦æœ‰äººå•Ÿé�ˆå¾Œèº«ä½“å�Šç²¾ç¥ž
出ç�¾å•�題,好壞ä¸�èƒ½ä¸€æ¦‚è€Œè«–ã€‚å…¶å¾Œæˆ‘å› ç‚ºè¦�跟漢地演教者-劉銳之金剛上師å¸ç¿’毘盧七支å��,想到氣路ä¸�
種手å�°åŠ æŒ�別人。å�—者見有光發出,引起一些人的說話,èª�為我走ç�«å…¥é”。但我自覺良好,身体好精神好。
用手摸他的é ,看看是å�¦æœ‰é–‹é ‚的洞。我就用手摸他的é ,é é ‚ç¢ºæœ‰ä¸€å€‹å‡¹ä¸‹æ²’éª¨å¦‚å¬°å©çš„洞,那時候ä¸�知
é�“æœ‰ä»€éº½ä½œç”¨ï¼Œä»–èªªæ˜¯é–‹é ‚ï¼Œå°‡ä¾†å¾€ç”Ÿï¼Œå°±åœ¨é€™é‡Œé£›å‡ºåŽ»æ·¨åœŸï¼Œä¸¦æ‘¸åˆ°ä»–å¾Œè…¦ä¹Ÿæœ‰é€™å€‹æ²’æœ‰éª¨çš„æ´žï¼Œä»–èªªæ˜¯
移民去美國,時空上並ä¸�符å�ˆã€‚就算之å‰�能å�ƒåŠ 法王一些çµ�ç·£ç�Œé ‚,也並ä¸�表示是法王的秘密心å�å�§ã€‚更何
絕ä¸�托大,ä¸�æœƒè‡ªä»¥ç‚ºä»€éº½å¤§æ ¹å™¨ä»€éº½å…ˆå¤©ä¾†æ·ä¸�用修,這樣æ‰�能為眾生立好榜樣。
片å�ƒåŠ çµ�ç·£ç�Œé ‚,拿照片給ä»�æ³¢åˆ‡åŠ æŒ�,並ä¸�是親授ç�Œé ‚,ä¸�能算是ç�Œé ‚。更沒有親近å¸ç¿’密法,ä¸�能算是
徒弟。( ä»�波切是國語音,廣æ�±éŸ³æ˜¯å¯§æ³¢è»Šï¼Œè—�文原æ„�是人ä¸ä¹‹å¯¶ï¼Œç�¾åœ¨é€šå¸¸æ˜¯æŒ‡ä¹˜é¡˜å†�來渡眾生的化身
ä½›ã€�化身è�©è–©ï¼Œæ¼¢äººæ‰€å�«çš„活佛。這å��詞在é‚�ç·�上ä¸�é€šï¼Œå› ä½›ä¸�生ä¸�滅,ä¸�å˜åœ¨æ´»ä½›æ»ä½›ä¹‹åˆ¥ã€‚)
full article
This article sells SHC orgaz away and admit that they employ "specialists" to enter various groups/organization as undercover so as to seek opportunities for their business.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Btw just a clarification: wiser is not the person you claimed, having checked with her personally, she never claims enlightenment nor kundalini awakening at 22.
An Eternal Now, checking with a liar, you will get lies in return.
Check for her height, she is near to 1.8M tall, WY is right.
Check where she stays. She stays at Ghim Moh.
Check for her marital status, she likes to claim as SINGLE! Because her husband divorced her.
If you want photo, I can provide you also. She is wearing glasses, short hair but kindda little.
Her voice is loud, by nature, with vibrating hollow sound.
Alternatively, you can call for a meet up with her, then bring her to a place full of TBSers. Immediately, the TBSers will greet her, "Hi, Arica, long time no see...."
Got it?!
Originally posted by Wiser:any way Lu Sheng Yen created a sutra called the true buddha sutra that all his followers must chant by heart. He told everyone he is the Amitabhava buddha in this sutra.
He also told everyone he is the 6th matriach, the mirapa, and some more dun know who la. He only short of telling everyone he is shakyamuni buddha in previous life.
å…祖慧能还用他的å�£è¯´å‡ºäº†ä¸€æœ¬“å…祖å�›ç»�” å“¦ï¼Œå› ä¸ºä»–ä¸�识å—ï¼Œä½ ä¸�能å�«ä»–把“å…祖å�›ç»�”写出æ�¥å�§ï¼Œä½ 没读过å�—?
Originally posted by Wiser:
True Buddha School can con many and some of them may be in the government post and protecting TBS. Like this Wang Yin, slandering a person so badly on a open forum. Tsk tsk...don't know what kind of buddhism they teach in this cult.Many people do not understand why TBS is a cult , lack of information. And with this kind of die hard supporter like Wang Yin using all tactics to slander another person,
who dare to speak up and tell others the truth of TBS.
hahahaha....only the brave and the one who cares enough for others.
Then prove that your are not near to 1.8M tall, you are not staying at Ghim Moh, you are not a divorcee. If you can't, then you are slapping yourself with your own words, and whats more, you call yourself a what? A BULLDDHIST?
Oh I see, you are so brave to the extend that you don't even dare to admit your own surname! The Surname that you grreat great grand grand ancestors passing on to your ah gong, your father then to yourself.
So please prove that you are really really WARY BRAVE!!! Please show your photo here... eh, wait a minute, you used to abuse internet chatroom avatars as your own to create many slander IDs, no no no, is better that I PROVIDE YOUR PHOTO here, right? I guess you will not stop me from showing your photo here, because YOU ARE SO BRAVE TO TAKE ON TBS, so no point to hide behind your virtual ID right?
Sherry Chua ?! What a BIG LIE!!!!
WY told the audience here to go to a 3rd party database, The US Law Database to do readup on their own, because the audience here are LACK OF INFORMATION! And is YOU, are the ONE to stop them from accessing useful information with your own selfish and ill intention to confine them within your LIES!.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:All buddhist organisations know True Buddha School is a cult and lu sheng yen is a con man
All legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations do not receognise TBS, this is a fact.
Hello, 至少西马还有一个没有排斥真佛宗的哦,很�错哦。
Originally posted by Wiser:are you sure ? Lu sheng yen can create so many lies, he can also create this. May be someone 's relative get another monk to bless the ex-con but nobody mentioned only.
Any way true buddha school laughed at others when they don't know many other traditional buddhist organisations have so many of these miracles but people don't use this to sell their school leh.
Just another marketing tactic of lu sheng yen.
Nobody mentioned it, because he says NO LIES! Then how to mention ?!
Who will act like you and SHC, to CREATE SOMETHING TO MENTION ABOUT WHICH in fact, are all LIES!
Oh? TBS laughs at others for no miracles? Reported by Wiser aka Arica Lim?
Why need to laugh when they could not have any miracles? Anyway TBS is not selling miracles, unless someones felt that their egoes are beaten by those fact of miracles of TBS, such that they can't take it anymore and plot to attack TBS and even gang up to announce that THE LEGITIMATE MAINSTREAM RELIGION OR GROUPS SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY MIRACLE.
Wow... like to confine people within their lies, same feathers flock together !!! Eh, this is also their kind of miracle what?...Creation of many many many lies !!! But in fact, for a Buddhist group to deny miracles of Buddhism, that group will never have any miracles.
Any group with such thought, already fail to serve the community as a religion body, and those who slander TBS on this miracle case, do not hold Buddhism in heart.
Wiser aka Arica Lim,
With you such a GREAT PERSON, with such a GREAT PERSONALITY and GREAT COMPASSION, with GREAT CONCERNS about the raped victims, with the PAINs you feel for SHC, and being so BRAVE to take on cults on SHC's behalf, aren't you too selfish not to make basic introduction of yourself?
why you dare not show your face here?
why you dare not use your dialect name or Chinese name here?
why you dare not show your cancers histories and treatments here?
why not you show your address here to everybody so that people with Kundalini problems or people being raped by bad guys and especially for SHC organization, to pay a visit to your home and seek for your EMERGENCY helps and VALUABLE cum COMPASSIONATE advice.
A, no sincerity at all ! Hello, show your sincerity leh...
You claimed yourself to be filthy rich in TBS forums that you have lots of lots of antiques (宋ã€�明ã€�清代å�¤è‘£å’Œæ±�窑å�Šä¸€å¤§å †ç ´é“œçƒ‚é“�)available for auction at home, and yet you refuse to donate to SHC and provide her with financial supports for battling with Mr. Lu ?Errrh, really strange leh, why harh?? I thought you really CARE about SHC worh, but yet why you refuse to help her up financially?
** Sorry everybody, I know you all must be at a lost because one moment she claimed herself very rich and another moment she said she had no money to eat. We too very confuse at first... So, in the end we realize, no point to pick up some sense from her statements.
Otherwise, just doing talk shows and cut and paste jobs will not SHOW YOUR SINCERITY in whatever you have claimed on yourself.
Silence means consent. Perhaps, you want someone else to do these jobs for you?
Wiser aka Arica Lim,
ä½ å�ˆç”¨ä½ 一贯的作风æ�¥åŽ‹è´´äº†ã€‚
林家è�Šï¼ŒArica Lim,现在没有auctionä½ å®¶çš„æ±�窑啦,还是è¦�ç‰åˆ°å¤§å®¶éƒ½“相信”ä½ äº†ä¹‹å�Žï¼Œå�ˆå¼€å§‹åœ¨ç½‘站上å�–å�¤è‘£äº†æ˜¯å�—?
Wiser aka Arica Lim, 林家è�Šï¼Œé™¤äº†SHC stories, ä½ è¿˜æ˜¯è´´ SHC story.
「附佛外��的��是,copycat 是�?
copy 佛教是�?
Originally posted by Wan Ying:The so called legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations are accredited by themselves.
In ancient India, nobody gave that kind of "Legitimate Recognition" to Buddha too.
However, there is one thing TBS outweight the rest of legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations, that is,
In 1999, TBS enabled æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„10å��æ»åˆ‘犯,皈ä¾�莲生活佛å�Žï¼Œè¯šå¿ƒå¿�悔,10人è¦�求æ��早行刑。10人上å�Šç�«åŒ–å�Žå¾—到èˆ�利å�å’Œèˆ�利花。这10人之å‰�都没有信仰,他们的家人都跪在活佛é�¢å‰�泣谢ï¼�
TBS真æ£çš„å�šå¾—到,åŠ�化世人,“æ”¾ä¸‹å± åˆ€ï¼Œç«‹åœ°æˆ�佛。”
Which is the so called "legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations" failed to do that for decades.
这些é“�è¯�ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä½ ä»¬è§‰å¾—éº»æœ¨çš„è¯�,我还有è¯�è¦�说。
这些æ»å›šçŠ¯çš„真佛宗弟å�,有些å�¥åº·è€…立誓在æ»å�Žæ��å‡ºå™¨å®˜ã€‚åœ¨çœŸä½›å®—æ³•å¸ˆçš„åŠ æŒ�之下,一æ¥ä¸€æ¥çš„æ¥ä¸Šåˆ‘å�°ã€‚
æœ‰å‡ çº§å�°é˜¶ï¼Œåœ¨ä¸Šç¬¬ä¸€é˜¶ä¹‹å‰�就倒地了。ä¸�是åƒ�普通的æ»å›šçŠ¯ï¼Œä¸€çœ‹åˆ°ç»žçŽ¯å°±ä¸¤è„šç˜«è½¯åœ¨åœ°ï¼Œå°¿æ¶²é©¬ä¸Šæµ�出æ�¥ï¼Œéœ€è¦�狱官两边挟扶上刑å�°ï¼Œä¸�是的。
所以之å�ŽæŠ¬ä¸Šåˆ‘å�°ï¼Œå¥—上绞环和行刑的过程å�Šç—›è‹¦ï¼Œä»–们已ç»�æ¯«æ— çŸ¥è§‰ã€‚
刑å�°éš”å£�æ‘†äº†ä¸€å¼ æ‰‹æœ¯åºŠï¼Œä¸¤è¾¹å�„站了一排医生。仵作把å�—刑尸体急速æ�¬ä¸Šæ‰‹æœ¯åºŠï¼ŒåŒ»ç”Ÿä»¬å�³åˆ»åŠ¨æ‰‹å‰²é™¤å™¨å®˜ï¼Œè¿žéª¨å¤´éƒ½å�–了出æ�¥ï¼Œå‰©ä¸‹çš„丢出æ�¥çš„,å�ªæ˜¯ä¸€å¼ åƒ�ç ´å¸ƒçš„çš®è‚‰è€Œå·²ã€‚æ—¶é—´å‡ ä¹Žåœ¨å‡ ç§’å†…å®Œæˆ�。原æ�¥æ¯�个医生都有他们å�„è‡ªä¸‹æ‰‹çš„ç›®æ ‡ï¼Œé€Ÿåº¦é�žå¸¸å¿«ã€‚
所以,这些æ��献器官的æ»å›šçŠ¯çœŸä½›å®—弟å�ï¼Œæ˜¯ä»¥ä¸€å¼ çš®è‚‰åŽ»ç�«åŒ–çš„ã€‚å°±æ˜¯ä»¥è¿™å¼ çš®è‚‰ï¼Œçƒ§å‡ºäº†èˆ�利å�,甚至有些得到七彩èˆ�利å�。
Well, 当然有批评的声浪,犹如海啸一般翻江倒海的声势,冲ç�€çœŸä½›å®—,大势批评一番。说什么å�ƒäº†åŒ–å¦ç‰©è´¨å¤ªå¤šï¼Œå�ƒäº†è±†è´¨å“�太多,就会有很多钙质残留物在骨头里 bla bla blaä¸€å¤§å †åºŸè¯�。就连什么团体å†�åŠ ä¸ŠArica Lim以å‰�弟å�的声势æ�¥åŠ©å¨�,一起æ�¥æŠ¨å‡»çœŸä½›å®—。
人体在æ»å�Žçš„å‡ ç§’å†…å°±è¢«æ”¯ç¦»ç ´ç¢Žï¼Œè¿™åœ¨ä½›æ•™çš„å¤„ç�†é�—体仪å¼�ä¸ï¼ˆ7天内é�¿å…�移动尸体)是一大ç¦�å¿Œã€‚å› ä¸ºæ»è€…ä¼šç—›æˆ–å¿ƒçƒ¦å¾—çš„æ— æ³•å®‰å¿ƒå¾€ç”Ÿã€‚æ— æ³•å¾€ç”Ÿçš„äººï¼Œè¿˜è°ˆä»€ä¹ˆçƒ§å‡ºèˆ�利å�呢?
当然,烧出èˆ�利å�ä¸�是真佛宗的专利。å�¯æ˜¯åˆ«äººæ˜¯ä»¥å…¨å°¸åŽ»çƒ§ï¼ŒåŒ…挂骨头在内哦,也å�¯èƒ½ä¿®äº†å¾ˆä¹…哦。而æ»å›šçŠ¯æ˜¯ä»¥çš®è‚‰åŽ»çƒ§ï¼Œè€Œä¸”å�ªä¿®å‡ 年而已。ä¸�是一个æ»å›šçŠ¯ï¼Œä¸�管有æ��器官还是没æ��器官的,å�Œæ—¶é—´ä¸Šå�Šçš„,ç�«åŒ–å�Žçš†å¾—èˆ�利å�。
I attended twice Lu Sheng Yen’s talks in Singapore, once in IMM many years ago and a more recent one around 3 years ago at the Expo. The attendance at the Expo, I believe were around 20,000 to 30,000 from all over SEA with some I notice, even from Japan. Some of his followers were even following him on his tour of SEA including Taiwan. There were also many monks of the School present in these gathering. It goes to show how established this school has become.
As an outsider, I have also notice how committed and devoted these followers are to him. Statues of him are also available for sale to the followers to worship. They have their own chants and offer many type of services to its members. You can also find group of this School even in small towns in Malaysia.
Whether main stream Buddhists like it or not, or agrees with their teaching, they are here to stay for a long time to come.
yes there is no doubt that tbs is a large organisation and thus all the more we must educate the public about how strayed tbs is from the the true authentic dharma that leads to enlightenment
as crowds usually attract crowds resulting in more being blindly misled
So, Aik TC, for the IMM that session, did you realized that the corridor leading to toilets at the back of stage was flooded with water?
Originally posted by Luna Wei:So, for the IMM that session, did you realized that the corridor leading to toilets at the back of stage was flooded with water?
No, too long ago. Only remember that the vest he was wearing was auction off, believe for more than $40k on the last day.
Perhaps that area was blocked out due to slippery. But for ladies who queued up for the restrooms at that area would know because fewer people would take a long distance to those toilets.
那些水,是用æ�¥æ•‘ç�«æ—¶ï¼Œç´§æ€¥æ´’到地上的。有3个年轻人在那边大喊大å�«ï¼Œ“烧æ»ä½ 们ï¼�这些附佛外é�“çš„é”å�é”å™ï¼�”
I agree with "An Eternal Now", because no proper education was given to the so called "true authentic dharma" followers, thats why millions of people have swamped into TBS within short period of time! Perhaps after they realized how TRUE AUTHENTIC DHARMA can be used on the innocents....
在冷气大厦内放ç�«ï¼Œä¸�ç®¡å‡ ä¸‡äººçš„æ»æ´»ã€‚真佛宗人士之外,商家ã€�顾客ã€�å·¥ä½œäººå£«å°†æ— ä¸€å¹¸å…�。其心之毒,让人胆寒。其行之毒,å�Žæ— æ�¥è€…。如æ¤ç‹å°�çš„èƒ¸è¥Ÿï¼Œä½ ä»¬çœŸçš„è¦�好好的管教他们哦ï¼�
Aik TC, then do you remember which party recieved this $40K? Who/Which is the reciever who went up onto the stage for photo session?
No idea, only know he wasn't any VIP, as he was sitting somewhere at the back of the hall.
Originally posted by Luna Wei:Perhaps that area was blocked out due to slippery. But for ladies who queued up for the restrooms at that area would know because fewer people would take a long distance to those toilets.
那些水,是用æ�¥æ•‘ç�«æ—¶ï¼Œç´§æ€¥æ´’到地上的。有3个年轻人在那边大喊大å�«ï¼Œ“烧æ»ä½ 们ï¼�这些附佛外é�“çš„é”å�é”å™ï¼�”
I agree with "An Eternal Now", because no proper education was given to the so called "true authentic dharma" followers, thats why millions of people have swamped into TBS within short period of time! Perhaps after they realized how TRUE AUTHENTIC DHARMA can be used on the innocents....
在冷气大厦内放ç�«ï¼Œä¸�ç®¡å‡ ä¸‡äººçš„æ»æ´»ã€‚真佛宗人士之外,商家ã€�顾客ã€�å·¥ä½œäººå£«å°†æ— ä¸€å¹¸å…�。其心之毒,让人胆寒。其行之毒,å�Žæ— æ�¥è€…。如æ¤ç‹å°�çš„èƒ¸è¥Ÿï¼Œä½ ä»¬çœŸçš„è¦�好好的管教他们哦ï¼�
Aik TC, then do you remember which party recieved this $40K? Who/Which is the reciever who went up onto the stage for photo session?
Prove it ! any police report ? you people just create stories and blame on the traditional buddhist schools.
another lie of TBs
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:yes there is no doubt that tbs is a large organisation and thus all the more we must educate the public about how strayed tbs is from the the true authentic dharma that leads to enlightenment
as crowds usually attract crowds resulting in more being blindly misled
you are absolutely right on that. Many bring along their unsuspecting friends and relatives, family members for blessing.
The crowd made up of people who attended just for blessing pulled along by their friend/family yet TBS boasted that they had so many followers. TBS just loved to make up stories to market the school.
The truth is many had left disappointed, hurt, abused and cheated quietly. Cos they are fearful of the threats made by TBS people ( like you will get cancer, you will be punished by Gods etc ). Typical behaviours of a cult. Using threat to shut people up.
There are a few ended up in the mental hospital. I met someone who told me a real story of his friend. 20 years of youth wasted in the mental hospital after his childhood friend started to follow tbs and became mad. His friend was given the clearance after 20 years but the family would not want to hear a single word of TBS. He wasted 20 years in IMH/
Originally posted by Aik TC:
No idea, only know he wasn't any VIP, as he was sitting somewhere at the back of the hall.
Ok, never mind.
All auction has a purpose. There will be some items to be auctioned off, which is mostly donated by some ones. There will be a target party, receiver/beneficiary, and this receiver is not necessarily TBS related, it could be hospital, NKF, community chest etc. After the auction, photo taking for donor and receiver is a must.
Most of the time, there will be minimum 2 auction items, I observed. One is for social benefits and responsibilities and another one will be used to source for funds to pay for the hefty expenses.
Like the Expo session, the rental is over one million, just for the 5 halls, not including equipments, transportation, setups, advertising, project management costs etc. There is never a session that TBS could made money from gigantic ceremony. Backend there are always rich men willing to absorb the outstanding. The truth is, whatever they sponsored, they managed to recover it from their businesses. Thats why they are able to support in long term.
Any donation solicited from the public, it has to be spent within a financial year. Over a year, the money belongs to the government, thus the temple needs to source for donations for the coming year expenses from scratch again and again.
There are lots of rules and regulations set by local government. What you see, is not what you imagined.
1/3 will go to the Seattle temple (into lu sheng yen pocket), 1/3 to the masters and 1/3 to the chapter/temples. Standard distribution listed in TBS news. Every TBS temple and chapters have to follow.
To put up a show, they will donate some to charity.