Wiser, then show us the court case number for the victims claimed to have court case for "Suing against Mr. Lu with herpes" here.
Anyway, Arica used to creat a few accounts and talk to herself on forums phrasing her own wisdom and the amount of compassion she had for the "victims". Who knows she is into the same trick again?
Wiser wrote:
"Wang Ying, post the clarifying articles here ( if there is any in the first place) as you claimed. ---> Already told you in www.tbsn.org. Arica also acts like that, like to post same information everywhere but die die won't go to the sources for clarification coz she refused to, kind of abusing computer resources.
All buddhist organisations know True Buddha School is a cult and lu sheng yen is a con man. ---> All? Are you sure? How come you lie like Arica Lxx? Just this statement proves that you have been telling lies and like to exaggerate.
If you think TBS is so great, why it is never featured on Singapore's news or religion gatherings ? Because TBS is a cult. ---> Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia welcome Mr. Lu cordially and mind you, Mr Lu was escorted by police force to ensure his safety during his trips in these region. Mr. Lu deliberately summon Arica Lxx on Dec 2008 to his front and looked at her compassionately. Later Arica Lxx bragged about this "meet up" as the acknowledgement of her enlightenment by Mr. Lu in forums. However there wasn't any follow up "promotion/recognition" of her by TBS which later triggered her anger and demanded recognition and respect by TBS on forums.
any way, this forum is for buddhism discussion but you have turned it into a personal grudge against a Singaporean woman. This is not your slandering ground towards a person. ---> I support you dearly, all truth most be told. Thus I let the people here realized that the same slander messages and information can be found at various places, but input by the same person so as to safe their efforts of browsing around, you not happy? Anyway, Arica always post the links to the TBS forums and keep them updates of where she posted the latest slander messages again and later she cried out loud that the TBS people have been tracing her around, kind of funny.
The US law database is open worldwide for people to read, those who don't read has no intention to find out the truth and willing to be decieve by rumours, simple as that.
Which statement shows that I slander anybody?
Which statement shows the grudge?
All truth most be told, didn't you agree?
And why you slander me by saying the following?
"I bet many others suffer in silence and dare not fight in case got Wang Ying this kind of people slandering them and hunting them down."
By telling the truth, did I hurt you badly with the above postings? Are you Arica Lxx herself or are you SHC orgz itself? If not, why you feel so hurt?
any way Lu Sheng Yen created a sutra called the true buddha sutra that all his followers must chant by heart. He told everyone he is the Amitabhava buddha in this sutra.
He also told everyone he is the 6th matriach, the mirapa, and some more dun know who la. He only short of telling everyone he is shakyamuni buddha in previous life.
All buddhist organisations know True Buddha School is a cult and lu sheng yen is a con man
All legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations do not receognise TBS, this is a fact.
The so called legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations are accredited by themselves.
In ancient India, nobody gave that kind of "Legitimate Recognition" to Buddha too.
However, there is one thing TBS outweight the rest of legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations, that is,
In 1999, TBS enabled æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„10å��æ»åˆ‘犯,皈ä¾�莲生活佛å�Žï¼Œè¯šå¿ƒå¿�悔,10人è¦�求æ��早行刑。10人上å�Šç�«åŒ–å�Žå¾—到èˆ�利å�å’Œèˆ�利花。这10人之å‰�都没有信仰,他们的家人都跪在活佛é�¢å‰�泣谢ï¼�
TBS真æ£çš„å�šå¾—到,åŠ�化世人,“æ”¾ä¸‹å± åˆ€ï¼Œç«‹åœ°æˆ�佛。”
Which is the so called "legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations" failed to do that for decades.
are you sure ? Lu sheng yen can create so many lies, he can also create this. May be someone 's relative get another monk to bless the ex-con but nobody mentioned only.
Any way true buddha school laughed at others when they don't know many other traditional buddhist organisations have so many of these miracles but people don't use this to sell their school leh.
Just another marketing tactic of lu sheng yen.
eh you also never tell people why lu sheng yen says he is amitabhva buddha, also mirapa , also the 6th matriach , also some other gurus in his lifetimes.
lu sheng yen smart enough not to say he is shakyamuni buddha also ah in his past life, else he will be in mental hospital now.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:All buddhist organisations know True Buddha School is a cult and lu sheng yen is a con man
All legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations do not receognise TBS, this is a fact.
but the supporters able to twist the truth, sweet-talk, threaten others of defaming , using all kinds of tactics to keep the lie going on, i pity those elderly people who trust them and those who are not educated or informed enough. All the coffin money donated to a SUPER CON-MAN.
And all the naive pretty females who buy the "twin-body" sex is enlightenment teaching and became victimised.
Wiser aka Arica Lim, imagined, how you treated the TBSers?
How they treated you in return?
You persistenly give them cursing, you cursed of thunder to strike them and their chapters.
But they returned you with their kind hearted chanting for your early recovery.
This is the fact, and you survive! From your cancers!
wa ! you curse people until like that ? evil lor..... at least being mistaken as parnie, i got invited to eat cheese cake. That is a nice and cute forummer.
You ...sound mad. So that's what true buddha school has done to you. Tsk...tsk....
I guess the next target for you will be the taiwan court judge who has the guts to verdict two TBS masters as guilty of rape right ? So have you gotten the name of the judge/s?
They are going to get cancer next right , and the Taiwan true buddha school people will be praying hard for them right .
当时,在10å��æ»åˆ‘犯上å�Šå�Žçš†å¾—èˆ�利å�å�Šèˆ�利花,彰宜监狱 所有的狱官深å�—感动,全体皈ä¾�莲生活佛(Mr. Lu), 他们告诉莲生活佛。。。
这些æ»å›šçŠ¯æ‰€æœ‰çš„å¿�æ‚”ä¿¡ä»¶éƒ½æ˜¯ç”±ä»–ä»¬ä¸€ä¸€ç›–ç« æ‰¹å‡†å�Žæ‰�能邮寄出去的。狱官们看到这些人如何转å�˜ï¼Œæœ¬æ�¥å½¼æ¤å¤©å¤©æ³¼å°¿æ‰“架到最å�Žå‹¤ä¿®çœŸä½›ç§˜æ³•ï¼Œç”šè‡³è¦�求æ��æ—©å�—刑。这ç§�事情从æ�¥æ²¡åœ¨å½°å®œç›‘狱å�‘生过,这是第一次看到的。
当时的佛教界还猛烈批评,说这是ä¸�å�¯èƒ½çš„,还说“æ”¾ä¸‹å± åˆ€ï¼Œç«‹åœ°æˆ�ä½›”,å�ªæ˜¯ä½›ç»�上说说而已,é‡�罪者去ä¸�了天界的。这些团体的信徒还说,“我æ‰�ä¸�è¦�跟他们去å�Œæ ·çš„天界。”
æ»åˆ‘çŠ¯çš„å®¶å±žä¹ŸæŠŠæ‰€æœ‰ç”±å½°å®œç›‘ç‹±ç›–ç« çš„æ‰‹å†™ä¿¡ä»¶å…¬å¸ƒå‡ºæ�¥ã€‚å…¶ä¸ä¸€ä¸ªå®¶å±žä¹˜æ�计程车去检验èˆ�利å�途ä¸ï¼Œæ»åˆ‘犯的èˆ�利å�就在行驶途ä¸å†�生出一粒å°�èˆ�利å�。
由显教佛教居士林的æ�Žæœ¨æº�居士检验,用专用器具æ�¥æ£€éªŒï¼Œè¯�明是真æ£çš„èˆ�利å�。æ�Žæœ¨æº�也é�¢è§�了莲生活佛,说é�“,“äº‹å®žå°±æ˜¯äº‹å®žã€‚æˆ‘æ— æ³•å› ä¸ºå¤–é�¢å¯¹çœŸä½›å®—è´Ÿé�¢çš„ä¼ è¨€ï¼Œå°±ä¸�说实è¯�。”
è¿™è¯�æ˜Žäº†ï¼Œä½ ä»¬ä¸�知头ä¸�知尾的人云亦云。什么å�«ä½œ “All legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations do not receognise TBS, this is a fact“”?
为何那些自称 “All legitimate mainstream Buddhist organisations” 需è¦�把这ç§�事实掩盖起æ�¥å‘¢ï¼Ÿæœ‰è¿™ç§�å¿…è¦�å�—?
Lu Sheng Yen also quote Feng Feng 馮馮 as someone who respected him. Later Feng Feng had to clarify in his articles that Lu Sheng Yen is the one who keeps looking for him and passing gifts to him.
Lu Sheng Yen knows how to make use of people.
There is another elderly Taiwan monk �顺导师
whose name was also being used by Lu Sheng Yen. Later this Taiwan monk had also to clarify that Lu Sheng Yen was the one who kept using his name in his books.
The links of clarification by the above two are here.
�顺导师谈)我與盧�彥 2007-08-16 22:46:21
Lu Sheng Yen always used other's names to market himself. The usual tactics of a con man.
Buddhism is a peaceful religion but ever since this Lu Sheng Yen created True Buddha School. he had turned it into a huge deceiving , lying , cheating and victimising faith using untrue articles to bluff people into believing him.
That's How lu sheng yen gets people to give him money . He is damn rich now. At least Taiwan Chen Shui Bian is in jail now. When will the turn be for lu sheng yen?
Originally posted by Wiser:wa ! you curse people until like that ? evil lor..... at least being mistaken as parnie, i got invited to eat cheese cake. That is a nice and cute forummer.
Arica Lim always tell people how she spent her time on spa, nails polishing and that some guys like to take her to here and there for drinks and food and cakes, like drinking wine at dempsy village which she said not normal Singaporean can afford to go there. She sounds like that is her job to accompany guys everywhere for drinks and cheap food like cheese cakes. Yah, we all understood that she couldn't afford cheap food like cheese cakes, really poor thing. Somemore, for a person approaching 50, too much of cheese cakes is no good for the health, especially for her, who is constantly in hungry state.
If there really exist a person by calling Wiser as parnie (short form of your hallucinated partner? Lets call it Wiser-Parnie), GREAT!
Now Wiser-parnie's friend, tell me, how tall is Wiser? Arica Lim has an anormal height for an auntie, about near to 1.8M in height. Due to her sickness, she might lost weight, but she is not able to cut short her height.
My messages here are not to attack someone (which she twisted into that), but to let people know, not all TBSers had attained enlightenement before they turned BUDDHIST, (I wonder who dare to claim that?) and how TBSers treat people with great patient and equality in mind even though some unfortunates ones have been acting abnormally. TBSers DO NOT LAUGH AT PEOPLE, why laugh at people when they are making progress or improvement, which including themselves?
And I have her photo too. Wiser-Parnie's friend, email me, I will send her photos to your private email if you need it. And you will know how true are my words. No worry, I will not hold you as the witness, no point.
Wiser aka Arica Lim, sure you know the creation and distribution of booklets and articles originated by your SXC syndicate...
wang ying aka TBSers aka arica lim hunter aka running dog of TBS
lols what is sxc sydnicate ? you have the contact ? lols
true buddha school is also a sydnicate wat. All donation 1/3 go to seattle temple, 1/3 to master and 1/3 to temple/chapter.
Lu Sheng Yen the big mafia head. lols.
MLM level marketing may be have taken a lesson from True Buddha School or vice versa. lols.
Everyone gets rich except the poor naive followers.
Originally posted by Wiser:true buddha school is also a sydnicate wat. All donation 1/3 go to seattle temple, 1/3 to master and 1/3 to temple/chapter.
Lu Sheng Yen the big mafia head. lols.
MLM level marketing may be have taken a lesson from True Buddha School or vice versa. lols.
Everyone gets rich except the poor naive followers.
Prove it!
don't worry la...taiwan court just proved that sex cultivation in true buddha school starts from a young girl at age 8 in 2010 , soon other evidences will appear one.
I just feel sorry for those who had to suffer first before lu sheng yen get caught like chen shui bian.
true buddha school is also a sydnicate wat. All donation 1/3 go to seattle temple, 1/3 to master and 1/3 to temple/chapter.
Prove it!
Lu Sheng Yen the big mafia head. lols.
MLM level marketing may be have taken a lesson from True Buddha School or vice versa. lols.
Prove it!
Everyone gets rich except the poor naive followers.
Prove it!
Wiser claimed SHC contracted herpes from Mr. Lu.
Wiser aka Arica Lim, prove it!
lols wan ying aka TBSers aka arica lim hunter aka running dog of TBs aka ......
Taiwan court already proved it liao. Already sentenced two masters of True Buddha school for rape.
Wiser aka Arica Lim,
TBS could not stop you from performing forceful Dharma dance and uncontrollably stepping on those people sitting around and even went around to beat people up during your dance session, for more than 10 years, what make you think that all TBSers are truly following Mr. Lu?
Wiser aka Arica Lim is the perfect example of acting TBSer.
wan ying aka crazy fellow aka TBsers aka running dog .....
wa you left arica lim right arica lim, why you in love with her , is it ? she rejected your love and you hated her from that day onwards ah ? poor thing.
I advise you to look for arica lim and speak to her personally about your hatred for her la. Let it go.
Sherry Chua
ha ha ha....
Wiser aka Arica Lim, really funny!.
Arica Lim likes to cut and paste,
- 人体七�轮 & Chakra和它的�动。
- TUMO/serpent fire cultivation and acts like an expert. When people challenged her knowledge and real experience in that, she exclaimed, “我为什么è¦�å¯¹æˆ‘æ‰€è´´çš„æ–‡ç« è´Ÿè´£ï¼Ÿè¿™æ˜¯åˆ«äººå†™çš„ï¼Œä¸�关我的事ï¼�ï¼�ï¼�”Therefore very important! Don't follow any cultivation articles that are created/pasted by Wiser aka Arica Lim. ä½ è‹¥ç…§ç�€å¥¹çš„æ–‡ç« åŽ»å�šçš„è¯�,出了事,她会转过头æ�¥ç¾žè¾±ä½ 的,虽然她自己都å�šä¸�到。
- Kundalini, è¿‘æ»çš„æ‹™ç�«ç»�验。
- 济公,真的�的。
- SHC Story
- 所有有关Mr. Lu Sheng-yen and TBS sex scandal stories and articles
etc. to be updated...
No non-Arica Lim will go on full force, whole day online, 5++ years, aggressively, persistently and madly broadcast about SHC stories and defame Mr. Lu in full force with her life energy, everywhere on internet.
Somemore, she is kind of lazy and she likes to cut and paste SIMILAR ARTICLES HERE AND THERE !!!
Worst still, she is using one TBSer, Zhen Wen's messages and explanation on how a billionaire like Bill Gates got rid of his nightmares of frequent court cases, after a sharing session by Warren Buffett.
Zhen Wen was explaining to Arica Lim, because SHC orgz percieve that Mr. Lu is filthy rich, like those people who precieve that Bill Gates is filthy rich such that they created some plots hoping to get rich faster and took advantage on the "rich".
One way is to sue him (Mr. Lu / Bill Gates), bring them to court, no matter what, it is still able to loot some monies from the court case, from the 2 victims (Mr. Lu and Bill Gates).
Therefore, Bill Gates donated some of his fortunes and made worldwide announcement, immediately, no more people bother to sue Bill Gates, since they will get little or no monies even they take him to court.
Mr. Lu long ago already emptied his pocket for charities and salvation, but he never advertise them at all, therefore, more and more court cases queuing up for him and his followers. Now, the TBSers are persuading Mr. Lu to die die do some advertising for the TBS donations, to save himself, and to save the TBSers from court cases.
Why some organization are attacking TBS fiercely?
For Buddhism values? ha ha ha ...
Don't be so naive !!!
Think thrice, the numbers of TBSers been mushrooming into millions within short period of time !!!!
What kind of impact it will have for those organization?