我å��å�«æ�¨ä¿¡èŠ³ï¼Œå��å…«å²�那年,还在上海女å�ä¸å¦å¿µä¹¦ã€‚我有一ä½�å�Œå¦å¼ å�娟女士,她ä½�在西门路润安里,跟我的交情最深。
她的æ¯�äº²å¼ å¤ªå¤ªï¼Œå¾ˆå–œæ¬¢æˆ‘ï¼ŒæŠŠæˆ‘è§†å�Œäº²ç”Ÿå¥³å„¿ä¸€èˆ¬çœ‹å¾…,所以我也称她为æ¯�亲。æ¯�次放å¦å›žæ�¥ï¼Œæˆ‘å¸¸å¸¸åœ¨å¼ å®¶å�ƒé¥ã€�ç�¡è§‰ï¼Œä¹Ÿä¹ 以为常了。
民国二å��五年å��一月二å��三日夜里,我ä½�å®¿å¼ å®¶ï¼Œå’Œå�娟ç�¡åœ¨å�Œä¸€åºŠä¸Šï¼Œå�Šå¤œç�¡åŽ»ï¼Œçª�然远远è§�到观音è�©è�¨ç«™åœ¨å°�岛上,岛的四周都是海,海水与天空å�Œ 一色。è�©è�¨èº«é«˜ä¸€ä¸ˆå¤šï¼Œèº«ä¸Šæœ‰ç’Žç�žè£…饰,手里拿ç�€å‡€ç“¶ï¼Œè·Ÿä¸–äººæ‰€ç”»çš„ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œæˆ‘å��在一å°�船上,å°�船开å�‘å°�岛,è�©è�¨å�‘我招手并且告诉我说:“大势至è�©è�¨çŽ°æ£åœ¨ ä¸Šæµ·æ•™åŒ–ä¼—ç”Ÿã€‚ä½ ä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆè¿™ä¹ˆæ˜�迷,ä¸�懂得去å�¬æ³•å‘¢ï¼Ÿ”
我当时没有回ç”。è�©è�¨å�ˆè¯´ï¼š“å�°å…‰å’Œå°šæ˜¯å¤§åŠ¿è‡³è�©è�¨çš„化身。四年以å�Žï¼Œä»–教化众生的缘份就圆满了ï¼�”说完以å�Žï¼Œè�©è�¨å°±ä¸�è§�äº†ã€‚è¿™æ—¶å€™ï¼Œå¿½ç„¶æƒŠæ»”éª‡æµªå¤§ä½œï¼Œèˆ¹å‡ ä¹Žè¦�翻了,我大喊ç�€ï¼š“救命啊ï¼�”
å�娟把我推醒了,å�ˆè¯´ï¼š“ä¿¡èŠ³ä½ æ˜¯ä¸�是被鬼å�“到了。”我把梦ä¸ä¸€åˆ‡å‘Šè¯‰å�娟,她也å�ªæ˜¯ç¬‘笑而已。
éš”å¤©æ—©æ™¨ï¼Œæˆ‘æŠŠæ¢¦å‘Šè¯‰å¼ å¤ªå¤ªï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”é—®å¥¹æ˜¯ä¸�是有è�©è�¨å��大势至?是ä¸�是有和尚å��为å�°å…‰çš„?
å¼ å¤ªå¤ªå›žç”:“以å‰�曾å�¬å�娟的父亲说过,å�°å…‰å¤§å¸ˆæ˜¯æ™®é™€å±±çš„å¾—é�“高僧。”
å¼ å¤ªå¤ªå›žç”:“这我就ä¸�知é�“了。”
真是令人感到奇妙的梦啊ï¼�我们三人都惊讶ä¸�已,于是æ‰�å’Œå¼ å¤ªå¤ªæ¯�女一å�Œå‰�往觉å›ï¼Œå�¬å�°å…‰å¤§å¸ˆè¯´æ³•ã€‚我们三人也一å�Œçšˆä¾�了å�°å…‰å¤§å¸ˆã€‚我的法å��æ˜¯æ…§èŠ¬ï¼Œå¼ å¤ªå¤ªæ³•å��慧范,å�娟法å��慧英。
我很æƒæ„§ï¼Œè‡ªå·±ä¸šéšœæ·±é‡�,ä¸�能精进用功,现今å�ªæ˜¯å…»è‚²å„¿å¥³ï¼Œæ•´å¤©å¿™å¿™ç¢Œç¢Œï¼Œå¯¹äºŽå‡€ä¸šçš„ä¿®æŒ�æ›´åŠ è�’废了。昨天收到è‹�å�‹çš„信说é�“å�°å…‰å¤§å¸ˆå·²å��化于ç�µ 岩山了。真是å�¯æ‚²å•Šï¼�大师竟然过é€�了。化缘四年,竟然跟梦里所说的相符。我和大师有一段香ç�«å› 缘,ä¸�å�¯ä»¥ä¸�写些è¯�æ�¥æ•¬æ‚¼å¤§å¸ˆï¼Œåž‚泪写到这儿,è¯ä¸�æˆ�文,寄 给上海觉有情月刊å�‘表,以表示我哀悼之情。å�—æ— å¤§åŠ¿è‡³è�©è�¨ï¼�民国二å��ä¹�å¹´å��二月七日æ�¨ä¿¡èŠ³è®°
这梦是很奇妙,在一个从未å�¬è¿‡ä½›æ³•çš„女生,尚且ä¸�知é�“有大势至è�©è�¨ä»¥å�Šå�°å…‰å’Œå°šçš„å��å—,而æ�¨å¥³å£«èƒ½å¤Ÿæ„Ÿå¾—è¿™æ¢¦ï¼Œå¥¹çš„å–„æ ¹ä¸€å®šæ˜¯ä¸�平凡的。如果没有这梦,è°�知é�“大势至è�©è�¨çš„悲愿呢?(译自å�°å…‰å¤§å¸ˆæ°¸æ€�集)
佛說大乘無é‡�壽莊嚴清淨平ç‰è¦ºç¶“解 (大士神光第二å��å…«)
愿以æ¤åŠŸå¾· 消除宿现业 增长诸ç¦�æ…§ 圆æˆ�èƒœå–„æ ¹ 所有刀兵劫 å�Šä¸Žé¥¥é¦‘ç‰ æ‚‰çš†å°½ç�除 人å�„ä¹ ç¤¼è®©è¯»è¯µå�—æŒ�人 辗转æµ�通者 现眷咸安ä¹� 先亡获超å�‡ 风雨常调顺 人民悉康å®� 法界诸å�«è¯† å�Œè¯�æ— ä¸Šé�“
oh.. coincidence
During Mr. Shen's talk, this article was shown and discussed
Being Vegetarian and Reciting the Buddha's Name are
the Only Ways to Protect the Nation and Quell Disasters
by Great Master Yin Guang
To talk about protecting the country and ending disasters, we must know how to protect the country and how to end disasters. There are two means to reach these goals. One is temporary, while other is long-term. If we can be vegetarians and recite the Buddha's name constantly in the hopes of protecting the country and quelling disasters, then our sincerity will wrought infinite merit. Sincere prayers for the time being are effective to some extent too. But it would be best if we can protect and quell by being vegetarians. If we are vegetarian and recite the Buddha's name, then the power of vows will persist, deviant energy will dissipate while proper energy will grow. With fine intentions, kind words and good deeds, the nation will naturally be protected and disasters will naturally not occur.
Ancient texts say that sages do not get cures for contracted illnesses but get cures for not yet contracted illnesses; do not get cures for existing disturbance but get cures for not yet existing disturbances. Cures for existing disturbances are ineffective; cures for not yet existing disturbances are effective. Curing a nation is the same as curing a sickness; some cure the symptoms, while some cure the source. Curing a sickness is to cure an existing disturbance. To effectively cure an existing illness, we must cure the symptoms first; treat the head for a headache; treat the feet for aching feet. Once the symptoms are gone, then cure the source, making the body's energy and blood circulate smoothly. Recovering to health at the source, one will be energetic and apply oneself with vigor.
Nowadays our nation is at the brink of danger. Therefore I believe that to cure the nation, we must cure both the symptoms and the source. The best way to cure using this two-prong approach is to recite the Buddha's name, do good deeds, avoid killing, be vegetarians and understand deeply the cause and effect of the past, present and future. The fate of our contemporary world is that the various disasters, consequences of hardship, we face are a result of much evil in the past. We know these types of evil retribution are a result of past causes of doing evil. To avoid painful consequences, we must eliminate the causes of pain. We can eliminate causes of suffering done in the past by reciting the Buddha's name and repenting. If we do not plant causes of pain now, we can avoid consequences of pain in the future.
What are the causes of suffering? They are the three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion. What are the causes of goodness? Helping others. If everyone understands the law of cause and effect, then we will avoid all evil, do all kinds of good. Disasters have no way to enter. Unfortunately people nowadays do not understand the law of cause and effect. Therefore they are full of selfishness and are willing to do any evil. They are only concerned about themselves but not others. We should know that helping others is just to help ourselves; hurting others is just to hurt ourselves. Consequently, I always say, cause and effect is the law with which sages rule the world and Buddhas save living beings. Abandoning cause and effect for discussions on how to govern a nation and how to bring peace to the world is as ridiculous and impossible as fishing on trees. The Buddha said, "If we wish to know the causes of our past lives, simply look at what we face in this lifetime. If we wish to know the results of future lives, simply look at what we do in this lifetime." If everything we do in this lifetime is evil, then how can we avoid evil consequences in future lives? We will certainly face the fallouts of being in a family that is unkind in this lifetime. One text says: "Do good and a hundred auspiciousnesses appear. Do ill, a hundred calamities befall." This principle is the same as the law of cause and effect spoken by the Buddha. Fallouts are beyond retribution, proper; they may not be personal retribution. What I enjoy in future lives is my personal celebration or catastrophe. Retribution beyond the personal may be celebrations and catastrophes for offspring, who take on what their ancestors have accumulated.
People do not understand cause and effect and think that people escape karma after death; there is no more favorable or unfavorable consequence. This is the most misleading view for future generations. We must know that after death, people's consciousness does not become extinct. If people realize that their consciousness does not get extinguished, then they will certainly enjoy doing good and not dare to do evil. If they believe that death is the end all and be all, then they will indulge in the present, avoiding no evil or doing every evil.
This type of extremely evil behavior is the result of annihilistic views. If people can avoid all evil and do every good, then the world will naturally be at peace and people will be happy. However, this is still not the most ultimate idea. What is the ultimate practice? Recite the Buddha's name to become reborn in the West, to become liberated from birth and death. At the same time, we must reduce deviance, maintain sincerity, unite the family, living up to one's role. That way not only will the fate of the nation turn, but disasters will disappear too. Today's disasters are a result of everyone's collective karma. If people all recite the Buddha's name and do good, then collective karma can turn and the fated catastrophe will be gone too. For example, during the Battle of Shanghai on January 28, families that recited the Buddha's name enjoyed many miracles. Individuals who cultivate alone can attain responses, not to mention what will happen when a group cultivates. Therefore, a national disaster can also be averted by everyone reciting the Buddha's name sincerely.
"Today's disasters are a result of everyone's collective karma. If people all recite the Buddha's name and do good, then collective karma can turn and the fated catastrophe will be gone too. For example, during the Battle of Shanghai on January 28, families that recited the Buddha's name enjoyed many miracles. Individuals who cultivate alone can attain responses, not to mention what will happen when a group cultivates. Therefore, a national disaster can also be averted by everyone reciting the Buddha's name sincerely."