Thangtong Gyalpo Earthquake Protection Amulet : Print it out, paste it up on the wall, and consider it empowered for use.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo is one of the most significant Mah�siddhas of Tibet who worked in the first half of the 15thcentury in Tibet and Bhutan. Thangtong Gyalpo was a yogi, philosopher, poet, exorcist, teacher, architect, engineer, painter, sculptor, doctor, treasure revealer and last but not least, an iron chain suspension bridge builder, a universal genius with supernatural abilities.
The mad saint (sgrub smyon), the destroyer of illusion (’khrulzhig), the performer of miracles, the medicine man who dispelled epidemics, the protector from Hor invasions, and the mender of harmful geomantic configurations (me btsa’ gso ba).He was also an accomplished master of technology, who built numerous iron bridges and ferries, erected many devotional objects symbolising body, speech and mind and allegedly pioneered the fashioning of statues out of precious stones. He was a great propagator of the Avalokiteshvara cycle and sadhana