In the past there lived a Zahor King called Tsuk Lak Dzin. The King was badly in need of a son, and so he made vast offerings to the gods, yogis and Brahmins. Everyone prophesied that the King would father a son. After a long while the youngest Queen had a good auspicious dream and so also had the eldest Queen, who dreamt that she had conceived a son. When she told the King, he did many prayers and made offerings.
At the time of the child's birth there were many auspicious signs, like showers of flowers and music, which were seen and heard by everyone in the kingdom of Zahor. Everyone, including the Queen, had predicted an extraordinary son to be born. When facing the truth of a baby girl being born, the Queen felt dejected. The King, in dismay, called the Queen a liar.
When the Brahmins examined the child's extraordinary astrological symbols, they were amazed, and with tears of joy in their eyes they prostrated (before the child). They proclaimed the child as a human emanation of Female Primordial Wisdom, chief among Female Celestial Beings.
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