heard most are about to retire.
Tzu Chi - Help Japan with Love
Fo Guang Shan
Dharma Drum Mountain
saw a taiwan charity show saying the conditions there are really bad. a few people sharing a bowl of soup or banana; not enough blankets/clothing as the weather are cold; frighten of the contamination, most have to stay at home and stock up food.
Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa
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Relief efforts are also hampered by the sheer scale of the destruction. A big problem is also fuel shortage, which makes transportation difficult. Without this fuel shortage, I think Japanese civilians can easily mobilize a wide web of civilian relief efforts.
I just saw on CNA, their own citizens are queueing up to donate household items like blankets and other neccessities. I think there's no shortage of willingness to help, but the fear of radiation contamination and transportation problems is making things worse.
A few days ago, I read that they have 430,000 living in shelters. Today on CNA, they are mentioning numbers of 370,000(?) living in shelters. I take this as a good sign that some have been able to return to their homes, or move in with relatives.
Cool rap video regarding recent disasters
WE ARE NOTHING Dennis Lau 四大皆空 黃明志_龔柯å…�.mp4。高清晰é�žå¸¸æµ�行的æŒæ›²ï¼ˆå››å¤§çš†ç©ºï¼‰ï¼šäººç±»åœ¨ç�¾éš¾é�¢å‰�显现的多麽渺å°�,很有æ‰�å�Žçš„æŒæ›²ä½œè€…,现在æµ�行于网络,我们应该ç��惜生命,快ä¹�æ¯�一天ï¼�
Originally posted by sinweiy:Cool rap video regarding recent disasters
WE ARE NOTHING Dennis Lau 四大皆空黃明志_龔柯å…�.mp4。高清晰é�žå¸¸æµ�行的æŒæ›²ï¼ˆå››å¤§çš†ç©ºï¼‰ï¼šäººç±»åœ¨ç�¾éš¾é�¢å‰�显现的多麽渺å°�,很有æ‰�å�Žçš„æŒæ›²ä½œè€…,现在æµ�行于网络,我们应该ç��惜生命,快ä¹�æ¯�一天ï¼�
Nice and meaningful song. It is really a wake up call. I wonder how many wake up calls we need inorder for humans to be less sinful and not to hurt the world.
The video asked Who's next? It is a scary question.
in front of Mother nature, we are really like ants.
When i look at the tsunami , i know even a good swimmer also can't escaped from its powerful sweep.
I just pray that the end of the world will not happen so soon.
Originally posted by Wiser:in front of Mother nature, we are really like ants.
When i look at the tsunami , i know even a good swimmer also can't escaped from its powerful sweep.
I just pray that the end of the world will not happen so soon.
I don't think end of the world is during our era. I've heard of end of the world since I was less than 10 years old. Everyone says 23 Dec. 2012 is end of the world. If by then, it is not end of the world. Will you still believe end of the world saying ? Just curious.
last time , i also keep hearing people say end of the world. Read newspaper also got mass sucide conducted by cults which frightened their followers about end of the world.
Now after i see the power of mother nature, i can believe end of the world may be due to tsunami and earthquake combined. It is not end of the world by war (nuclear explosion). But nuclear plants can explode due to tsunami and earthquake combine.
I heard people keep saying end of the world in 2012. I don't really buy it.
There is another saying that people will unite to make this earth a better place to live in after they witnessed many natural disasters, this era is coined " New Age".
End of the world come after that era which i believe not during our generation.
ya. somemore the "night" paper, ppl predict coming 21th May 2011. ermm..(roll eyes)
....there are the 2012 ascension believers in our forum. they think, not say end of world but upgrade of consciousness?.
i read/heard, Scientists are predicting Polar Shift and or solar flares at 2012 due to the galatic alignment(black hole, sun and earth) which may criple our electricity. Polar Shift is the scarier one. land would suddenly be submerged in the sea and other land rising from the sea. will see.
2012 The Polar Shift Explained on the History Channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLe2dWcq_uM
FYI in buddhism,
The evolving world goes through four stages, namely:
1. Formation
2. Existence
3. Destruction
4. Void or Emptiness
our body also have the relative birth, old age, illness and death 生è€�ç—…æ». object also have 生ä½�异ç�.
Each stage has a time span termed a "medium kalpa" [1]. Twenty "small kalpas" make one "medium kalpa". The four stages, each termed a "medium kalpa", make up a "great kalpa".
When the world reaches the final phase of the Stage of Destruction, there will be great fires burning down hell, planet earth, other stars and their cosmic worlds as well as the various heavens within the Field of Desires.
to form or destroy our massive earth totally, u need millions of years, rather than just a human life time. we are still at the Existence� Stage.
The destruction that we have caused to Mother Earth has been done, but we still have the choice to greatly reduce that destruction and try to give time for the Earth to heal. This cannot be done by any one government or international body alone. It needs to be done by many individuals combined.
There's no point holding high level meetings about saving the environment, and then after the meetings, the men/women on the street still continue to live the way they used to. I'm talking about rampant consumerism, using more electricity than we really need, unnecessary use of plastics, food wastage, choosing private over public transport, etc.
Many drops make up an ocean. Individual efforts will really begin to make a difference when we ALL start taking environmental issues seriously. Are we willing to wake up or not? .... and at the core of making positive choices for the Earth, are really the concepts of being kind, compassionate and unselfish.
Human self destruction. Lip service doesn't save the earth but then who really care when they don't look beyond themselves?
Sad to say.... I guess only when Mother Earth reacts with increasing "fury", then people will begin to question their own actions.
Japan will be hit by earthquake again due to Its unique geographical location.
Like Taiwan.
i heard the radiation is stronger in water than in air. and stronger when eaten than breath in. so sharkfin and seafood market there is shut down. karma? sea food retaliating?. i thinking...
in buddhism it's not of the 3 pure meat when it's eaten fresh.
... meat should not be eaten under three circumstances: when it is seen or heard or suspected (that a living being has been purposely slaughtered for the eater); these, Jivaka, are the three circumstances in which meat should not be eaten, Jivaka! I declare there are three circumstances in which meat can be eaten: when it is not seen or heard or suspected (that a living being has been purposely slaughtered for the eater); Jivaka, I say these are the three circumstances in which meat can be eaten. —Jivaka Sutta, MN 55
The Mahayana schools generally recommend a vegetarian diet, for they believe that the Buddha insisted that his followers should not eat meat or fish.
Those who wish to donate to Japan through Tzu Chi (慈济), following is a nice poster from Tzu Chi Foundation (Help Japan with love) :
yesterday i bought something from Mr Bean soya shop and they also put a container on the counter for Japan. I just add in the spare change.
It's convenient when more popular shops are also helping to collect for Japan.
ya i saw it in a convenient store at the MRT station too. though now, real water, food, blankets and clothing are important then paper money. money cannot buy enough things also no use.
Singaporeans pay it forward
The Singapore Red Cross (SRS) has raised S$4.1 million for the victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami, excluding the S$500,000 pledged by the Singapore government.
With cash donations from other aid agencies exceeding S$5 million, the people in Singapore are giving when it counts.
Pat Gauron, who has been a regular SRS volunteer for more than a decade, said "The response has been overwhelming. They come in with big fat cheques."
Yahoo! Singapore understands that the aid agency sees several hundreds of donors daily, with crowds coming in droves during lunch and after working hours.
"I actually spent a year in Japan during my undergraduate days, so I really feel for the victims and want to help them in whatever way I can," said 35-year-old marketing manager Samantha Chew, who made a donation during her lunch break.
A 42-year-old businessman who only wanted to be known as Ng, added, "I don't donate regularly to such charities, but the Japan disaster was just too heartbreaking. I knew I had to help."
SRS has sent 10,000 bottles of water, 1,200 blankets and 200 mattresses to Sendai, in north Japan.
Once Japanese authorities give the word, the aid agency will send its second batch of relief aid -- 10 tonnes of blankets and collapsible water containers -- to the disaster zone.
Meanwhile, aid agency Mercy Relief has collected S$722,000 so far, including a S$200,000 cheque by faith group Singapore Soka Association to help aid workers in Japan buy relief supplies such as food, blankets and drinking water.
Its five-member team is now in Japan distributing relief supplies to victims near the Iwate prefecture.
World Vision Singapore has also collected more than S$400,000 as of 5pm on Monday.
Halo, guys, send a well-wishing message thru the below site to encourage the japanese.
A place to lit up hope in the skies for the Japanese!
Ken Watanabe reading “Strong in the Rain”, a famous Japanese poem written by Kenji Miyazawa, to encourage the victims of the recent disasters in Japan.
Earthquake and tsunami have given severe blow to the people in Japan, but with their great strength and endurance, i'm sure they will overcome. Let's continue to give our support to them.
death used to be akin
with old age
with illnesses
with losses
but now, as of now,
it is firmly rooted
with revival of hope
against all passing waves
with our love
without dread
Japan 'tsunami dog' Ban reunited with owner after surviving at sea