May all beings of Japan be free from danger, mental and physical suffering .....
"日本發生è¦�模8.9å¼·éœ‡ï¼Œç ´å£žåŠ›é©šäººï¼Œé™¤äº†å¼•ç™¼æµ·å˜¯ï¼Œå…¶ä»–åœ°å�€ä¹Ÿé™¸çºŒå‚³å‡ºç�½æƒ…ã€‚å¤©åœ°è² é‡�告急,大ç�½é›£ä¸€å†�示ç�¾ã€‚è‰åš´ä¸Šäººä»Šå¤©åœ¨å¿—工早會ä¸æ²‰é‡�呼籲:人人都è¦�敬愛天地ã€�æˆ’æ…Žè™”èª ï¼Œç‚ºå¤©ä¸‹ç¥ˆç¦�。
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Originally posted by Jiexi2007:
May all beings of Japan be free from danger, mental and physical suffering .....
"May all beings of Japan be free from danger, mental and physical suffering ....."
转å�‘å”ä¿¡æ�¯ã€Šé˜¿å¼¥é™€ä½›ï¼�净空è€�法师电è¯�开示:ç»�过四å·�,缅甸的ç�¾éš¾æš´å�‘之å�Žï¼Œè¿‘æ�¥ä¼šæš´å�‘更严é‡�çš„ç�¾éš¾ä½¿å…¨ä¸–ç•Œé�é�‡åˆ°ç˜Ÿç–«ç—‡ï¼Œå�¯èƒ½ä¼šæ»ä¸Šå‡ 百万人,比四å·�缅甸的ç�¾éš¾æ›´å�¯æ€•ï¼ŒçŽ°å·²æœ‰å›½å®¶å¦‚韩国å�°åº¦å¼€å§‹äº†ï¼Œæµ·åœ°åœ°éœ‡çŽ°åœ¨å·²ç»�æ»äº¡å��万多……净空è€�法师呼å��全世界å�Œä¿®æ¯�晚八点å�Šå¼€å§‹å¿µè¯µå�—æ— è§‚ä¸–éŸ³è�©è�¨åœ£å�·ä¸€å�ƒé��至五月åˆ�五为æ¢å›žå�‘给全世界众生消ç�¾å…�éš¾ã€�离苦得ä¹�ã€�国泰民安ã€�风调雨顺。请在收到æ¤ä¿¡æ�¯å�Žè½¬å�‘ç»™å��ä½�å–„å¿ƒäººå£«ï¼ŒåŠŸå¾·æ— é‡�》
May all beings of Japan be free from mental and physical suffering, and all beings be free from mental and physical affliction as that of all victims, and all nations and its people enjoying happiness and no severe bodily harm and damage arises from past bad karmic consequences. Amitabha Buddha!
“As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings. So with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings; radiating kindness over the entire world.” Sutta Nipata I, 8
This metta teaching is beloved by Buddhists of every tradition, and metta meditation is considered an integral aspect of all Buddhist practice. In the Zen and many other traditions, Buddhists may also vow to become “bodhisattvas”—individuals who pledge to work for “the welfare of all sentient beings,” whoever they might be or whatever their status, throughout all time, until all are beings are liberated.
This unconditional, mother-like love is
reflected in both compassionate empathy and practical action.
And it’s extended to all beings. As the great Zen teacher, Dogen, said:
“Commiserate with a turtle in trouble. Take care of the sparrow suffering from injury. When you see the distressed turtle or watch the sick sparrow you do not expect any repayment for your favor, but you are move entirely by the desire to help others….therefore, serve enemies and friends equally, and assist self and others without discrimination. If you grasp this truth, you will see that this is the reason that even the grass and trees, the wind and water, are all naturally engaged in the activity of profiting others, and you understanding will certainly serve the other’s benefit.” John Daido Loori, Invoking Reality: Moral and Ethical Teachings of Zen
Everything is impermanent.
"May all beings of Japan be free from danger, mental and physical suffering ....."
"May all sentiment beings be liberated from this ocean of samsara."
Amituofo !
i wonder if the japanese would still call me a gaijin after helpin n prayin to them.....but i'll pray to them n bless them and their people who perished.
god bless their souls.
just dun turn me into what they did to folks back in ww2!!!!!
May all in Japan be safe and well.
Japan Earthquake: before and after
The earthquake has been changed to magnitude 9 on the ritcher scale.
Originally posted by zero thought:
the statue still standing? similar to 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami where the temples/monestries were not destroy?
Really very sad for Japan pple. Be strong. RIP.
Japan is a beautiful country. Long ago, I watched a show named 日本沉没(can't remember the exact name). I went Japan for tour because I always think there is some truth in the show. I also told my friends to go before anything big happen in Japan.
It is very sad that "the big one" came true. I feel sorry for the Japanese. Hope that this will be the last monster earthquake in Japan or better still small earth quakes or no more earthquakes with no casualties.
Information on support and donations for the Japan's earthquake and tsunami victims:
2011年3月15日 慈濟基金會
說明:大洗町於ç¦�å³¶ç¸£æ ¸èƒ½å» å�—é‚Š140公里,ä½�æ–¼æ�±äº¬æ�±åŒ—æ–¹130公里,如未å�–得「快速é�“路緊急通行è‰ã€�需繞é�“行駛,從æ�±äº¬åˆ°å¤§æ´—町則需三至四å°�時的路程,å�–得後å�ªéœ€ç´„一個多å°�時。
ï¼ˆå ±å°Žï¼šæ—¥æœ¬å¼·éœ‡èˆ‡æµ·å˜¯è³‘ç�½ç¸½æŒ‡æ�®ä¸å¿ƒ 2011/03/15)
Originally posted by Jiexi2007:
May all beings of Japan be free from danger, mental and physical suffering .....
Thank you for this thread.
I was contemplating how I have become less passionate yesterday...
May all beings of Japan be safe and free from sufferings...
Mercy Relief: The organisation is accepting donations to procure relief supplies. It has deployed a two-man preliminary disaster response team to Japan to ascertain ground needs and procure relief supplies.
The MR team will help distribute supplies with UN agencies. It will also collaborate with local non-governmental organisations to support their relief efforts. With an initial tranche of USD $20,000 provided by SAP Asia Pacific Japan, the team will help address the pressing needs for food, water and quilts.
For cheque donations, please make the cheque payable to Mercy Relief Limited and send it to the Mercy Relief office at Blk 160 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh #01-1568 Singapore 310160. On the back of the cheque, indicate ‘Japan Quake and Tsunami Relief’’.
Cash donations can also be made at the Mercy Relief office. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 9am - 7pm.
For ATM transfers/internet banking, Mercy Relief’s DBS Current Account is 054-900493-6
Credit card donations can be made via eNets at
Singapore Red Cross: The organisation has started a hotline (6334-9152 / 6334-9153 / 6334-9154) to help those in Singapore get in touch with relatives in Japan. The SRC will take down details of the missing person and forward the information on to its sister national society, the Japanese Red Cross Society and the International Committee of Red Cross. It is also working with the Japanese Association to raise funds.
For cheque donations, please make the cheque payable to Singapore Red Cross and mail to the SRC office at Red Cross House, 15 Penang Lane Singapore 238486. On the back of the cheque, indicate ‘Japan disaster 2011′, name of donor/organisation, contact numbers and address.
Cash donations can also be made at the SRC office during office hours, Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 9 pm, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, 9.30 am - 6pm.
The public can also SMS “Red Cross” to 75772. Each message will cost $50. The SRC is also working with banks like DBS, OCBC and UOB, to allow donations through ATMs and the Internet.
World Vision Singapore: A World Vision assessment team has arrived in the quake zone to assess the needs of the survivors and prepare supplies and programmes for the homeless. The team brought baby supplies, warm clothing, food and daily necessities for distribution.
World Vision also plans to establish child-friendly spaces so children affected by the disasters can resume normal childhood activities and experience structure and security.
For cheque donations, please make the cheque payable to World Vision International and mail to the World Vision office at 750B Chai Chee Road, #03-02, Technopark @ Chai Chee, Singapore 469002. On the back of the cheque, indicate ‘Japan disaster’.
Cash donations can also be made at the World Vision office. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 9am – 5pm.
You can donate online at
i tot the sms one is pretty convenient.
posted some information on radiation and pros and cons of fossil fuels and Nuclear Energy.
ps: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -- Albert Einstein