One can't pinpoint the "exact person" who did wrong in the past because there is really no one out there (if you understand what i mean), no self who does not change, no body who does not age and people who always change. When we call someone by their name, it is merely a label on the form but the content of there form changes and so is this human body (form).
If we tend to see them as "always the ones have always did us wrong" is due to our own attachment to our idea of the person but in reality the person is no longer the same person who did wrong to you, even if the person did wrong to you five minutes ago.
If you think about life and death. I think i am amazed by how fragile life is after watching the news on TV about the earthquake and tsuanmi that happen in Japan. In the end, we will gain nothing after containing all the unhappiness memories inside. Sometime trival matters ought to be forget and forgive. Don't underestimate the power of trival matters - for example a thousand years old BIG tree can be destroyed by a thousand termites.
Sometime it may be really difficult to forgive. I think it is difficult to hate someone for a long time because it takes so much of your energy and time. It will be much more fruitful if you direct your time and energy onto something positive and worthwhile
Hatred and forgivess is really divided by one thin line. You just need to switch your thought and turn the way around to think positively.
Sometime, you may contemplate the person who is making things difficult for you are really the ones who are suffering. Compassionate may arise in you if you can see that. Anyway... hating is not healthy... so choose not to hate because u love yourself.
Quote From Ajahn Chah: The heart of the path is SO simple. No need for long explanations. Give up clinging to love and hate, just rest with things as they are.
Originally posted by SoulDivine:How to forgive?
Just say this sincerely in your heart:
I forgive so-and-so for all the this-and-that has done in the past.
Keep repeating it sincerely in your heart and it will work.
it might work for petty issues but for major ones, may get even more and more angry as you start to recall and list down.
I think it should be coupled with positive thoughts like i forgive because i want to stop hating.
i forgive for all the """""""" has done in the past because i want to move on in life and let go all these bad memories.
Originally posted by SoulDivine:How to forgive?
Just say this sincerely in your heart:
I forgive so-and-so for all the this-and-that has done in the past.
Keep repeating it sincerely in your heart and it will work.
But then my manager keeps on poking at me and my colleagues...finding faults, seeing us laugh will make him unhappy. Seeing us unhappy and stress will make him happy. Call us names too.
hahaha..........realization , that guy up there having a real life issue.
how come nobody want to give him some good advice leh ? hahahaha
Originally posted by likeyou:
But then my manager keeps on poking at me and my colleagues...finding faults, seeing us laugh will make him unhappy. Seeing us unhappy and stress will make him happy. Call us names too.
i think your manager the sadist type. He knows you people need the job to live.
So he bully you people. Until one day you can afford to quit , then and only then you can show him some colors. Let him be the one to forgive you for what you are going to do to him.
I am sorry if I unknowingly let my hate steam out here....sorry folks!
your frustrations are common lah. Almost all working people will somehow complain about their boss la, co-workers la. Very rare to see compliments only.
You hate your present manager, then you work hard to prove that one day you can be better than him lor. Or quit the job and find a better manager lor.
time is a reducer no doubt.
just don't be like the story by Ven Hai Tao, where one go and release their anger on somebody else. then u are no better than the anger "starter".
This is an article on the bodhi mind.
It is about the development and teachings on the bodhi mind.
Both links point to the same website.
I think that cultivating the bodhi mind is makes forgiveness easier.
Unconditional love is a natural state.
Even in the very highest realms, there is an immense unconditional love that permeates all things.
To allow unconditional love to flow out from your heart, one must let go of all judgments.
Judgment is a form of perception(an illusion), that concludes beings as more or less worthy on the basis of a belief system or conditioned state.
Illusion is a distorted form of perception whereby one sees things not as they truly are.
In an unconditioned state, there is no judgment.
God is love. God does not judge.
God bless us all.
or Gods bless us all
More than just one God