the 5 headed snakes is it real or what?
It's called Shesha
Coz during Buddha's era, many people regarded him as incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This five-head snake is often depicted together with Vishnu in many Hindu temples. I think that's the reason. Hinduism deities sometimes will appear in Buddhism. One big family... lol
there are lots of deities or god in Hinduism.
Buddha say got Maha Brahma, the 4 protectors and other heavenly beings, but they are still in Samsara, like us.
i see the five head, color, shape, size, mole are exactly the same. the photo is fake, i can also edit in photoshop.
uddha Gotama was in search & practice the truth from all aspects of knowledge from the most stringent ascetic practitioners of the Hindu etc. All of these knowledges could not provide him the answer beyong life & death that he is looking for. As such, he sit under a Bodhi tree and realised the truth emptiness of all.
The 5 headed-snakes are six realms; heavenly beings; arahat; Bodhisavattas and Buddha that having the same Bodhi (as that of Buddha status surrounded by 5 headed-snakes). It is also representing the samsaric defilement of 5 skandhas of Hindu then (also representing sentient beings) that had been transformed into Bodhi realised by Buddha Gotama. He then travelled around India to liberate Hindu ascetic practitioners on emptiness and those aspired to be free from uncompassionate self. A skillful way of Buddha Gotama to assist the Hindu then by applying the culture of Hindu's awe and worshipping the dieties to realise & actualize their inherent Bodhi or in this regard, it is known as Lord Vishnu
Amitabha Buddha