Event : Puja and Empowerment by Tsepri Lopan Rinpoche
Date : March 11-13
Venue : Ngee Ann Auditorium, Teochew Building, 97, Tank Road
Map :
Programme :
March 11 Friday
10.00am - 12.00pm
Opening Ceremony for Exhibition and Preparation of Sand Mandala
2.00pm - 5.30pm
Naga Puja To Bless Naga Vases & Protectors' Puja
7.30pm - 9.30pm
Dharma Teaching on Avalokiteshvara Practice and Compassion
March 12 Saturday
10.00am - 12.00pm
Orgyen Khandro Puja and Blessing of Wealth Vases
2.00pm - 5.30pm
Avalokiteshvara Puja with Sand Mandala
7.30pm - 9.30pm
Avalokiteshvara Empowerment (Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo Terma)
March 13 Sunday
10.00am - 12.00pm
Special Orgyen Khandro Norlha Puja
2.30pm - 5.30pm
Orgyen Khandro Norlha Empowerment
March 20 Sunday
Naga Vases Offering at Sea
Tsepri Lopan Rinpoche, who will be presiding over this puja, was recognised by
Trulshik Rinpoche as a rebirth of a great master. Rinpoche upholds the Nyingma
Lineage of teachings and his main teachers include Trulshik Rinpoche, Dungsey
Trinley Norbu Rinpoche, Rabjam Rinpoche and others. He has written several
books and textbooks related to history of Buddhism and language.
In the present age, it is important to rely on pujas to reinforce one's
practice and daily activities as there are many obstacles prevalent due to the
accumulated negativities and karma of all beings. Orgyen Khandro Norlha Puja can
purify one's past karma that obstructs abundance due to stinginess, stealing and
other causes. It invokes much needed wealth energy especially in this time when
there is much hardship and scarcity of resources. "Wealth" refers to any
physical or spiritual qualities in our lives, such as finances, nutritious food,
vibrant health, harmonious environment, good relationships, happiness, having
authentic spiritual masters to guide us, merit, renunciation, intelligence,
wisdom, compassion, devotion, realisation of the true nature of reality or
simply a sense of contentment.
Through Avalokiteshvara Puja, we develop compassion to overcome all anger
and aversion which causes rebirth in the hells and lower realms. Through
praying to Avalokiteshvara, we can completely stop rebirths in all six realms
and instead go to Sukhavati (Amitabha's pureland) after this life.
Avalokiteshvara practice also purifies bad karma and broken vows, increases
wisdom and returns our minds to purity, ultimately it brings us enlightenment.
Being simple to practise and thus suitable for busy people in this age, it is
nonetheless a most profound practice that many great masters have utilised to
attain realisation.
In this Puja, through the compassion of Rinpoche, a mini exhibition will be
held to display and explain the various paraphernalias used in Dharma practice
and pujas. Also, relics will be displayed for all devotees to gain blessings.
Everyone is welcome to come with deep faith to partake in this shower of
blessings and joy!