In one winter long time ago, Guru Rinpoche travels to a land in Tibet where people suffers from poverty. Their king requests Guru Rinpoche to do a Dzambhala Puja to free them from sufferings. Guru Rinpoche miraculously manifests himself as Orgyen Khandro Norlha and he become Lama Norlha the Lama of All Dzambhalas. Through his blessing, this land starts to become wealthy and people never heard the name of poverty again. That's why this Lama Norlha puja is usually requested by the king to eliminate obstacles of the land, attract and gather people, wealth and food and bring good luck.
The Dzambhala deity is the embodiment of the perfect generosity of all buddhas and bodhisattvas in the past, present and futue. Dzambhala grants wealth and prosperity for accomplishing all virtuous aims and relieves poverty of sentient beings both on a psychological and material level . He helps those dharma practioners to have a stable live and free from worries while practicing dharma. He grants blessings to those who vows to support sanghas and monasteries.
The practices of the Dzambhala wealth vase, torma offering to Dzambhala, water offering to Dzamabhala, and recitation of the Dzambhala mantra will gain blessing to relieve poverty. When done with singlepointed concentration and faith, these rituals easily increases one's financial prosperity.
In order to benefit sentient beings, Guru Rinpoche manifests into different forms to liberate them from samsara. One of the manifestation is Lama Norlha, the Guru of all Dzambhalas. He is associate with Tumo Norgyima as Dzambhala Yabyum. His blessings increase the energy of prosperity. It removes the sufferings of poverty. It relieves one's mind and allows practitioners to practice dharma without worry mundane living. This practice was revealed by Terton Jigmed Lingpa
Before Guru Rinpoche left Tibet, he hid Lama Norlha's practice text in a secret place and asked the Dakinis and Protectors to safeguard it until terton (treasure revealer) Jigme Lingpa recovered it and passed it to his disciples till today.