Hello All,
We are planning to launch a service to provide daily dhamma advice over the phone via SMS to Singapore.
Before we launch we would like to know if there's a need for this. At the moment, all mobile operators have agreed for this with us and they will charge the users $6 per advice SMS.
Your comments are appreciated.
E3X Global
i have some kind of twitter app on andriod with "free" dhamma stanza daily. it's included in data plan though. $6 is a bit expensive for me.
its only dhamma stanzes you get is it? we are planning to offer, meditation techniques, methods and tips, dhamma stanzes with explanations and many more
do you think that $6 is expensive for an avarage singaporean for a service like this? thank you in advance for your comments :)
feels its expensive. alot of information on the Dharma and meditation online and already most are free.
twitter #dharma #buddhism
Sinweiy what's your twitter id? mine is @iamnick78
if can include info on vegetarian restaurants, which one offering special deals, for eg...or which buddhist shop having special promotion for eg, then it is more interesting.
Or some latest info on which temple is organising a buddhist theme tour, which temple is having what events going on. More info than just dharma stanza will be worth the $6.
Now literally can get free info on line and on hp surfing internet.
u can see how many people are asking on dharma, meditation techniques, etc in this Buddhism forum, not many actually. if u go world wide, then there should be alot.
for sg vegetarian restaurants, i use inSing app.
mine is @wayyap, but seldom write. :)
can rather follow Buddhism_now, Dalailama, Hisholiness. :)
@wiser, thank you alot for your inputs.... we will surely add those information to our service when we launch.
@sinweiy, do you think that information like Wiser suggest will have a demand in Singapore? i mean exclusive info like katina ceremonies and special dhamma discussions organized by different temples etc?
thank you for your inputs !!!
dear all,
what would be a reasonable price per SMS for a service like us? how about S$ 1 or 2 per SMS? will people use it then?
@Wiser and @sinwey ....
dunno le. guess u can do a survey bah. jus that i won't use such service. for buddhism-dharma, to me is free, but if u say donate for a good course, then i can consider.
i wonder who reply to the questions, as, do u have a real dharma teacher to do so? i visited ur mysticastro.com btw.
$1 per sms ? that's expensive. If i am on the go and i want to find out for today where i can eat, which temple has events i can attend today, which buddhist organisations have what courses that interest me today, i don't mind paying $6 per month for this service.
i prefer monthly.
Daily maybe 50cent per sms reply on the subject i keen on that day.
fyi, our old MCK, won't read a buddhist book with copyright on it. saying if the mind of the author's too 'narrow' 心��, it's difficult to write something very very good.
hay guys,
@Wiser, we can actually think of such a service for Singapore. We are already working on the schedules and information network. And we also think its easier to work with a monthly subscription service.
Also 0.50cts per SMS would be close to $15 per month, is that a reasonal subscription price for people to bear in Singapore?
@Sinweiy, yes we do have a panel of resident monks answering and sending daily dhamma information. they are from Sri Lanka, Singapore and Burma.
And not only buddhist info, we are planning to launch astrology, relationship advise and also Love matching in Singapore what are your ideas on them ?
I really appreciate you guys assisting me on this .....
Originally posted by Amila:hay guys,
@Wiser, we can actually think of such a service for Singapore. We are already working on the schedules and information network. And we also think its easier to work with a monthly subscription service.
Also 0.50cts per SMS would be close to $15 per month, is that a reasonal subscription price for people to bear in Singapore?
@Sinweiy, yes we do have a panel of resident monks answering and sending daily dhamma information. they are from Sri Lanka, Singapore and Burma.
And not only buddhist info, we are planning to launch astrology, relationship advise and also Love matching in Singapore what are your ideas on them ?
I really appreciate you guys assisting me on this .....
I would suggest on line counselling services. I noticed there are many people,Buddhists and non Buddhists who desperately need counselling or someone who have religious background to talk to. I encountered friends who either have family problems or depress because they just feel lost in life.
They are not ready to go into religion but wish Buddhist philosophy can guide them in life. It will be great if there is such an on line service. Preferably someone who is knowledgeable in Buddhist philosophy. Many appreciate Buddhist philosophy but don't know where to listen or acquire the knowledge. I brought them to talks but talks are only once in a while.
amila...50c per sms is ad hoc type. For eg , i want to check where to have a good vegetarian lunch today n i ask for the service. For those who are not on monthly service. Ad Hoc charge is fine.
$15 per month? ! wah...so expensive. $6 is acceptable. ( but i will expect up to standard info )
can also add in buddhist music download, including MTV. So many free one on youtube. A huge variety of buddhist mtv can be found.
Counselling line dawnfirst light mentioned. I will add in one more aspect. Counselling line for those who have supernatural encounters (for eg, black magic, haunted encounters). If you can include this one, $50 also got people want to pay to seek help for others. But must recommend high masters la. I think you may need to include Thailand masters for this line. They are experts.
hay Wiser,
Did you check our website www.mysticastro.com ? its still under construction and not live yet. we have something called the Oracle which is actually something silimar to an online counselling service.
Do you recommend this over SMS or MMS or as an online serivce?
We can start a service where people can subscribe via our website by paying around $6 per month using their credit card and then get updates of vege meal deals, buddhist information and also we can start a voice service where they can call to get any help and they will be charged per min basis.
Do you guys think this kind of service can attract around 10,000 users in Singapore? or what will be a realistic figure ? (i'm trying to workout the feasibility)
@Dawnfirstlight, thanks for the insight, we actually have couple of very experienced Indian masters for black magic and also very experienced counsellers in life from Sri Lanka with us. So i think we can launch the counselling line as you suggest as well.
Thanks again and except some cool ideas from all :)
hi amila , you can engage a survey company to do a proper survey analysis for you.
Since yr target is 10,000.
I didn't know Indian Masters are good in black magic ?!!! are they buddhist ?
i suggest the counselling line for black magic, haunting encounters. Something very different from other lines.
oh amila, debit card is the in thing line. How about using debit card to pay for the service?
thanks alot for the thoughts mate. Indian voodoo masters are more into a system called malayaalum magic. which is considered to be the most powerful black magic and protections in the world.
We have several of these masters working with us on the subject. And surely can assist in solving haunting and black magic cases with their help and blessings.
and yes we can talk to singaporean banks to let us accept payments via NETS and debit cards also.
We will work to develop our website in the coming weeks and please keep on sending your ideas so that we can get a good service out to the public.
Wa ! i can't wait to experience this new thing. It's a total revolution for the buddhist scene here.
Eye opener for me to know that there are Indian malayaalum caste masters. First time i heard of. Will do more research on this.
Amila is this company a local one or from India?
well, its a Sri Lankan Based company but they are planning to incorporate in singapore :) i'll update you when they launch their services .....
thanks and keep in touch mate
hi amila, i just checked with my friends from India New Delhi. There are spiritual people in India who can solve black magic/haunting encounters but must know them by word of mouth. These people are not monks.
Any way , best of luck if this service get launched. Hope the counselling line will really help people in all ways.
yes wiser, they are called maha Rishi's or maha saadu's ... most of them live in the jungles of Himayalan mountains ... and seldom come outside ....
they meditate all day and night and beleived to have great mental powers.
thanks for your wishes and yes we want to help everyone with this counselling line ..... Stay in touch guys