At the Sangye Teng Monastery in Eastern Bhutan, Tsewong Sitar Rinpoche and
his retreatants, monks and yogis perform Chöd on a weekly and monthly basis. As
part of the Tibetan Healing Chö Remote Healing, a number of different Chöd ceremonies are performed.
There are both shorter (1-2 hours) and longer, full day rituals. These
- The Hundred Torma Offering (Changbu Gyatsa) (Machik and PeGyal Lingpa traditions).
- Offering in Six Parts (Tabpa Cha Druk).
- The Nail of the Four
Elements (Chang Shi Zerbu).
- Those that are Hard to
Tame (Shay Dul).
- The Precious Rosary
(full day Tsogley Rinchen Trengwa with special healing section).
- Short and long Chöd rituals such as Laughter of the Dakinis, PeGyal Lingpa
Chöd and Dujom Chod, with healing rituals added.
- Long Chöd of Shukseb
Rinpoche (Ani Lochen).
- Dudjom Rinpoche’s full day Troma Chöd (Sun of Wisdom).
- Special ceremonies for the dying or deceased (Dur) to assist them in the afterlife
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