thread says, sometimes i have no idea when i'm sitting in the right
posture. I don't know when my back is straight and sometimes i just fall
asleep while meditating and end up just heading back to bed anyway.
What did you people do when starting out meditation?
Sleep enough.
When you are meditating, observe the sensations as clearly as possible -
very very clear, very very vivid, very very intense, very very present.
This breathe.... the coolness, softness, hardness, solidity, fluidity,
etc... without the labels, without thoughts. As clear as possible.
So clear... is there an experiencer separate from the experience? No...
there is just that sensation. So intense that it is felt as pure clarity
and pure bliss. At this point you really really enjoy it - so how can
you fall asleep? You only fall asleep when you are 'bored'... but in
this intense state of joy and clarity, almost to a point of excitement
(but not an emotional state), you will not fall asleep. It's like taking
psychedelic drugs, all the sounds and colours are so wonderful, you go
'wow' at the simplest of things - but except in meditation this
heightened clarity is not induced by drugs and is not an altered state
of perception, rather, it is an 'intensified state of
perception/mindfulness'. There is a lot of energy in this state. You
become radiant looking. This becomes your everyday experience after non
dual realization.
In such a heightened state of alertness and clarity and joy, sleepiness will dissipate.
For aligning body: try imagining a line that goes from the top of your
head all the way to the bottom. Align yourself to this line.Do this only
once/when necessary (don't keep doing it) at the start of your
BeAwake added 1 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...
Is it necessary to breath with the nose? I find it difficult for some reason and end up breathing through my mouth.
Furthermore i still don't know if keeping a straight back is necessary, sometimes i find myself so bent over i decide to move to a wall to continue my meditation. |
try to control the breathe. Your only job is to sense as much clarity as
possible, everything that is arising in experience.
Every happening in its pristine, vivid, luminous immediacy. It's intense
presence, wonder, magical-like quality of awareness. Then you'll see
you're literally living in paradise.
It is good to start with breathing - then you can extend that clarity to all senses. Practice this even in daily living.