What would Buddha say about destroying false view material?
Say, if xyz dharma master, his books always propagating false view, what would buddha say if I go take stacks of the books by xyz dharma master, and dump it in the trashbin? Isn't that good thing to do? Isn't that creating good karma? Help restoring something good in this world?
Why are you focusing on a particular venerable you think is having false views? (I cannot comment on that as I have not read deeply into his teachings, and though there are certain statements you quoted that I do not agree with, I don't think it is necessary to over emphasize it over and over again)
What about bible, koran, bhagavad gita, etc? Don't they have views that doesn't tally with Buddhism?
I'd say: in Buddhism, unlike some non-Buddhist extremists, do not destroy the things and texts of others.
We have utmost tolerance for anyone and everyone and their religious understandings.
Furthermore: most people have positive transformation from their own spiritual tradition, be it Christianity, Islam, etc. We, as Buddhists, appreciate all religions in their ability to bring people to the path of virtues and wholesomeness, and do not condemn any one of them. We do not need to throw their texts away because it may somehow be of benefit to someone else's life in some ways.
What we can do however is to preach what we understand so that those who have the conditions to hear may hear it and accept it.
By the way, most masters and teachers hold a subtle false view in some ways. After experiencing the I AM phase, or the substantialist non dual phase, they still reify a substance out of which all things manifest from. There are not many teachers who have clarity on Anatta and Emptiness. Most, in fact, do not - it is quite rare. In fact even to reach substantialist non dual phase is already a great achievement.
That said, like Thusness told me before, you don't need a teacher with perfect realization in order to be a teacher. An imperfect teacher can nevertheless still be a guide to someone... it can be of help someone advance in certain ways even though it may be of limited help. But certain 'yuan' is there, so he/she can improve under that teacher.
Even if that teacher is a non-buddhist, like Eckhart Tolle, or even Supreme Master Ching Hai - I wouldn't go out against them, because they are benefitting people and bringing people to the next step, even though they know nothing about Anatta and Emptiness. Both these teachers are at the I AM phase, and think that it is final. However certain cult teachers like 'Living Buddha Lu Sheng Yen', are advisable to avoid, they do not have genuine realization to offer - maybe some meditative experience, bliss or absorption, but not true realization. If you have true realization yourself, or becomes clear about the phases of insights, you will have a discerning eye that knows who has genuine realization and who does not, and what phases they are at. But this is of course not for the purpose of disparaging people or labeling people - we have things to learn from every single person, regardless of their level of insight.
After arising insight of Anatta, Thusness says one can hardly find a teacher to guide him/her (it is hard even to find a teacher who realizes Anatta, much less the further stages). But one must humble oneself so that one can learn from life, from nature, from everything.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Why are you focusing on a particular venerable you think is having false views? (I cannot comment on that as I have not read deeply into his teachings, and though there are certain statements you quoted that I do not agree with, I don't think it is necessary to over emphasize it over and over again)
What about bible, koran, bhagavad gita, etc? Don't they have views that doesn't tally with Buddhism?
I'd say: in Buddhism, unlike some non-Buddhist extremists, do not destroy the things and texts of others.
We have utmost tolerance for anyone and everyone and their religious understandings.
Furthermore: most people have positive transformation from their own spiritual tradition, be it Christianity, Islam, etc. We, as Buddhists, appreciate all religions in their ability to bring people to the path of virtues and wholesomeness, and do not condemn any one of them. We do not need to throw their texts away because it may somehow be of benefit to someone else's life in some ways.
What we can do however is to preach what we understand so that those who have the conditions to hear may hear it and accept it.
No, I am not talking about material from other religion such as Christianity, Islam, etc.
I am talking about false view material package as Buddhism, some set of teachings which look like Buddhism from far, but upon close examination, its not Buddhism. It disguise itself as Buddhism, but its not really Buddhism. Whats Buddha view on this? Let it be? Wouldn't it give problem to Buddhism? Wouldn't it best, to destroy the material?
Haha since you are so persistent on this, I am going to write something to you in private.