看æ�¥ä½ 在度他(它)æˆ�ä½›é�“,实是他(它)在度化您。
以佛的ç»�教为ä¾�æ�®ï¼Œä»¥æ™®åº¦å¿«æ�·ä¸ºå®—旨,以简å�•æ–¹ä¾¿ä¸ºå¦™ç”¨ï¼Œä»¥å�³ç”Ÿæˆ�佛为归宿的自度度他(它)简æ�·æ³•é—®ä¸–三年多æ�¥ï¼Œè¯¸å¤šæœ‰ç¼˜è€…实践è¯�明的的确确有其特殊的,ä¸�能言喻的,ä¸�å�¯æ€�议的普度ã€�简å�•ã€�方便ã€�å¿«æ�·ç‰¹ç‚¹å’Œæ•ˆèƒ½ï¼Œäº‹å®žèƒœäºŽé›„辩地è¯�实了佛在一切如æ�¥å¿ƒç§˜å¯†å…¨èº«èˆ�利å®�箧å�°é™€ç½—å°¼ç»�ä¸çš„教言:若有æ�¶äººï¼Œæ»å •åœ°ç‹±ï¼Œå�—è‹¦æ— é—´ï¼Œå…�è„±æ— æœŸï¼Œæœ‰å…¶å�å™ï¼Œç§°äº¡è€…å��,诵上神咒,æ‰�至七é��,烊铜çƒé“�,忽然å�˜ä¸ºï¼Œå…«åŠŸå¾·æ± ,莲生承足,å®�ç›–é©»é¡¶ï¼Œåœ°ç‹±é—¨ç ´ï¼Œè�©æ��é�“开,其莲如飞,至æž�ä¹�界,一切ç§�智,自然显å�‘,ä¹�è¯´æ— ç©·ï¼Œä½�在补处。ä¸æœ‰æ•™æŽˆå�¬é—»è§£è„±å¯†æ³•å�ªè¦�å�¬é—»æ•™æŽˆå°±èƒ½è§£è„±ã€‚自度度他(它)简æ�·æ³•è‡ªç„¶è€Œç„¶æŠŠæ¤äºŒç»�èž�会贯通,更具特殊神效,圆满具足,è§�ã€�é—»ã€�æŒ�ã€�è¿‘ã€�度å�³èƒ½é«˜å“�ä½�了脱生æ»çš„大法。实践了佛陀ç�µéªŒåº”å¿ƒï¼Œæ— æ„¿ä¸�满的真实教诲。
第一件事。2002年春å¤�之交的一天早晨,我日如既往地到公å›é”»ç‚¼èº«ä½“,刚往回走了ä¸�远,å�‘现å°�è·¯æ—�的一个蚂èš�çª�周围拥挤著æˆ�å�ƒä¸Šä¸‡çš„å°�èš‚èš�,好象有什么大事似的,é�žå¸¸ç´§å¼ 地忙个ä¸�å�œï¼Œæˆ‘看了看天空,好象有点è¦�下雨的å¾�兆,心想è¦�是下了大雨它们å�¯èƒ½éƒ½è¦�丧命。æ£åœ¨è¿™æ—¶çª�然ä¸�知从何处æ�¥äº†ä¸ª60多å²�的女人,指著那些蚂èš�说:“把它们都踩æ»å�§ï¼�”我怕她亲自去踩,便急忙说:“ä¸�能踩,它们也是生命啊ï¼�”她å�ˆè¯´äº†ä¸€å�¥ï¼š“大慈大悲,放生å�—?”我说:“对ï¼�”当时我心想,我è¦�是ä¸�好好的修æŒ�佛法,将æ�¥å •ä¸‰æ�¶é�“,也è¦�è±¡å®ƒä»¬ä¸€æ ·å�—æ— é‡�大苦,释迦牟尼佛曾指著所è§�到的蚂èš�说,七佛出世它还在蚂èš�ä¸ç”Ÿæ»è½®å›žã€‚
如æ¤ä¹‹ä¹…,所å�—之苦难以?说。生命如悬ä¸�,æ»äº¡å¸¸éš�身。我决心解救这些蚂èš�永离苦海,给它们三归å�Žï¼Œç”¨“自度度他(它)简æ�·æ³•”ä¸çš„å’’è¯ä½›å�·è¶…度其速速往生佛净土,å�³ç”Ÿæˆ�佛。大约念诵了10多分钟并如法回å�‘。次日去那蚂èš�çª�处一看,蚂èš�约æ»äº†ç™¾åˆ†ä¹‹å…七å��ï¼Œä½™è€…äº¦æ— è¸ªå½±ã€‚è€Œå�Žè¿žç»åŽ»çœ‹äº†å‡ 次,å†�没è§�æ¤å¤„有活蚂èš�,“一切如æ�¥å¿ƒç§˜å¯†å…¨èº«èˆ�利å®�箧å�°é™€ç½—å°¼ç»�云:若我ç�å�Žï¼Œå››éƒ¨å¼Ÿå�……至心å�‘愿,诵念神咒,文文å�¥å�¥ï¼Œæ”¾å¤§å…‰æ˜Žï¼Œç…§è§¦ä¸‰é€”,苦具皆辟,众生脱苦,佛ç§�芽è�Œï¼Œéš�æ„�往生,å��方净土。ä¾�ç»�的教导和已往实践ç»�验æ–定,这些蚂èš�å¾€ç”Ÿä½›å‡€åœŸæ— ç–‘ã€‚
第二件事。今年3月末,å�‘现我家养的一盆马蹄莲花å�¶å�一个å�ˆä¸€ä¸ªçš„è�Žé»„,仔细查看æ¯�个å�¶å�两é�¢éƒ½é•¿æ»¡äº†çº¢èœ˜è››è™«ï¼Œä¸�知如何是好,心想把花扔了和打农è�¯éƒ½æ˜¯æ�€ç”Ÿï¼Œç»§ç»å…»ä¸‹åŽ»ï¼Œåˆ°èŠ±æž¯æ»æ—¶ï¼Œå®ƒä»¬ä¹Ÿå¿…定è¦�饿æ»ï¼ŒäºŽæ¤è¿›é€€ä¸¤éš¾ä¹‹æ—¶ï¼Œçª�然想起用“自度度他(它)简æ�·æ³•”超度蚂èš�的神奇效果,决心如法超度红蜘蛛,使它们三天内全部往生佛净土,到了第三天一看果然如佛所言:一切所愿,任æ„�满足。å†�次è¯�明佛之教言真实ä¸�虚。ç§�田为生者,以æ¤é™¤è™«å®³ï¼Œçœ�功å�ˆçœ�钱,且ä¸�å�—è�¯å®³ã€‚ä¸�æ�€ä¼—生命,广ç§�大ç¦�ç”°ï¼Œé•¿å…»ä¼—å–„æ ¹ï¼Œæ™®åº¦æ— é‡�众,自度在其ä¸ã€‚
ç”±æ¤ä½¿æˆ‘å�ˆè�”想起去年春天超度蚂èš�之情景,天气出现è¦�下雨之相和那女者说è¦�踩æ»å®ƒä»¬ä¹‹è¨€ï¼Œéƒ½æ˜¯å¯¹æˆ‘çš„åŠ æŒ�ï¼Œæœ‰æƒ…æ— æƒ…éƒ½åœ¨åˆ¶é€ æ�¡ä»¶ï¼Œæˆ�ç†Ÿå› ç¼˜ï¼Œä¸ºæˆ‘è¯´æ³•ï¼Œé¡¿ä¿ƒæˆ‘ç”Ÿèµ·æ•‘åº¦èš‚èš�çš„æ…ˆæ‚²å¿ƒï¼ŒçœŸè¯šå¿ƒï¼Œç´§è¿«å¿ƒã€‚åŠ å¼ºæˆ‘å¯¹“自度度他(它)简æ�·æ³•”深信心,勇猛心,精进心,广泛弘扬,度尽众生的广大心。我认为上述的å°�èš‚èš�å’Œçº¢èœ˜è››ï¼Œæ— è®ºå®ƒä»¬æ˜¯ä¸‰é€”ä¼—ç”Ÿï¼Œè¿˜æ˜¯ä½›è�©è�¨ä¸ºåº¦åŒ–åŠ æŒ�我所化现。他们都起到了佛è�©è�¨åº¦æˆ‘æ—©æˆ�ä½›é�“的作用,他们就是佛è�©è�¨ã€‚
ä»–ä»¬æ˜¯æˆ‘çš„åŠ¨åŠ›æœºï¼Œç»™äº†æˆ‘æ— å°½çš„å¿ƒåŠ›ï¼Œå¿ƒçš„åŠ›é‡�是永远没有穷尽的;他们是我圆æˆ�ä½›é�“è·¯ä¸Šçš„åŠ æ²¹ç«™ï¼Œä½¿æˆ‘å�³ç”Ÿæˆ�佛,度尽众生的勇猛心连ç»ä¸�æ–,没有ä¸�毫地间æ�¯å’Œæ�¾æ‡ˆï¼›ä»–们是我å‰�进路上的指路明ç�¯ï¼Œç»™æˆ‘指明å‰�进的方å�‘,æ¯�å‰�进一æ¥ä»–ä»¬éƒ½ä¸€ä¸€çš„ç»™æˆ‘ç¡®è®¤æ²¡æœ‰èµ°é”™ã€‚ä»–ä»¬æ˜¯åº¦å°½ä¼—ç”Ÿçš„å…¸èŒƒå’Œæ¦œæ ·ï¼Œæ¯«ä¸�怜惜自己肉体之生命,那么多数ä¸�胜数的大è�©è�¨ä¸ºäº†åŠ æŒ�我ï¼�度化我ï¼�使我一浪胜过一浪地å‰�进,永ä¸�退心,早æˆ�ä½›é�“。一个å�ˆä¸€ä¸ªï¼Œä¸€æ¬¡å�ˆä¸€æ¬¡åœ°èˆ�身命度众生。å�Œä¿®ä»¬å“ªï¼�看看佛è�©è�¨åº¦åŒ–ä¼—ç”Ÿæ— æˆ‘çš„å¤§æ— ç•�精神和行为,是何ç‰çš„è‡³é«˜æ— ä¸Šï¼ŒçœŸæ˜¯èˆ�生忘æ»ï¼Œä»¥è‡ªèº«æ»ï¼Œæ•‘众生活,以自身命,救众慧命。
ä½›è�©è�¨ä¸ºæ•‘度众生,难èˆ�能èˆ�,难行能行,为了众生善巧方便,èˆ�弃一切。å�¯çœ‹çœ‹è‡ªå·±åº¦ä¼—生的心有多大?为度众生èˆ�弃了什么?能真心实æ„�地èˆ�弃毒害自己,æ�¼å®³ä¼—生的贪嗔痴三毒心å�—?能真心实æ„�地èˆ�å¼ƒç‰µç¼ è‡ªå·±ç”Ÿæ»è½®å›žï¼Œæ�Ÿç¼šåœ†æˆ�ä½›é�“çš„ç»³ç´¢ä¹‹æ‰§è‘—é¢ å€’å¦„æƒ³å�—?一å�¥è¯�都ä¸�能å¿�让人,一点å°�利与人相争,与父æ¯�之间,夫妻之间,婆媳之间,兄弟å§�妹之间,家亲眷属之间,å�Œäº‹ä¹‹é—´ï¼Œå�Œä¿®ä¹‹é—´ï¼Œå‘¨å›´äººä¹‹é—´ä¸€å�¥è¯�,一点å°�利都ä¸�能å¿�让,都ä¸�能利他,å��ç›®ä¸ºä»‡ã€‚æ— é‡�寿ç»�云:从å°�微起,æˆ�大困剧。甚至大动干戈,怒气致æ»ï¼Œå¦‚æ¤æ‰§è‘—é¢ å€’ï¼ŒèƒŒé�“è€Œé©°ï¼Œä¸Žä½›æ„ˆè¿œï¼Œå¿…å •ä¸‰é€”ï¼Œç”Ÿæ—¶å¦ä½›å°šèƒ½å¦‚æ¤ï¼Œä¸´ç»ˆæ»éš¾ä¸´å¤´ï¼Œèƒ½æŠŠå¾—主,ä¸�失æ£å¿µï¼Œå¿ƒåœ°æ¸…净å�—?往生æž�ä¹�,å�³ç”Ÿæˆ�ä½›ç‰ç‰ï¼Œä¸€åˆ‡ä¸€åˆ‡å…¨æ˜¯æ¢¦å¹»æ³¡å½±ï¼Œå”¯å •å…¥è½®å›žæ˜¯ä¸€çœŸå®žã€‚回头å�§ï¼�回头æ‰�是了脱生æ»çš„彼岸。概而言之我的体会是:
OK, I have to say I didn't understand all the Chinese in there. Is there supposed to be a mantra for this?
ya, me too. no mantra in particular. i only gave info on the understanding of 自度度他 Help yourself help others. 自度度他 is non dual. and i was trying to address the following u quoted. :)
" Regarding the paths of practice, there are two types: the difficult path and the easy path. One starts the difficult path by invoking the bodhi-mind, and follows up by practicing the bodhisattva path life after life, sacrificing one's self to benefit sentient beings. The traveler on this path relies heavily on the power of his vows to support his work of delivering others life after life. It is a very difficult approach. If his vow-power is not strong enough, the practitioner will frequently withdraw from the path because of frustrations and setbacks. But this path is faster than the easy path, as one will achieve the goal of becoming a Buddha much sooner. The easy path is to rely on rebirth in one of the pure lands that has been created by a Buddha's vow-power, where practitioners can nourish their wisdom. In other words, the practitioners are reborn in a buddha land as ordinary people, but will cultivate wisdom under the facilitating environment there. After they reach the stage of non-retrogression or even the noble stages, they will enter the ordinary world to practice the bodhisattva path to deliver sentient beings. So, this path is more stable, but winding and slow... People without self-confidence or strong aspiration should take the easy path...."
- from "Orthodox Chinese Buddhism" written by Ch'an Master Sheng-yen
For now, I lack strong aspiration and wisdom. Hence, I do not consider starting out on the Bodhisattva path.
regarding this, it's a good question.
to first help yourself then help others is the job of bodhisattvas. to help others while even though u cannot liberate yourself is also the job of bodhisattvas. both examples are bodhisattvas. however, there's certain perspective we need to understand.
as to help others even though u cannot liberate yourself might not be reliable. one assume that they had help others, but are they really been liberated is questionable. there are ten dharma realms, where do u think one had liberated others to?
to "liberate" another being into the three lower realm is also consider "liberate"度. 度 mean to "help". u help other into which realm? so to liberate yourself mean u yourself have to know the path, know the direction and not lead others into the wrong path. u can be a person who has gone through the path yourself, so u know the way. if one never been to the road yourself, any how point the road and direction, then that's pretty dangerous.
but for pureland school, there's a skillful way of doing so. and that's to rely on Amitabha to reborn in western pureland. here u can encourage others while even though u are not liberate yourself. other school u cannot say to help others while even though u cannot liberate yourself, but in pureland school, we can. so that's the difference perspective. u encourage others, u are a bodhisattva, even if u cannot reborn in PL urself. there are quite many such "bodhisattvas". they are only called the name of "bodhisattva". but that's ok, as the more people u encourage and they really are reborn in PL, then one day when u are about to leave, they will also come back to help u.
Da Ci 大慈Bodhisattva mentioned to encourage 2 person to PL, is better than oneself's practice. and to encourage over 10 person then ur merit and virtue will be very great. and to encourage 100-1000 person, then u are a Real bodhisattva. and if u can encourage 10000 over person, then u are the manifestation of Amitabha Himself.
i think even if we do not consider starting out on the Bodhisattva path at the moment, but the thought/aspiration must be there that we wish to do it oneday. generate bodhicitta is required for purelanders. faith in itself is also a form of bodhicitta btw.
ã€�å�‘愿文】(念三é��拜三拜) 弟å�æŸ�æŸ�与累世父æ¯�ã€�师长ã€�历劫冤亲债主å�Šæ³•ç•Œä¸€åˆ‡ä¼—生,从过去世乃至尽未æ�¥é™…
ä¼—ç”Ÿæ— è¾¹èª“æ„¿åº¦ 烦æ�¼æ— 边誓愿æ–
æ³•é—¨æ— é‡�èª“æ„¿å¦ ä½›é�“æ— ä¸Šèª“æ„¿æˆ�
自性众生誓愿度 自性烦æ�¼èª“æ„¿æ–
è‡ªæ€§æ³•é—¨èª“æ„¿å¦ è‡ªæ€§ä½›é�“誓愿æˆ�
Originally posted by sinweiy:but for pureland school, there's a skillful way of doing so. and that's to rely on Amitabha to reborn in western pureland. here u can encourage others while even though u are not liberate yourself. other school u cannot say to help others while even though u cannot liberate yourself, but in pureland school, we can. so that's the difference perspective. u encourage others, u are a bodhisattva, even if u cannot reborn in PL urself. there are quite many such "bodhisattvas". they are only called the name of "bodhisattva". but that's ok, as the more people u encourage and they really are reborn in PL, then one day when u are about to leave, they will also come back to help u.
Da Ci 大慈Bodhisattva mentioned to encourage 2 person to PL, is better than oneself's practice. and to encourage over 10 person then ur merit and virtue will be very great. and to encourage 100-1000 person, then u are a Real bodhisattva. and if u can encourage 10000 over person, then u are the manifestation of Amitabha Himself.
i think even if we do not consider starting out on the Bodhisattva path at the moment, but the thought/aspiration must be there that we wish to do it oneday. generate bodhicitta is required for purelanders. faith in itself is also a form of bodhicitta btw.
Oh.... I did think you were referring more to 自度度他 concept rather than the remaining of the text.
sinweiy: "here u can encourage others while even though u are not liberate yourself. other school u cannot say to help others while even though u cannot liberate yourself, but in pureland school, we can. so that's the difference perspective. u encourage others, u are a bodhisattva, even if u cannot reborn in PL urself."
I didn't know there was this perspective with regards to pureland school. It's good and expedient to be able to positively influence others in this way; without needing to be highly realized yourself.
Yeah, thought and aspiration is there, don't worry. If my neightbour asks me about Buddhism, I certainly won't tell him, "Come back and ask me only after I'm a bodhisattva!" If I cannot directly explain, I can hand him a book or lead him to someone else who can. If someone shares their problems in life with me and I think the timing is ripe to share the Four Noble Truths, I also will. Most layman Buddhists are already doing that I think.
Oh and another thing... If someone faces with a problem, we may have to help them solve their problem in a practical way first. Otherwise, we couldn't convince others that Buddhism can liberate them. I suppose that's what large volunteer organizations like Tzu Chi are doing, but we can also do it on a person-to-person level.