for general information, there is a bookshop on the third floor of the Fortune Building/centre at middle road, next to the famous hindu temple.
This bookshop is owned by a publication company who has printed so many buddhist books for customers for free distribution that they are overloaded, so what they did is to open a shop and put all these free books in front for anyone to take.
It's hidden in one corner but you can literally find many sutras, buddhist books in stacks there. The most popular for printing are "cause and effect" karma book,
sutra of the treasure earth bodhisattva (kitisargarbhva) , amitufo sutra , liang huang treasure (liang emperor) repentance sutra.
They welcome anyone to take these free distribution books from the shop.They are helping customers to clear them.
This shop is either on the third or fourth floor. Beside the shop is a TCM clinic and opposite a vegetarian grocery shop. Fortune Centre at middle road (beside the hindu temple).
I couldn't bump it up because the topic has expired.
Spots in Singapore giving out free Buddhist publications?
Realization your post says fortune centre level 1, that shop has closed down , no more there.
The one i recommend is on level 3 or 4 , must take the escalator to go up and there is a TCM clinic beside it with a vegetarian shop opposite it. It's hidden in one corner and you can take stacks of the same book, not just one or two copy.
To be able to take back 3 huge volumes of the Liang Emporer Repentance sutra is very hard to find.
I shall go and take a look when I'm free.
Went there recently.
Nothing much really... Prefer 居士林, and that Tanjong Katong shop.
Or maybe I went to the wrong shop...? There are a few free buddhism material distribution 'points' in that building.
Why dun u list down the unit number??
why don't i hold your hand and bring you to the doorstep of the shop? better right?
you don't have to try to find the TCM clinic or the vegetarian shop and to take the escalator up to 3rd floor. Or 4th floor.
Originally posted by Wiser:why don't i hold your hand and bring you to the doorstep of the shop? better right?
you don't have to try to find the TCM clinic or the vegetarian shop and to take the escalator up to 3rd floor. Or 4th floor.
No need to hold my hand. Just give us the unit number instead. And the operating hours.
Its not next to the TCM clinic. The TCM clinic is #04-01.The shop is in between two salon shop. Beauty salon, hairdressing, watever. The shop unit number is #04-04. And the name of the shop is 'Pureland'. And it didn't open today when I went down there around 4-5pm. Thank you.
Originally posted by Zenist69:No need to hold my hand. Just give us the unit number instead. And the operating hours.
Its not next to the TCM clinic. The TCM clinic is #04-01.The shop is in between two salon shop. Beauty salon, hairdressing, watever. The shop unit number is #04-04. And the name of the shop is 'Pureland'. And it didn't open today when I went down there around 4-5pm. Thank you.
See ! isn't it faster for you to find out the unit instead of asking another person to do so.
anyway this shop is round the corner....end of the row of the shop with the TCM beside it.
You don't count it as in between two salons if you walk from the TCM clinic down to the turning corner where the shop is. Near to the toilet though.
Originally posted by Wiser:anyway this shop is round the corner....end of the row of the shop with the TCM beside it.
You don't count it as in between two salons if you walk from the TCM clinic down to the turning corner where the shop is. Near to the toilet though.
PLEASE! Thats the problem without giving us the unit number! There are a number of TCM clinics in the building. Level 3 have, level 4 also have. Just give us the name of the shop or the unit number! I dun noe whether the shop I am talking about is the same as yours! I didn't see any toilet near the shop.
Originally posted by Zenist69:PLEASE! Thats the problem without giving us the unit number! There are a number of TCM clinics in the building. Level 3 have, level 4 also have. Just give us the name of the shop or the unit number! I dun noe whether the shop I am talking about is the same as yours! I didn't see any toilet near the shop.
but you will see stacks of books outside the shop on a huge table for you to take all you wish.
Why must give you the exact unit leh? you walk around and see other shops lah...good for your heart and open your eyes to see.
Tis no problem la...till you must insist it is. Stop being so stubborn.
Originally posted by Wiser:
but you will see stacks of books outside the shop on a huge table for you to take all you wish.
Why must give you the exact unit leh? you walk around and see other shops lah...good for your heart and open your eyes to see.
Tis no problem la...till you must insist it is. Stop being so stubborn.
Harlo, the shop with huge table is at level one, and u told realization that the shop no longer at level one! Its misinformation throughout! U started this thread and gave people half baked info and misinformation, and u think there's no problem?? *gassho...*
Originally posted by Zenist69:Harlo, the shop with huge table is at level one, and u told realization that the shop no longer at level one! Its misinformation throughout! U started this thread and gave people half baked info and misinformation, and u think there's no problem?? *gassho...*
A ....first level where got big table with free books to give ? you went to the right building or not ?
what half baked information , you can't find the shop dun anyhow blame ho. Already so clear direction, you still can't find, something is wrong with you.
Nowadays with good technology, we all can scan the free books and post link so people can print on paper only when they want, so to save the environment
can also find sutras on website. But if you want to print the three volumes of Liang Hua (Huang Emperor) repentance sutra to use it for praying, you will find it difficult.
i quite enjoy finding good book like this one written by
佛法的基本精神是大慈大悲,平ç‰æ™®åº¦ä¼—ç”Ÿå‡ºè‹¦è„±åŽ„ï¼Œä½›æ³•çš„ç›®æ ‡æ˜¯äººäººæˆ�佛,方法是由戒入定,从定生慧,观照内明,è§�性æˆ�佛。ç»�云一é˜�æ��人亦å�¯æˆ�佛,å�ˆäº‘众生皆有佛性,å�ˆè¯´æ”¾ä¸‹å± 刀立地æˆ�佛,å�ˆäº‘é¡¿æ‚Ÿæˆ�ä½›……凡æ¤ä½›è¯ï¼Œéƒ½æ˜¯è¯´äººäººéƒ½æœ¬æ�¥å°±æœ‰ä½›æ€§ç§�å�,ä¸�幸被世俗å��利欲念,贪瞋痴ç‰äº”æ¯’ä¸Žæ— æ˜Žè’™è”½äº†æœ¬æ€§ï¼Œä»¥è‡´åœ¨ç”Ÿæ»è½®å›žå…é�“æµ�转,永å�—痛苦烦æ�¼ï¼Œæ�¶å› æ�¶ä¸šï¼Œå› æžœå¾ªçŽ¯ï¼Œæ°¸æ— å¾—è„±ä¹‹æ—¶ã€‚
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è°�知果然有缘,长è€�一å¸è¯�,一谈五å°�时,把猴儿é™�å¾—æœ�æœ�帖帖,ä¸�ç”±ä¸�上拜å�©å¤´è®¤å¸ˆäº†ã€‚其实猴儿也ä¸�曾æ£å¼�皈ä¾�é•¿è€�,å�ªæ˜¯è‡ªå®¶ç§�淑,而喊师父,长è€�也ä¸�ä¸ºå¿¤ï¼Œè€Œä¸”é¢‡ä¸ºçºµå®¹æˆ‘æ”¾è‚†æ— ç¤¼ã€‚é‡‘å±±å¯ºç¤¼èŠ‚æ£®ä¸¥ï¼Œç¾Žç±�å�Žè£”弟å�ï¼Œæ— è®ºåœ¨å®¶å‡ºå®¶ï¼Œè§�了长è€�ï¼Œæ— ä¸�顶礼三跪ä¹�å�©çš„,唯有猴儿唱一肥å–�就罢,自æ¤å¸¸è·Ÿåœ¨é•¿è€�身边,猴得他头都晕了。å�¾çŒ´æœ‰å¹¸ï¼Œè‡ªè§�é•¿è€�å�Žï¼Œå¹¼å¹´å¼‚目,似å�ˆé€�æ¸�æ�¢å¤�,时è§�异象,在万佛城一ä½�å��日,胡言乱è¯ï¼Œå�‡èƒ½å¹¸ä¸ï¼Œå¤©å¤©æƒ¹å¾—百数å��在家弟å�æ�¥é—®ä¼‘问咎,长è€�一å†�告诫,猴儿总是改ä¸�了嘴多的毛病。
ä¸‡ä½›åŸŽä¹‹æ‰€åœ¨ï¼Œæœ‰è®¸å¤šå¥‡å¼‚ä¹‹äº‹ï¼Œä¸¾ä¾‹è¨€ä¹‹ï¼ŒåŽŸåœ°æœ¬æ— æ°´æº�,医院四å��å¹´æ�¥å�‡ä»—自æ�¥æ°´ï¼ŒåŽ†å¹´è�˜ä¸“家开井,å�‡ç§°åœ°ä¸‹æ— æ°´æº�,自改为万佛城å�Žï¼Œé•¿è€�请人开井,长è€�éš�便指一处说:就在æ¤å¤„打井å�§ï¼�打井公å�¸ä¹ƒä¾�言将钢管打下,å�Šä¿¡å�Šç–‘,猴儿到 达万佛城之时,乃是深夜,ä¸�知有打井之事,猴儿是ä¸�大ç�¡è§‰çš„,é�™å��ä¸å�¬åˆ°åœ°ä¸‹æœ‰æ°´æº�潺潺,颇以为奇,é�™å��ä¸å†�观,则è§�有人打井,已ç»�在表层三四å��尺处,ä»�æ˜¯æ— æ°´ï¼Œè¡¨å±‚äºŒå��余尺处则有些微水æ¸�ï¼Œä½†æ— å¤§ç”¨ï¼Œæ¤å±‚为é»�åœŸï¼Œç ‚çŸ³ï¼Œæ�‚有赤é“�石å�Šå°‘许云石,å†�往下去,须到二百尺下始有沙土,å†�下去方有水æµ�,猴儿越觉好奇,乃å†�看深处,è§�两百四å��尺左å�³ä¸‹ï¼Œæ˜¯ä¸€å¤§æ°´æ½ï¼Œæ·±ä¸�è§�底,而蜿曲如河æµ�,直通å�Žå±±ï¼Œä¸Žå±±é¡¶ä¸€æ¹–相连,å�¾çŒ´æ¤æ—¶ä¼¼ç�¡ä¼¼é†’,疑真似幻。
寺钟å“�敲时,天色犹未明,僧人已å�šæ—©è¯¾ï¼ŒçŒ´å„¿æƒŠé†’,ä¸�知适æ‰�是在定ä¸æˆ–梦ä¸ã€‚çª�然å�ˆé—»æœ‰äººå‘¼å–Š“救命”之声ä¸�ç»�于耳,å�ªè§�一人穿绿衣,仰å�§äºŽåœ°ï¼Œå››è‚¢æŒ£æ‰Žï¼Œæ— 法起立,奄奄一æ�¯ï¼ŒçŒ´å„¿ä¹ƒå‡ºæˆ¿å¤–ï¼Œåˆ°è†³å ‚æ‰¾äººï¼Œé•¿è€�师徒å�‡ä¸�在彼处,å�ªè§�在家å�弟在厨自顾å�šè†³æ‹›å¾…æ�¥å®¾ï¼Œæ—©è†³æ—¶ä¸�è§�寺ä¸ä¸€åƒ§ä¸€å°¼ï¼Œä¸€é—®æ–¹çŸ¥åŽŸæ�¥é‡‘山寺规矩,一日å�ªå�ƒå�ˆç´ 一é¤�,早上å�Šè¿‡å�ˆå�‡ä¸�食,但ä»�招待æ�¥å®¾ä¸‰é¤�。
而猴儿耳ä¸çŠ¹é—»ç»¿è¡£äººå‘¼æ•‘之声,百æ€�ä¸�解,急寻å°�沙弥果童(美ç±�,å��一å²�),和他一å�Œæ‰¾å¼Ÿå�果詹(美ç±�)循声找寻,我领他俩找到一门,果詹师兄开é”�一看,室内有一å�ªç»¿é»„色乌龟在地é�¢ä»°å¤©è€Œå�§ï¼Œå››è‚¢æŒ£æ‰Žï¼Œå·²ç»�奄奄一æ�¯ã€‚乌龟一批,乃是众弟å�在å”�人街酒楼买æ�¥å¯ºä¸æ”¾ç”Ÿï¼Œæ£å¾…次日é€�å¾€æŸ�地河æµ�放生,我全ä¸�知晓,亦未è§�过,æ¤æ—¶æ‰�是åˆ�è§�ï¼Œä¸¤åƒ§å°†å®ƒæ•‘èµ·æ”¾å›žæ°´æ± å†…ï¼Œè€ŒçŒ´å„¿çª�然å�ˆè§�æŸ�处有骸骨两副,与果童奔视,则为鸽尸两具也。
一日之内,异象何æ¢å��数,ä¸�å�Šç»†è¿°ã€‚美ç±�师兄æ�’观法师闻言,亦æ�¥è®¿æˆ‘ï¼ŒçŒ´å„¿å› é—®æ¤å¤„是å�¦æ£åœ¨å¼€äº•ï¼Ÿè¿°å�Šè¯¦ç»†å½¢çŠ¶ï¼Œæ�’观师兄大为诧异,特为驱车,导我去看长è€�指示打井之处,与开机器打井之技师交谈,技师表示æ¤å¤„仅有表é�¢äºŒå��å°ºä¹‹å°‘è®¸æ³¥æ°´ï¼Œåº•ä¸‹æ— æ°´ï¼Œä»–æ„�图放弃。
猴儿性急,就一一将定ä¸æ‰€è§�告知,期他勿å�Šé€”而废。技师与我争辩良久,说æ¤åœ°æ•°å��å¹´å�‡æœªæŽ¢å‡ºæ°´æº�,何æ�¥æ°´æµ�?地质å¦è€…å·²å¤šäººä¸»å¼ æ¤åœ°ç»�æ— åœ°ä¸‹æ°´äº‘äº‘ï¼ŒçŒ´å„¿åŠ›è¨€å…¶å¦„ï¼Œå¹¶æŒ‡åœ°ä¸‹ï¼Œæ¯�一层地层土质石状之深度å�Šæ°´ä½�ç‰ç‰è¯¦æƒ…,一时çƒçƒˆäº‰è¾©ï¼Œç«Ÿå¿˜äº†ä¸€åˆ‡ï¼Œå�ªå°±å½“å‰�è„‘ä¸æ‰€è§�,一一剖æž�,技师å�ˆé‚€å�¦ä¸€èµ„深技师æ�¥ä¸Žæˆ‘争辩,我ä»�å�šæŒ�,请其勿ä¸é€”而废,须在二百二å��余尺下始å�¯æ±²ä¸Šå�«æ²™ä¹‹åœ°ä¸‹æ°´ï¼Œä¸¤ä½�美国技师将信将疑,å�¾çŒ´ä¹ƒé‚€ä»–们明日å†�谈,并指出明日出土之石质形状。
师兄æ�’观对我似有深信,导我环视全境,问我地下河æµ�形状,往æ�¥æ–¹å�‘,猴儿æ¤æ—¶å·²å¿˜è‡ªèº«æ‰€åœ¨ï¼Œä½†è§�地下二三百至四五百尺以下深处之地下水æµ�,历历如在目å‰�,乃追踪而行,历时两å°�时。师兄å�ˆé—®è‹¥å†�开幅井宜在何处,并碑志其处,然å�Žæˆ‘å¿½å¦‚æ¢¦é†’ï¼Œå¼‚è±¡å…¨å¤±ï¼Œä¸€æ— æ‰€è§�。
次日早é¤�,打井技师æ�¥è†³å ‚,æ�谨之至,å†�问我多项资料,æ�®ç§°æ˜¨æ—¥çŒ´å„¿é¢„言,å�‡ä¸€ä¸€åº”验,并问我是å�¦ç ”究地下水之地质å¦è€…,以å�ŽæŠ€å¸ˆæ¯�æ—¥å�‡æ�¥æŠ¥çŸ¥å‡ºåœŸä¹‹åœ°è´¨æžœå¦‚所言,他们已ç»�完全对我具有信心。至猴儿离去之时,该井ä»�未深达两百尺,但å�Žæ�¥æžœç„¶åœ¨äºŒç™¾äºŒå��余尺处喷泉涌上,水势凶猛,æ¯�分钟å�¯æ±²å‡ºäº”ç™¾åŠ ä»‘ï¼Œé€‚å¦‚çŒ´å„¿æ‰€è§�,而æ¤å±±è¿œå¤„,亦果有一湖,å��曰清湖(Clear Lake)。
猴儿一æ¥å‡ºä¸‡ä½›åŸŽå¤–ï¼Œäº¦ä¸€å¦‚å¸¸äººï¼Œå…¨æ— å¼‚è±¡ï¼Œæ…¢è¯´æ˜¯åœ°ä¸‹ä¸‰ç™¾å°ºï¼Œä¸‰åˆ†ä¹Ÿçœ‹ä¸�到的,æ¤ç§�奇怪现象,将如何解释?百æ€�å�ƒæ€�也ä¸�çŸ¥å…¶ç”±ï¼Œä¸‡ä½›åŸŽï¼Œé‡‘å±±å¯ºï¼Œæ— äººä¸�çŸ¥çŒ´å„¿è¿™äº›æ€ªäº‹ï¼Œäººäººé—®æˆ‘å¦‚ä½•ä¿®å¾—ï¼Œæˆ‘æ— ä»¥ç½®ç”,连å��也å��ä¸�好,猴头猴脑,修了什么?ç»�å�ˆä¸�会念,心å�ˆä¸�æ£ä¸�定,有什么境界?若说我有本事,å�´å�ˆçœ‹ä¸�è§�自身,看ä¸�è§�å�šç”Ÿæ„�会大赔本之事,烦æ�¼æ— 穷,这是有修为的人å�—?我天天都在忧心懊æ�¼ï¼Œç”Ÿçž‹ç”Ÿå¿µï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯ä½›å¼Ÿå�å�—ï¼ŸçŒ´å„¿æ˜¯æ— æ³•è§£é‡Šé‚£äº›å¼‚è±¡çš„ï¼Œå¥‡æ€ªçš„æ˜¯ï¼Œå�ªæœ‰åœ¨æŽ¥è¿‘佛界之时,例如在万佛城金山寺拜佛,æ‰�æœ‰è¿™äº›å¥‡å¢ƒå‡ºçŽ°ï¼Œä¸€ç¦»å¼€è¿™å„¿å°±æ¯”å…¨ä¸–ç•Œäººéƒ½è ¢ç¬¨ï¼Œè¿žä¸ªç¢°ä¸Šé�¢æ�¥çš„人都看ä¸�æ¸…çš„ï¼Œè¿žä¸€åŠ ä¸€ä¹Ÿä¼šç®—æˆ�了ç‰äºŽä¸‰ï¼Œè¿žæ—¥å¸¸çš„生活是世事都应付ä¸�æ�¥ï¼Œæ‚¨è¯„评看,猴儿是什么一回事?若有大德指示,甚为感激ï¼�
那打井公å�¸æŠ€å¸ˆï¼Œå�‘猴儿è¦�了地å�€ï¼Œè¯´å°†æ�¥å†�去别处若有困难,å†�æ�¥è¯·æ•™äº‘云。真是è¦�命ï¼�他哪知é�“我ä¸�是地质å¦è€…呢?å�ˆå“ªçŸ¥æˆ‘ä¸€å‡ºä¸‡ä½›åŸŽå¤–å°±å…¶è ¢å¦‚çŒªï¼�
区区之一点微末文å��,å�ˆå€¼å‡ 何?我自知,金山很多人亦知,ä¸�是å�‡é€ 的,就有人笑我å�ˆä½•å¦¨å‘¢ï¼Ÿ
Originally posted by Wiser:
A ....first level where got big table with free books to give ? you went to the right building or not ?
what half baked information , you can't find the shop dun anyhow blame ho. Already so clear direction, you still can't find, something is wrong with you.
Fortune centre near the hindu temple at middle road.
Clear direction? Level 3 and 4 dun have a shop near toilet setting up a huge table with free buddhism book. At least for yesterday around 4-5pm, I didn't see one.
Question for u is, when was the last time u visit the shop? 'cause there's indeed a shop at level one or two with huge table with free buddhist books and dvd.
Originally posted by Zenist69:Fortune centre near the hindu temple at middle road.
Clear direction? Level 3 and 4 dun have a shop near toilet setting up a huge table with free buddhism book. At least for yesterday around 4-5pm, I didn't see one.
Question for u is, when was the last time u visit the shop? 'cause there's indeed a shop at level one or two with huge table with free buddhist books and dvd.
you say yourself the shop is called pureland and it was closed when you found it yesterday.
So now what do you want ?
Originally posted by Zenist69:No need to hold my hand. Just give us the unit number instead. And the operating hours.
Its not next to the TCM clinic. The TCM clinic is #04-01.The shop is in between two salon shop. Beauty salon, hairdressing, watever. The shop unit number is #04-04. And the name of the shop is 'Pureland'. And it didn't open today when I went down there around 4-5pm. Thank you.
So you found the shop and it was closed. Now what do you want ?
Originally posted by Wiser:
you say yourself the shop is called pureland and it was closed when you found it yesterday.So now what do you want ?
For the past few days, I had already made two trips down to fortune center, and both times (in the afternoon), the level 4 shop was not open when I went down. I am done going down to fortune center for buddhism material at least for this month.
Originally posted by Wiser:So you found the shop and it was closed. Now what do you want ?
U started this thread. What are u going to do about it? Are u going to personally go down and check the shop out, check whether is it still operating, whether has it shift to other level, wats the exact location or wat? And which shop are u refering to? There's one shop at level one with big table with free buddhism material (most of it from pureland society, MJK material).
can i give my Wu Liang Shou Jing (commentry? cannot recall) to them? it's not the normal version. it's about 6" (15cm) thick! sort of an "collection" edition. a senior 护法 gave it to me. but i seldom use it. put in glass shelve in house also no use.
Originally posted by sinweiy:can i give my Wu Liang Shou Jing (commentry? cannot recall) to them? it's not the normal version. it's about 6" (15cm) thick! sort of an "collection" edition. a senior 护法 gave it to me. but i seldom use it. put in glass shelve in house also no use.
i am not sure about that. You can try asking the shop people.
Originally posted by Zenist69:U started this thread. What are u going to do about it? Are u going to personally go down and check the shop out, check whether is it still operating, whether has it shift to other level, wats the exact location or wat? And which shop are u refering to? There's one shop at level one with big table with free buddhism material (most of it from pureland society, MJK material).
that is for you to find out since you like to go there.