Event : Nyungne Retreat, with H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, HE Nubpa Rinpoche
Date : June 18-20
Venue : Garchen Buddhist Institute
Website : http://www.garchen.net/
March 7: Losar (Tibetan New Year) Celebration 10:00 am: Lama Chopa Tsok (donation of fruits, nuts, etc., welcome for the tsok!)
Noon: Free Celebratory Meal sponsored by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche (if you plan to attend, please RSVP to 928-925-1237 or ([email protected])
March 14-20: San Jose, CA
•March 15-16: San Jose, CA
Contact: 408-608-5632 (Hanh Giao) - March 15 hosted by HG.
Contact: 408-802-8089 (Thuy Mai) - March 16 co-sponsored by Niem Phat Duong Fremont and Viet Nalanda Foundation.
•March 17-20: Kuntuzangpo’s Prayer Teachings & Guru Rinpoche Empowerment (3/19)
Contact: Wendy, 408-257-4828, [email protected]
March 21-April 7: Los Angeles, CA
•March 24-26: Westminster, CA - Viet Nalanda Foundation
Contact: 949-923-0039 (Sue-Sue) or 310-638-3827 (Pauline)
•March 31-April 6: Temple City, California—Rinchen Choling, Yamantaka Drubchen
Contact: [email protected]
•We would like to announce that Drikung Rinchen Choling center in Los Angeles will hold a Yamantaka Drubchen in the Los Angeles area between March 31 and April 6. This Drubchen will be lead by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche and the Lamas of the GBI. Please visit www.rinchencholing.org for further information.
April 8-11: Escondido, California : Drikung Kyobpa Choling
Contact: http://tibetanmeditationcenter.com, 760-738-0089
April 12-24: Dayton, Ohio : Gar Drolma Center
Contact: http://gardrolma.org/, [email protected], 301-270-8802 or 202-256-3410
April 26-30: Chenrezig Drubchen, with Most Ven. Nubpa Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Nima (Lama Gape)
April 26-27: Oakton, Virginia : Viet Nalanda Foundation
Contact: 703-926-1423 (Tri) or 703-966-2865 (Quang)
April 28-May 3:North Potomac, Maryland : Drikung Mahayana Center & Chinese Community Contact: http://www.drikungmahayanacenter.org, [email protected], 240-238-1903
May 4-8: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 6 (evening): Open talk
May 7-8: Teachings
Contact: Meg Ferrigno, [email protected],
http://thepurelandproject.blogspot.com, 267-241-7606
May 9-16: New Jersey : Olga D’Alesio & Chinese Group
May 10-13: White Tara Retreat, Mahwah, NJ
Contact: [email protected]
May 17-19: Kingston, New York : Tibetan Center
Contact: Steve Drago, [email protected], www.tibetancenter.org, 845-383-1774
May 20-23: Red Hook, New York : Kungzang Palchen Ling
Contact: "http://www.kunzang.org, 845-417-6292
May 26-29: Houston, Texas : Viet Nalanda Foundation
Contact: 713-382-6874 (Chan Duyen) or 832-392-9227 (Thi)
For a complete detailed schedule and program for the Vietnamese sanghas, please email [email protected] or visit Viet Nalanda Foundation website at www.vietnalanda.org
May 30 – June 5: Albuquerque, New Mexico : Rigdzin Dharma Foundation
Contact: 505-401-7340, [email protected]
June 15-17: Uttaratantra Teachings, with Most Ven. Nubpa Rinpoche
June 18-20: Chino Valley, Arizona : Garchen Institute
Nyungne Retreat, with H.E.Garchen Rinpoche and Ven. Nubpa Rinpoche
Contact: [email protected], 928-925-1237
June 24-30: Chicago, Illinois : Chicago Ratna Shri
Contact: http://chicagoratnashri.org/index.html
June 30 – July 5: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : Three Rivers Dharma Center
Contact: John Bogaard, [email protected], 724-825-2065 or 412-273-1930
July 6-16: Washington, DC : Kalacakra Tantra with His Holiness the Dalai Lama