just wandering does an elderly died and his son or daughter perform the toaist rites and possession during the furneral wake.
1 ) will he reach the western unverisal or heaven ?
2) when the taoist priest sing and praise about him does that mean that he will be surly in entry into the heaven and become a deity?
what is your point toward this from buddhist's view?
May I know why ask a taoist questions here in a buddhist forum...?
It's quite irrelevant... sorry
If he have done good deeds and reaped good karma, he can be born in higher realms, however, if he in his lifetime chanted Amitabha and able to singularly hold to that thought then, he can be born in Western Paradise.
Originally posted by E.Y.A.J:just wandering does an elderly died and his son or daughter perform the toaist rites and possession during the furneral wake.
1 ) will he reach the western unverisal or heaven ?
2) when the taoist priest sing and praise about him does that mean that he will be surly in entry into the heaven and become a deity?
what is your point toward this from buddhist's view?
yea, u must be mixing Buddhism view and folk "Taoism" view. got to make sure first.
western unverisal as in western pureland/Land of Ultimate Bliss 西方��世界?
in Buddhism, 西方��世界 is way different from the concept of heaven. heaven is a realm of happiness. Land of Ultimate Bliss is beyond happiness and suffering. beyond happiness doesn't really mean more than happiness. as happiness will also end up in suffering, in Buddhist teaching . Land of Ultimate Bliss is no more happiness, hence it's "Ultimate Bliss".
for example, imagine u have ur favourite food, u feel happy when eating it. first few day u eat the same food over and over again. at first u feel happy, then u become sick of it and u suffer. hence this kind of happiness is what we call heavenly happiness. it's not lasting happiness. deity will also "die" one day and be reborn in human or other realms.
Comparison between heavens and the Pure Land
[19] The Buddha said to Ananda, "What you say is true. Even though a
king is the noblest of all men and has a regal countenance, if he is
compared with a wheel-turning monarch, he will appear as base and
inferior as a beggar beside a king. Likewise, however excellent and
unrivaled the majestic appearance of such a monarch may be, [272a] if
he is compared with the lord of the Heaven of the Thirty-three Gods,
he will also appear incomparably inferior, even ten thousands kotis
of times more so. Again, if this heavenly lord is compared with the
lord of the Sixth Heaven, he will appear a hundred thousand kotis of
times inferior. If the lord of the Sixth Heaven is compared with a
bodhisattva or a shravaka dwelling in the land of Amitayus, his
countenance and appearance will be far from matching those of the
bodhisattva or shravaka, being a thousand million kotis of times or
even incalculable times inferior."
Amitabha and its Western Paradise in fact is the collections and subsequently developed based on all varying degrees of joys, peace, harmony, serenity of all sentient beings as well as super calm of all Buddha. It encompassed the unsurpassed vow of liberating sentient beings to its Buddha stage.
佛告慈æ°�:若有眾生,以疑惑心修諸功德,願生彼國。ä¸�了佛智ã€�ä¸�æ€�è°æ™ºã€�ä¸�å�¯ç¨±æ™ºã€�大乘廣智ã€�ç„¡ç‰ç„¡å€«æœ€ä¸Šå‹�智,於æ¤è«¸æ™ºï¼Œç–‘惑ä¸�信。猶信罪ç¦�,修習善本,願生其國。復有眾生,ç©�é›†å–„æ ¹ï¼Œå¸Œæ±‚ä½›æ™ºã€�æ™®é��智ã€�ç„¡ç‰æ™ºã€�å¨�德廣大ä¸�æ€�è°æ™ºã€‚æ–¼è‡ªå–„æ ¹ï¼Œä¸�能生信。故於往生清淨佛國,æ„�志猶豫,無所專據。然猶續念ä¸�絕。çµ�其善願為本,續得往生。是諸人ç‰ï¼Œä»¥æ¤å› 緣,雖生彼國,ä¸�能å‰�至無é‡�壽所。é�“æ¢ä½›åœ‹ç•Œé‚Šï¼Œä¸ƒå¯¶åŸŽä¸ã€‚ä½›ä¸�使爾,身行所作,心自趣å�‘ã€‚äº¦æœ‰å¯¶æ± è“®è�¯ï¼Œè‡ªç„¶å�—身。飲食快樂,如忉利天。於其城ä¸ï¼Œä¸�能得出。所居èˆ�宅在地,ä¸�能隨æ„�高大。於五百æ²ï¼Œå¸¸ä¸�見佛,ä¸�è�žç¶“法,ä¸�見è�©è–©è�²è�žè�–眾。其人智慧ä¸�明,知經復少。心ä¸�開解,æ„�ä¸�æ¡æ¨‚。是故於彼謂之胎生。若有眾生,明信佛智,乃至å‹�æ™ºï¼Œæ–·é™¤ç–‘æƒ‘ï¼Œä¿¡å·±å–„æ ¹ï¼Œä½œè«¸åŠŸå¾·ï¼Œè‡³å¿ƒå›žå�‘。皆於七寶è�¯ä¸ï¼Œè‡ªç„¶åŒ–生,è·�趺而å��ã€‚é ˆè‡¾ä¹‹é ƒï¼Œèº«ç›¸å…‰æ˜Žï¼Œæ™ºæ…§åŠŸå¾·ï¼Œå¦‚è«¸è�©è–©ï¼Œå…·è¶³æˆ�就。彌勒當知,彼化生者,智慧å‹�故。其胎生者,五百æ²ä¸ï¼Œä¸�見三寶,ä¸�知è�©è–©æ³•å¼�,ä¸�å¾—ä¿®ç¿’åŠŸå¾·ï¼Œç„¡å› å¥‰äº‹ç„¡é‡�壽佛。當知æ¤äººï¼Œå®¿ä¸–之時,無有智慧,疑惑所致。
Then the Buddha said to Ananda and the Bodhisattva Maitreya, “Have you seen that land filled with excellent and glorious manifestations, all spontaneously produced, from the ground to the Heaven of Pure Abode?” Ananda replied, “Yes, I have.” The Buddha asked, “Have you also heard the great voice of Amitayus expound the Dharma to all the worlds, guiding sentient beings to the Way of the Buddha?” Ananda replied, “Yes, I have.” The Buddha further asked, “Have you also seen the inhabitants of that land move freely, riding in seven-jewelled airborne palaces as large as a hundred thousand yojanas, to worship the Buddhas of the lands in the ten quarters?“Yes, I have,” replied Ananda. “Have you also seen that some of the inhabitants are in the embryonic state?” “Yes, I have. Those in the embryonic state dwell in palaces as high as a hundred yojanas or five hundred yojanas, where they spontaneously enjoy pleasures as do those in the Heaven of the Thirty-three Gods.” – http://www.fodian.net/world/360.html
Originally posted by E.Y.A.J:just wandering does an elderly died and his son or daughter perform the toaist rites and possession during the furneral wake.
1 ) will he reach the western unverisal or heaven ?
2) when the taoist priest sing and praise about him does that mean that he will be surly in entry into the heaven and become a deity?
what is your point toward this from buddhist's view?
1) No. You can only reach Amitabha's Western Pure Land by chanting Namo Amituofuo until a state of undistractedness and one-mindedness. Furthermore you must acquire the following conditions:
9. Besides chanting Amitabha Buddha, what else should one practise?
of the method of chanting the Buddha's name not only recite "Amitabha
Buddha", but in addition should also cultivate merits. It is stated
in the Amitabha Sutra that rebirth in the Western Pure Land is not possible
via conditions that are lacking in virtuous roots, blessings and merits.
For instance, when we have practised and perfected the Six Parameters (1.
Observing the Precepts, 2. Endurance, 3. Giving, 4. Zeal and Progress, 5.
Meditation, and 6. Wisdom), then to be reborn in the Western Pure Land is
a simple matter. If you have accomplished a mind that is as pure as the
Amitabha Buddha's, then there is no necessity for Amitabha Buddha to come
and guide you to the Western Pure Land. At that time you are already a great
Bodhisattva. Not only can a great Bodhisattva go the Western Pure Land;
he can go to any pure land as he pleases. .
2) No. A person is reborn according to his wholesome and unwholesome karma, and rituals cannot help. Also: heaven is not ultimate, as others have pointed out. You still pass away in heaven and become reborn in other realms eventually, you still end up in suffering.
thank. _(|)_ amitofo