Hi, I'd like to ask if its alright to separate our dedication of merits into 2 categories after chanting:
1. For every sentient being
2. For particular persons we know who are in deep trouble or difficulties
Or should we should just dedicate without limiting
Apologies on the double posting, i accidentally pressed twice due to server lag. Appreciate if the moderator help me delete one of them
I've just taken a vow before Guanyin to study and practise the 37 bodhisattva vows this lifetime. I want to dedicate merits so hopefully that all sentient beings who come into contact with me will have their karmic hindrances reduced.
After that had been said, an elder named Great Eloquence arose in the assembly. He had long since been certified to non-production and was only appearing in the body of an elder to teach and transform those in the ten directions. Placing his palms together respectfully, he asked Earth Store Bodhisattva, .Great Lord, after people in Jambudvipa die and their close and distant relatives generate merit by making meal offerings and doing other such good deeds, will the deceased obtain merit and virtue significant enough to bring about their liberation?
Earth Store replied, .Elder, based on the awesome power of the Buddhas, I will now proclaim this principle for the sake of beings of the present and future. Elder, if beings of the present and future when on the verge of dying hear the name of one Buddha, one Bodhisattva, or one Pratyekabuddha, they will attain liberation whether they have offenses or not. When men or women laden with offenses who failed to plant good causes die, even they can receive one seventh of any merit dedicated to them by relatives who do good deeds on their behalves. The other six sevenths of the merit will return to the living relatives who did the good deeds. It follows that men and women of the present and future who cultivate while they are strong and healthy will receive all portions of the benefit derived..
Originally posted by MiddleWay87:I've just taken a vow before Guanyin to study and practise the 37 bodhisattva vows this lifetime. I want to dedicate merits so hopefully that all sentient beings who come into contact with me will have their karmic hindrances reduced.
善哉 Sadhu
i recall, at my beginning stages of Buddhism, i start to see beings around me dunno what's going on about life/truth, and still like dreaming, "zombie". then i out of sudden i vowed (sort of like Earth Store's great vow), that if sentient beings are not out of ignorance, may i not be enlightened. but not sure correct or not during then, as it was simply out of bodhimind.