Event : The Great Bodhi Stupa Inauguration at Tserkarmo Monastery
Date : August 1-7, 2011
Venue : Tserkarmo Monastery, Tingmosang, Leh Ladakh,
194101,J & K, India
Website : http://www.drikung.org/index.php/event-calendar/details/109-the-great-bodhi-stupa-inauguration-tserkarmo-monastery
Programme :
Monday, 01 August 2011
Arrival of H.H. the Drikung Kyabgon in Tingmosgang
Tuesday, 02 August 2011
Formal consecration ceremony of the new temple, by Holiness Drikung Kyabgon
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
AM: Formal inauguration of the Great Bodhi Stupa
PM: Celebration of His Holiness Birthday
Thursday, 04 August 2011
AM: Teachings on the Four Dharmas of Gampopa by Holiness
PM: Presentations of cultural songs and dances
Friday, 05 August 2011
AM: Teaching and empowerment of the Five-fold Path of Mahamudra by Holiness
PM: Teachings on the practice of Great Drikung Phowa by Eminence Togden Rinpoche
Saturday, 6 August 2011
AM: Long-Life Sadhana practice, Great Drikung Phowa transmission by Holiness
PM: Long-Life initiation by H. H., offerings and prayers for the long life of His Holiness and general public audience with him.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
AM: Guru Yoga Ganachakra offering led by Holiness, Talk by Holiness