In front of my desk there is a wall where a grandfather's clock hangs, and the pendulum swings to and fro telling me that time is running out with each tick.
For some reason, Buddhists, or zen buddhists in particular, practise with a notion of the house is burning down. There is not much time to sit down for chitchat, even lesser time for academic discussions.
Still, what should never be dispensed with, or at least I thought, are the rules and regulations pertaining to practice.
In a family, who is the biggest? The father is the head of the household, the mother takes care of everything, these are rules. The father should look at least marginally like one, so has to be the mother! Things get a bit funny when I first started surfing the internet for the newest and latest on the religion, because in the absence of a regulating authority, I watched myself how e-sangha, a forum I visited regularly between 2004 to 2008, went down in just a poof of dust. It was started by a Singaporean, and I was proud of it since day 1 till the days of its demise when quarrels became frequent due to differences conflicts between rogue representatives from other lineages.
I was just digging a little into the background of this forum, and realised I had no idea where it came from, other than it is owned by An Eternal Now and moderated by a few faces I came to become familiar.
Still, hiding on a forum where the right-hand-side shoutbox are saying things which are totally childish (see below)... I just WONDER.. because I myself channel surf.. should I even create a new nick in order to post within the Buddhist subforum -- as outside in the other subforums, I could be crapping like nobody's business and breaking the precepts mingling with the kids.
Just musing, to give myself some problems to think about today. :) Need not reply.
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:31PM I worship God on sunday.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:31PM Jesus is God.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:31PM Sunday is our worship day.<FBFIce>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:34PM i worship my god every second.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:35PM Ur God is?.<FBFIce>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:35PM money.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:36PM U worship created thing u r satanic.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:36PM Do u know why satan likes ppl to worship created things? because he himself is created thing .<FBFIce>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:36PM u worship sometin stupid.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:37PM He wanna start a competition between created thing and creator .<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:37PM Creator VS creation.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:37PM creation rebelled against creator.<FBFIce>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:37PM i am a creator.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:38PM U r God's creation.<FBFIce>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:38PM god is my creation.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:40PM God is greatest.<Cute Dolphin>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:40PM can u be my fwen?.<FBFIce>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:40PM yes the are great.<FBFIce>
Profile20 Feb `11, 12:41PM no, u r not my creation.<FBFIce>
No, you don't have to create a new name...