HE Nubpa Rinpoche will be leading a Boom Tsok (Hundred Thousand Tsok Offering )
at Labchi starting October 20 2011 According to Nubpa Rinpoche, Boom Tsok is the most effective method for us to accumulate merits, to pray for the long life of the gurus and to purify samaya with the gurus When this tsok offering is performed at a holy place as Labchi it will bring great blessings and benefits to all sentient beings
Nubpa Rinpoche also hopes that many Dharma friends will have the favorable causes and conditions to travel to Labchi to participate in the Boom Tsok which will last for a month It takes one week to travel to Labchi and another week to travel back You also need to arrive in Katmandu 1 week in advance in order for Labchi Assosiation to apply for the trekking permit So in total it will take about 7 weeks
Read more at : http://lapchimilarepadk.org/eng/?p=680